We have enhanced our website with 3D Animated Videos of some of our cosmetic procedures and LiveChat to help our staff talk with visitors to our website and answer questions they may have- in real time.
LiveChat is an online web-based website chat window, that offers live support. LIVECHAT allows us to talk with visitors in real time on our website.  Please visit our website at www.MarkBisharaMD.com and look for the sign that says “Chat with Us” and enter your questions there.
3D Animated Information on our Cosmetic Procedures
Our medical animations enable us to better educate our patients, by integrating 3D medical animations into our website. These world-class 3D medical animations are at the core of the learning experience; and our animated content clearly explains complex surgical techniques, step-by-step procedures, and treatment methods for an assortment of cosmetic procedures.  Visit markbisharamd.com/cosmetic-procedures to see our animated videos on topics like the body, breast, face, hair and skin treatments.
We hope everyone enjoys the new developments to our site and we always appreciate your feedback. Please visit our website to experience our new additions or call us ay (817) 473-2120.