Are you looking to make yourself look younger with a hair transplant? Do you wish there were a way of ensuring a high-quality hair transplant from the surgeon you hire? If so, then you need to learn all that you can about finding a hair transplant specialist in Dallas.

Doing so can help you find the perfect fit for your needs. You can find a consistent hair transplant system that’s pain-free, includes groundbreaking technology, and is virtually pain-free.

See below for an in-depth guide on how to find the perfect hair transplant service to achieve your desired results in the Dallas area.

1. Search Through Online Reviews

Finding a hair transplant specialist is a vital part of achieving a younger you. You want to find someone that you can trust. Someone that has a proven track record of success.

Fortunately, you live in the digital age where you can find all of the information that you need in a matter of minutes. There are three main ways that you can learn about hair transplant services in the Dallas area:

  1. Online Reviews
  2. Client Testimonials
  3. Customer References

First, start buying Googling the service that you are considering and look at the reviews that previous clients have left behind. Ask yourself a few questions as you review them:

  • Was the client satisfied with the service that they received?
  • What did they say about the process  at the hair transplant clinic they chose?  Did they enjoy it?
  • Did it take long for the patient to recover from their treatment?
  • Did the surgeon do a good job of explaining the process and treatment before it was performed?
  • Does the patient have any regrets or dissatisfaction with the service?
  • Do they use any robotic technology in their hair transplant treatment?

If you would like a bit more information, you can always reach out to the hair transplant service and ask them for any references to former patients that you could contact.

2. Look for a Streamlined Hair Transplant Treatment

Gone are the days of plugs and stitches to receive a permanent hair transplant treatment. These days, there are much more modernized and streamlined methods of doing so.

Here at the Paragon, we use the ARTAS hair transplant system. This is an interactive computer assisted system that helps provide image guidance in order to make the follicle harvesting process more efficient.

It helps the surgeon in several ways, such as imagine technologies, image-guided robotic arm, computer interface, and small dermal punches.

So how does all of this benefit you as the patient? First off, it’s amazing algorithms will help give you the most efficient hair pattern possible. It protects your healthiest hair follicles and harvests others for the best results.

The ARTAS method requires no stitches, which means that you don’t have to endure any pain during the procedure, and there’s no visible scarring afterwards. It can ensure a consistent graft throughout the entirety of the procedure.

Best of all, those results will heal quickly. You’ll be back to your daily activities in no time at all. Make sure the hair transplant service you hire uses the ARTAS system.

3. Find Experience

No matter what kind of treatment procedure they use, there’s one thing that technology can’t replace: experience.

Experience with the hair transplant procedures, experience with the transplant software that they use, experience with how to communicate with patients. All of it.

Be sure to learn more about the experience of the doctor that you’re considering for your hair transplant. Our board certified hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Mark A. Bishara M.D. has all the experience that you’re looking for.

He specializes in minimally-invasive procedures that enhance the quality and results of the cosmetic procedures that we offer. He’s a proud member of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgions (ISHRS), Texas Medical Association, and the Dallas County Medical society.

If you’d like more information on the cosmetic surgeon you’re interested in, reach out to their service via phone for more information.

4. Customer Service Plays a Factor

While the treatment process is important, it isn’t the only factor that you should consider in the hair transplant service you hire.

Make sure that you hire someone that’s looking out for your needs first, not the needs of their wallets. Are they helpful when you call their front office? Do they take the time to answer your questions honestly? Is the information they’re giving you insightful?

If the service you’re speaking with is beating around the bush, then cross them off your list. You want to find someone that’s with you every step of the way.

5. Request Before and After Photos

There’s one primary question you should ask any cosmetic surgeon you speak with: have you worked on hair like mine before? Everyone’s hair is different, but there are a few similarities!

Make sure to request before and after photos of previous patients. How do the photos they’re showing you relate to your hair transplant treatment? Is the surgeon hoping for the same results for your hair?

Viewing both the before and after photos will give you a better view of the surgeon’s expertise. They’ll talk about the requests that patient had, their target areas for harvesting, and so on. It gives you more confidence in the service that you hire.

Finding a Hair Transplant Service in Dallas: Contact Dr. Bishara Right Away

Now that you have seen all of the different things you need to be looking for when finding a hair transplant service in Dallas, be sure to use this information to your advantage.

Be sure to read this article for more information on ARTAS and FUE and why you should consider them for your hair loss treatment.

For more inquiries, please be sure to reach out via our contact us page and we’ll be happy to assist you further!



What is a PRP Injection treatment?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) injections are used to stimulate healing using the patient’s very own blood. At the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa one of Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s experienced techs will draw your blood and place it in a centrifuge where the platelets are separated. Platelets are known to release growth factors.

What does a PRP treat?

As we all know PRP injections are used to treat multiple conditions in the hip, knee’s, arms, shoulders and feet. Ready for good news? PRP injections are now being used to help with hair loss. Dr. Mark A. Bishara offers the PRP treatments at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa.

Whos is a candidate?

PRP injections are best for patients who’s hair has began to thin. Patients with and active scalp infection, diabetes, or patients who are currently on blood thinning medications are not good candidates for PRP.

How does PRP work?

PRP is blood plasma that has been enriched with platelets. PRP is rich in growth factors so when applied to the patient’s scalp it contributes with hair growth.

Why use PRP injections?

Hair loss is becoming more and more common in both women and men whether it’s due to stress, medical conditions, or genetics. With adequate research on all techniques used for hair loss PRP injections have become quite popular especially at Dr. Mark. Bishara’s office, The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s patients that have gotten PRP treatments have shown very impressive results.

Are PRP injections painful?

Needles in the head? Ouch! Sounds painful already, but at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we make sure our patients are well taken care of. Before beginning PRP injections Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s tech will use local anesthetic to help with alleviate any discomfort.

Are PRP Treatments safe?

Absolutely! Why are PRP injections safe? PRP injections are due to it being the patient’s blood components that are being used. There  are no other foreign substances that are being injected in to your scalp, that making the PRP treatment safe.


Natural cure for Alopecia Areata
There is a lot of buzz surrounding Korean red ginseng and hair growth, but does it work?  The family of ginseng roots have been used for 1000’s of years and the benefits are so popular, Korean red ginseng has been coined the “king of herbs.”
Six year red ginseng has 40x the the healthy content of its siblings and has the capability of boosting your immune system, increase energy levels, blood flow and memory functions.
There are 3 main types of ginseng; Oriental, Siberian and American.
American ginseng is probably the least popular and least used of the three types available, due to the American population never being huge users of the herb.
Oriental ginseng or panax has been used for thousands of years, contains the favored ginsenoside properties and has some proven efficacy for hair regrowth.
Lastly, Siberian ginseng is not the same herb as American and Panax ginseng, so buyer beware.  The Russians wanted to offer a supplement  to provide to athletes, but most studies have only been done in Russia.

Studies correlating hair regrowth with ginseng:
Recent studies have been done to evaluate the efficacy of ginseng in the treatment of alopecia areata.  But does the research show that it really works?
Ginseng may promote hair grow because its believed to increase the number of dermal papilla cells in the scalp and preventing natural cell death.  It may also stimulate the scalp with improved blood flow to the area.Ginseng is even found in hair products such as shampoo and conditioners, but the efficacy has not been evaluated.
Clinical Study
Sang-Wook Son professor at Korea University College of Medicine had a study that included 131 subjects with Alopecia Areata.  One group was given the typical corticosteroid as a treatment and the second group was given corticosteroids and ginseng.  The studies proved to be more promising for those in the ginseng group, although not statistically significant.
But like its topical counterpart minoxidil, both minoxidil and Korean red ginseng are known to reduce blood pressure, so it is assumed that their efficacy is about the same. Korean red ginseng has a huge appeal for its drug free components.  Another player in the market is Vivisical an amino acid used to promote hair growth and density.  This product is noted to effectively promote hair growth.