The holiday season with all its parties, family gatherings, and New Year’s resolutions can be stressful for men and women of all ages because this is typically a special time when they want to look and feel their best despite all the stress frequently associated with holiday events.
Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. and his staff at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa can help each individual man or woman look and feel their best for all holiday events coming up.  Dr. Bishara takes the time to cultivate individual relationships with his patients in order to assure that they receive their desired look.  He uses the term “patient” because he says, “I feel the term patient is a more personal and appropriate term because I am working with people in personal ways.”
In his new state-of-the art facility completed in 2014, he offers the full gamut of cosmetic procedures such as robotic hair restoration, breast augmentation, tummy tuck and a variety of laser procedures. The calming music and soothing décor of his new facility create an atmosphere to ease the nerves of any anxious patient.  “Sometimes patients come in extremely nervous, and my goal is to provide a calming, relaxing environment to reduce their anticipated anxiety,” he said.  Additionally, Dr. Bishara takes the time to listen, discuss and explain all treatment options before outlining an appropriate treatment plan.
In his Paragon office in Mansfield, Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. offers “Wrinkle-Free Wednesday.”  Patients can come in for Botox and Xeomin treatments at discounted rates.  It’s easy to see why this is the most popular and busiest day of the week for Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. and his staff.  He treats hundreds of patients seeking these non-invasive, preventive procedures from 8am until 8pm.  “We go through enough Botox to remove every single wrinkle from an elephant’s skin,” he grinned, “but my goal is for them to still look like themselves,” he explained.
Also, as an AAAHC certified facility and dual trained surgeon, he can provide acute care as well as cosmetic surgical services.  His goal is to make sure that every patient’s needs are satisfactorily and effectively met.  In the spirit of giving this holiday season, Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. plans to open a combined clinic that will offer reduced rates for general surgical procedures including lumpectomy, advanced laparoscopic hernia and gallbladder procedures, and varicose vein ablation.
“The current medical system in this country is not sustainable.  Hospitals and surgery centers charging $11,000 for a 15-minute procedure is simply not feasible when it could be offered at a more reasonable price,” he said.  These large centers are sometimes bound to hold pricing high due their contracted rates with insurance companies.  As a responsible physician, he wants to provide clinical services that promote and foster a medical system that is sustainable and affordable.  That is why he has announced the addition of four advanced laparoscopic surgeons to the staff at the Paragon Surgery Center in Mansfield.  Surgical procedures are now being offered to all patients state-wide for a cash price that is often less than some deductible plans.  Although this system is intended to be cash based, some patients will still be able to submit the charges for reimbursement through their out of network benefits.
As his services continue to grow and expand, Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. has two other locations for the convenience of his patients; Southlake and North Park.
As the holiday season and the new year approach, let Dr. Bishara and his staff help you look and feel your best.  Call one of his three convenient locations at 817-473-2120 or email [email protected] to make an appointment and ensure that you enjoy the holidays knowing that you truly look your best!

PLASTIC SURGERY & AESTHETIC MEDICINE- FDA Approves First Dermal Filler to Treat Acne Scarring
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the first dermal filler to treat pitted scarring of the cheek caused by acne, the most common skin disorder in the United States afflicting 40-50 million people.
Bellafill, developed by privately held Suneva Medical Inc, is made primarily of bovine collagen. When injected, it is designed to lift and smoothen scars to the level of the surrounding skin, in patients over the age of 21.
A cure for acne has long eluded drug developers. And despite treatments ranging from topical gels to lasers, nothing so far has satisfactorily treated scarring that affects up to 95 percent of acne sufferers.
A study testing Bellafill against a placebo in 150 acne patients showed a significant improvement in those receiving Suneva’s treatment that continued for up to a year, Suneva said on Tuesday.
“Until now, multiple laser treatments or other injectables have been used but are limited both in terms of efficacy and longevity and are hampered by potential side effects.
Approved in 2006 to smoothen “smile lines”, demand for Bellafill has grown more that 30 percent a year for the last several years, Suneva CEO Nicholas Teti said in an interview.
Pricing of the acne treatment is likely to be similar to that of the wrinkle treatment. Dosages would depend on the severity of the scarring.
San Diego-based Suneva, which was formed in 2009 out of the assets of Artes Medical, a publicly traded company that filed for bankruptcy the previous year, plans to launch Bellafill for scarring toward the end of January.
Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Aaron Gal, who covers Botox-maker Allergan Inc, termed Bellafill a “niche” product.
For these reasons, he said it was unlikely Bellafill would become “a big drug” such as Allergan’s Juvederm and Valeant Pharmaceutical International Inc’s Restylane.
Both are based on hyaluronic acid, a substance occurring naturally in the body but not approved to treat acne scarring.
This News Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

Whether their goal is to turn back the hands of time, look as good as they feel, or age gracefully, Americans are embracing non surgical cosmetic facial treatments to get the quickest results with the least down time. In their quest for a more youthful appearance, however, they should keep in mind that popular non invasive procedures like the nonsurgical face lift and laser skin resurfacing are not just beauty routines. They’re medical treatments that should be respected for the benefits and risks associated with them.

Most of us want to look as good as we feel and reasonably attractive, and most people have an issue or two that they would admit to being self-conscious about. These procedures can be done rather quickly with a small amount of discomfort, there’s very little recovery time, and the results are fairly evident within a day or two. And the economics are much kinder to the person who does a little maintenance from time to time as opposed to the person that undergoes a lengthy surgical procedure.
The top nonsurgical procedures of choice for both sexes in the United States are BOTOX® Cosmetic, injectable dermal fillers, chemical peels, and microdermabrasion. Other popular procedures include the nonsurgical face lift and laser skin resurfacing, which is often used to deal with acne scars or general skin care.
Botox or Xeomin blocks the nerve impulses that cause the muscle contractions that control certain facial expressions which, in turn, cause a breakdown of collagen leading to creases.
Included in the category known as Injectable dermal fillers are commercial products like Juvederm, Belotero and Radiesse. Fillers, which replace the collagen and facial fat that we lose as we age, are used to lift, plump, smooth, and recontour the face. Botox and fillers are often administered in conjunction with each other to achieve the nonsurgical face lift or “liquid face lift”.
Like Botox and dermal fillers, microdermabrasion works best when repeated in a series of skin rejuvenation treatments. It involves using a machine that sprays fine mildly abrasive crystals to remove the epidermis, or outer skin layer consisting primarily of dead skin cells. The crystals and cells are then vacuumed away. This controlled trauma to the skin leaves it looking smoother and healthier, with improvements to both the epidermis (the top layer of skin) and dermis (the middle layer of skin that includes collagen and elastic tissue.)
Chemical peels are another type of skin resurfacing procedure that uses acids or other chemicals to treat sun-damage, wrinkles, blemishes and blotchiness. They can be applied to the entire face or just specific areas, or almost anywhere else on the body for smoother, more even-toned skin.
Like dermabrasion and chemical peels, laser skin treatments help revitalize aged or sun-damaged skin, revealing fresher, younger-looking skin. Other usages include the treatment of birthmarks, acne scars, and vascular lesions. Moles, warts, tattoos, and unwanted body hair can also be removed by laser skin treatment.
While these procedures may all seem to be mainly cosmetic in nature – more beauty procedure than surgical procedure – they are considered surgical, albeit less invasive than many other cosmetic surgery procedures. There are real risks involved that should be understood prior to committing to treatment. For example, using too much Botox or injecting it into the wrong spot can result in a drooping eyebrow or drooling. If dermal fillers are overinjected, you may end up with more augmentation than you were counting on, at least temporarily. With both microdermabrasion and chemical peels there is a risk of hyperpigmentation (dark spots) of the skin. Infection, bruising, and swelling are all temporary side effects of any procedure.
For best results with your noninvasive cosmetic procedure, consult with one or more plastic surgeons or dermatologists and make sure they are trained and experienced in the specific treatment that interests you. They should be able to assess your situation, answer your questions, lay out the risks and benefits, and determine if you are a viable candidate for the procedure.
First-time patients can ease their way into noninvasive cosmetic treatments by requesting one of the temporary fillers that last up to a year to “try on” the results. Start with a conservative approach to make sure you like what you see, and sample just one treatment at a time so you can discern what works and what doesn’t in your particular case.

This Information of brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara And The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa

en Español

Ya sea que su objetivo es hacer retroceder las manecillas del tiempo, verse tan bien como se sienten, o envejecer con gracia, los estadounidenses están adoptando tratamientos faciales cosméticos no quirúrgicos para obtener los resultados más rápidos con el menor tiempo de inactividad. En su búsqueda de una apariencia más joven, sin embargo, deben tener en cuenta que tan popular como el y no son sólo rutinas de belleza. Son tratamientos médicos que deben ser respetados por los beneficios y riesgos asociados con them.non procedimientos invasivos como el y no son sólo rutinas de belleza. Son tratamientos médicos que deben ser respetados por los beneficios y riesgos asociados con lavado de cara them.nonsurgical y no son sólo rutinas de belleza. Son tratamientos médicos que deben ser respetados por los beneficios y riesgos asociados con them.laser rejuvenecimiento de la piel no son sólo rutinas de belleza. Son tratamientos médicos que deben ser respetados por los beneficios y riesgos asociados con ellos.
La mayoría de nosotros quiere verse tan bien como nos sentimos y razonablemente atractiva, y la mayoría de la gente tiene un problema o dos que iban a admitir que soy consciente de. Estos procedimientos se pueden realizar con bastante rapidez con una pequeña cantidad de incomodidad, hay muy poco tiempo de recuperación, y los resultados son bastante evidente dentro de un día o dos. Y la economía son mucho más amable con la persona que hace un poco de mantenimiento de vez en cuando en lugar de la persona que se somete a un procedimiento quirúrgico largo.
Los principales procedimientos no quirúrgicos de elección para ambos sexos en los Estados Unidos son Botox, rellenos dérmicos inyectables, peelings químicos y la microdermoabrasión. Otros procedimientos populares incluyen el estiramiento facial no quirúrgico y la piel con láser, que se utiliza a menudo para tratar cicatrices de acné o cuidados generales de la piel.
Botox o Xeomin bloquea los impulsos nerviosos que causan las contracciones musculares que controlan ciertas expresiones faciales que, a su vez, causan una descomposición del colágeno que conduce a las arrugas.Se incluyen en la categoría conocida como inyectables rellenos dérmicos son productos comerciales como Juvederm, Belotero y Radiesse. Rellenos, que reemplazan el colágeno y grasa facial que perdemos a medida que envejecemos, se utilizan para levantar, regordeta, liso, y remodelar la cara. Botox y los rellenos se administran a menudo en combinación con otros para lograr el estiramiento facial no quirúrgico o “estiramiento facial líquido”.
Al igual que el Botox y los rellenos dérmicos, la microdermabrasión funciona mejor cuando se repite en una serie de tratamientos de rejuvenecimiento de la piel. Se trata de utilizar una máquina que pulveriza cristales ligeramente abrasivas finas para eliminar la epidermis, o capa externa de la piel que consisten principalmente de las células muertas de la piel. Los cristales y las células son entonces aspiradas de distancia. Este trauma controlada en la piel hojas de su aspecto suave y más saludable, con mejoras tanto a la epidermis (la capa superior de la piel) y la dermis (la capa media de la piel que incluye colágeno y tejido elástico.)
Los peelings químicos son otro tipo de procedimiento de rejuvenecimiento de la piel que utiliza ácidos u otros productos químicos para tratar el daño solar, arrugas, manchas y manchas. Se pueden aplicar en todo el rostro o zonas específicas sólo, o casi cualquier otra parte del cuerpo para la piel más suave y tonificada siquiera.
Al igual que la dermoabrasión y peelings químicos, tratamientos de la piel con láser ayudan a revitalizar la piel envejecida o dañada por el sol, revelando una piel más fresca y joven. Otros usos incluyen el tratamiento de las marcas de nacimiento, cicatrices de acné y lesiones vasculares. Moles, verrugas, pelo tatuajes, y el cuerpo no deseado puede también ser eliminado por tratamiento de la piel con láser.
Si bien estos procedimientos pueden todos parecen ser principalmente de naturaleza cosmética – más procedimiento belleza de procedimiento quirúrgico – se consideran quirúrgica, aunque menos invasiva que muchos otros procedimientos de cirugía cosmética. Hay riesgos reales involucrados que deben ser entendidos antes de comprometerse con el tratamiento. Por ejemplo, el uso excesivo de Botox o inyectarlo en el lugar equivocado puede resultar en una caída de la ceja o babeo. Si se sobreinyectado rellenos dérmicos, usted puede terminar con más aumento de lo que contabas, al menos temporalmente. Con ambos microdermoabrasión y las exfoliaciones químicas hay un riesgo de hiperpigmentación (manchas oscuras) de la piel. La infección, hematomas e hinchazón son todos los efectos secundarios temporales de cualquier procedimiento.
Para obtener los mejores resultados con su procedimiento estético no invasivo, consultar con uno o más cirujanos plásticos o los dermatólogos y asegúrese de que están capacitados y con experiencia en el tratamiento específico que le interese. Ellos deben ser capaces de evaluar su situación, responder a sus preguntas, exponer los riesgos y beneficios, y determinar si usted es un candidato viable para el procedimiento.
Los pacientes de primera vez pueden facilitar su camino en tratamientos cosméticos no invasivos solicitando uno de los rellenos temporales que duran hasta un año para “probar” los resultados. Comience con un enfoque conservador para asegurarse de que te gusta lo que ves, y muestra sólo un tratamiento a la vez para que pueda discernir lo que funciona y lo que no funciona en su caso particular.
Esta información os traído a usted por cortesía de Dr. Mark Bishara Y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa

Enhancing your appearance with skin rejuvenation and resurfacing

1.8 Billion was spent on skin rejuvenation procedures in 2012

If you want to improve the appearance of your skin, skin rejuvenation or resurfacing may be right for you.
Skin rejuvenation can be achieved in a number of ways, ranging from laser, light and other energy-based treatments to chemical peels and other non-ablative methods. The result is a smoother, clearer and more youthful appearance to your skin.

What can skin rejuvenation treat?

Skin rejuvenation is a treatment to resurface your skin, or to improve the texture, clarity and overall appearance of your skin.
Conditions that can be treated include:

  • Static wrinkles: These wrinkles are visible at all times and do not change in appearance with facial movements.
  • Dynamic wrinkles: These are expression lines that may appear as folds when the skin is not moving, and deepen with facial movements or expressions.
  • Pigmentation: Freckles, sun spots, melasma, or other darkened patches of skin result mainly from sun exposure.
  • Scars: As the result of acne or injury to the skin, scars may be rolling (a wavy appearance to the skin), pitted, discolored, or have raised borders.
  • Vascular conditions: Blood vessels visible on the surface of the skin, vascular lesions that appear as tiny blood filled blisters or even a constant flush of facial redness.
  • Loss of skin tone: Weakening of the supportive skin structure (collagen and elastin fibers) that results in a loss of skin firmness, or the development of cellulite.

Is it right for me?

While not as involved as surgical cosmetic procedures, skin rejuvenation is a medical procedure. You should do it for yourself, not to fulfill someone else’s desires or to try to fit any sort of ideal image.
Skin rejuvenation is an option for you if:

  • You are physically healthy
  • You don’t smoke
  • You have a positive outlook and specific, but realistic goals in mind for the improvement of your appearance.

One of the most popular anti-aging procedures is skin resurfacing for many reasons.  Please contact the office of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa to see why. Visit us at or call (817) 473-2120.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved polidocanol injectable foam (Varithena, BTG) for the treatment of incompetent veins and visible varicosities of the great saphenous vein (GSV) system, British pharmaceutical company BTG announced today.
Varithena (formerly known as Varisolve) is a pharmaceutical-grade, low-nitrogen, polidocanol foam dispensed from a proprietary canister device. It is a “minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that requires neither tumescent anesthesia nor sedation,” the company said in a news release.
In a pair of phase 3 placebo-controlled studies known as VANISH-1 and VANISH-2, polidocanol injectable foam led to clinically meaningful improvement in the symptoms of superficial venous incompetence and the appearance of visible varicosities and addressed the underlying venous incompetence in the majority of patients treated, the company said.
It is estimated that more than 30 million adults in the United States have varicose veins, with women twice as likely as men to develop varicosities. Varicose veins may require treatment for symptoms including leg pain, aching, heaviness, restless legs, cramps, throbbing, fatigue, itchiness, tingling, and edema. Current treatments for varicose veins include thermal ablation and surgery.
Polidocanol injectable foam “provides US physicians with the only approved comprehensive therapy to improve symptoms and appearance for a wide range of varicose veins, including incompetent GSV, accessory saphenous veins and visible varicosities of the GSV system both above and below the knee,” BTG said.
According to the release, the company plans to launch the product in the second quarter of 2014.

This News is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake