How does a head full of hair sound? Yeah i know your thinking “yeah right!” But it is very much possible! Dr. Mark Bishara at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa performs many hair transplants weekly. So if you’re looking to styling your any way that you want come on in and let Dr. Mark Bishara and his staff help you!

Robotic Hair Transplants

You never thought that a robot would be doing any type of surgery. Well the time is here! So maybe the robot doesn’t do it all on his own, Dr. Mark Bishara maneuvers the Artas Robot to help get you the best quality follicular units. The Artas Robot is fairly new it was introduced to the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons in 2008 and in 2011 it was cleared by the FDA! It is safe and reliable.

How it works!

Your probably wondering how a hair transplant is performed as it sounds like a lot of work. Well its not, Hair transplantation has gotten easier and faster with the help of the artas robot. On the day of your procedure you have an option of shaving your head or only the donor area from where the hair will be taken from (for men) women we will only shave the donor area leaving the rest of the hair to cover. Local anesthesia is used to minimize pain and discomfort along with valium to help relax. Once ready Dr. Mark Bishara will set the robot to begin the dissection part of the hair transplant procedure. The robot will begin dissecting as one of Dr. Bishara’s techs extracts the follicular units. Once completely extracted the follicular units are checked for quality and Dr. Mark Bishara begins making sites where there new hair will be planted. Dr. Bishara’s techs will then begin the planting process. After completing the planting of the follicular units post-op instructions will be reviewed to help you understand how to care for your new hair. Written instructions along with all of the supplies needed to care for your new hair will be provided. So you see its not as complicated as you thought it would the hardest part is always coming in for the initial consultation. After that everything is just a sit back and getting it done!