Robot Hair Transplant in Dallas Texas


Years of effort have failed in your battle against male pattern baldness. Topical creams and “miracle’ pills” have only produced unacceptable results. Your decision to resolve this problem through a hair transplant procedure will yield excellent and immediate results. Modern surgical procedures offer the best hope for a full head of hair that is indistinguishable from a completely natural one. While the process always involves the physical removal and implantation of donor hair from one region to another of your scalp, there are various, progressively more modern, techniques used to achieve this goal.
Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT)

Follicular unit transplant or “strip harvesting” is a manual surgical procedure performed by an M.D. with the aid of a stereomicroscope. The procedure involves the removal of a thin strip, or follicular unit, containing one to four hairs each from the permanent zone on the back and sides of the head.
Then, using the stereomicroscope, these units are micro-dissected yielding individual follicles that are suitable for implantation. While the follicles are being prepared, the patients scalp is readied for implantation. It is anaesthetized and tiny recipient sites are incised into the scalp. The surgeon determines the arrangement of the donor and recipient sites and it is his technical and aesthetic skill that will determine the ultimate result of this procedure.
In its day, this procedure was a marked improvement over the earlier mini-micro grafting procedures that it replaced but FUT has, in its turn, been supplanted by more advanced procedures.

Manual Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)
The next evolution is surgical hair transplant surgery was the development of the follicular unit extraction. This technique involves a more delicate, but more precise, removal of the follicles on an individual basis. After anaesthetization, micro incisions are made around each desired follicle and it is extracted. The process is repeated as necessary. Great care is taken to preserve the integrity of all aspects of each follicle. While the procedure is painstaking and time consuming, it results in less trauma to the scalp and a significantly reduced healing period.
After harvesting, small recipient sites are again incised into the scalp. The individual follicles are then grafted into the recipient sites where they will produce a permanent and natural looking head of hair. This last process, the preparation and implantation of the donor follicle into the recipient sites, is essentially identical in both FUT and FUE.
Again the skill and aesthetic sensibilities of the surgeon play a large role in the final appearance of the transplants used in this procedure.
Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction (RFUE)
The use of the most modern surgical techniques and state of the art imaging equipment allows a computer aided robot to harvest individual hair follicles for use in hair transplant surgery. Of course, the entire procedure is performed under the watchful eye of an attending physician.
The computer assisted robotic system offers several significant advance from the purely manual procedure. The use of a computer interface and ever smaller dermal punches allows for a less invasive procedure with the wounds showing significant healing within 24 hours.
Currently, the ARTAS robotic system designed and built by Restoration Robots is the gold standard of computer assisted hair transplant surgery. The development of this tool, as well as its components, has produced a safer, quicker procedure that is aesthetically more pleasing and that heals more rapidly.
The ARTAS system is specifically designed to eliminate many of the problems heretofore associated with surgical hair transplant problems. First it utilizes a computer assisted, image guidance system that surveys, maps and then chooses the optimal follicle donor sites. This process ensures an even distribution of donor sites across the entire donor area and produces far superior aesthetic results in aesthetics and far less trauma.
Next, the robotic arm, again, computer assisted and guided by advanced imaging technologies, performs the harvesting of the follicles. It uses state of the art, incredibly small dermal punches to remove the follicles, individually, with the least amount of damage to the scalp and preserving the integrity of the follicle. This process is always conduced in the presence of a surgeon.
The follicles are fastidiously stored and maintained until the procedure is completed. The surgeon then grafts the follicles into the recipient sites. The entire procedure which typically includes two to three thousand grafts can be completed in under a day.
Hair restoration surgery is usually performed in an outpatient setting. The patient arrives in the morning and will leave that same afternoon. The healing process begins immediately with slight scabbing in the 24 hours. The grafts themselves need to root and develop a blood supply. This process normally takes 90 to 120 days and then they will grow normally for the rest of the patient’s life.

Modern surgical technique, The latest research, modern surgical technique and robotics have been combined to provide the hair transplant patient with the most advanced follicular unit extraction procedure. It has many benefits over the FUT procedure and manual FUE. These include:
Minimally Invasive
The smallest possible dermal punches are used and the depth of the incision is computer controlled. No surgeon, no matter how skilled, can match this precision in a manual surgery.
Better Aesthetics
The distribution of the donor sites drastically reduces the noticeability of the procedure in the donor area resulting in a more natural appearance.
No Linear Scar
The incisions used in the FUT method leave a very noticeable scar across the back of the scalp especially if the hair is worn short. Scarring is almost non-existent in the RFUE procedure.
Faster Procedure
The automation of the harvesting procedure significantly reduces the amount of time that the patient spends in the operating room.
Less Discomfort
The shallow, pinpoint removal of the follicles results in only a minor degree of numbness and pain that subsides within one to two days.
Rapid Healing
Healing begins immediately with normal scabbing occurring within twenty four hours. Complete healing can be expected in two to three weeks.
Outpatient Basis
No general anesthetic is necessary and the procedure is done in an office setting. These facts and the minimal amount of soreness that follows should allow the patient to undergo the procedure and then return to work the following day.
No Disruption of Normal Routine
Aside from care for the donor and done sites, the patient’s life is unaffected.
The ARTAS system for robotic hair transplant provides a far superior surgical experience to a manual or mechanical procedure. In addition, it provides a finer, more natural appearance from day one in both the donor and implant areas. There is no doubt that the use of the ARTAS system produces the finest results in hair transplant surgery today.
Mark A Bishara, M.D., P.A. Medical Director
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