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Physical trauma such as surgeries, illnesses, automobile accidents, pregnancy, and emotional stress can cause hair loss. Don’t worry, situations as such only cause hair loss temporarily. Having such physical trauma causes the your hair to go in a state of shock. As your body begins to heal and recover the hair lost will begin to grow back. As for emotional stress prevent having anxiety and overthinking, exercising and therapy can be great support.  Even the infamous El Chapo has experienced this… read more, https://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2016/08/08/imprisoned-drug-lord-joaquin-el-chapo-guzman-going-bald-out-stress-lawyer-says/

Vitamin A and Protein

Sometimes we see as taking more than needed vitamin supplements is doing our body good. Vitamin A containing supplements can trigger hair loss. Keep in mind that the daily dose of Vitamin A is 5,000 IU for adults. Lack of protein in ones diet can also shut down hair growth. Usually hair loss begins 2 to 3 months after protein intake drops. Controlling intake amounts of vitamin A and making sure your getting protein in will solve the issue.

Male Pattern Baldness or Heredity?

Both! Male pattern baldness is caused by a mixture of genes and hormones. MPB (male pattern baldness) follows a pattern in which hair is lost at the temples. Hair loss in women is known as androgenic or androgenetic alopecia. Women don’t usually have a receding hairline like men do. Women will have noticeable hair loss or thinning at the part. Both women and men benefit from minoxidil or rogaine to help grow and maintain the existing hair. Hair transplantation and PRP treatments are also and option.


Having an underactive thyroid gland can cause hair loss as well. Your thyroid gland produces hormones that interact with your metabolism and growth. When it is not producing enough hormones it affects your hair causing it to fall out. Taking synthetic thyroid medication and getting thyroid levels to normal should take care of the issue.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a result of an overactive immune system. As our immune system is going it targets our hair as a foreign object and attacks causing hair loss in round patches through out the scalp. Steroid injections and romaine are the go to’s when treating alopecia areata.

Hair Styling

Over styling our hair with tight braids, ponytails or using products such as hot oils or relaxers can hurt our hair. Doing these types of treatments or the way we style our hair can cause root damage causing your hair to be lost permanently. Limiting the amount of use of these products or hair styles will help us keep our hair longer. Avoid using heat products to once a week if possible.