What is FemTouch?
About vaginal health
With age and after childbirth, women start noticing symptoms related to their vaginal health that affect their lifestyle on different levels. Vaginal atrophy or dryness is a common symptom in postmenopausal women. Stress urinary incontinence is another symptom, as well as vaginal laxity after childbirth, which can impact satisfaction with sexual intercourse.
Lumens energy-based treatments must be performed by a physician or an authorized provider in your region. Energy-based treatments are not suitable for everyone and carry some risks. Be sure to consult with your treatment provider before choosing this procedure.
What should I expect?
When will I see results
Typically, 2-4 treatments are needed to see optimal results and achieve the desired outcome on the vaginal layer. In clinical evaluations, women reported feeling improvement after 1-2 treatment sessions.
What can I expect after treatment?
Immediately after treatment you may feel a very mild heat sensation, in which case your treatment provider can prescribe a hydrating gel. This sensation should not last longer than a few hours.
How does it work?
FemTouch technology.
FemTouch addresses vaginal health related conditions by promoting the remodeling of the vaginal mucous layer. The fractional CO2 laser beams are applied along the vaginal wall, resulting in regeneration of the tissue.
The treatment.
Before treatment, your physical should assess your vaginal health to ensure you are a good candidate for the treatment. During the procedure, your physician will move the sterilized applicator along the vaginal wall in an outward motion, applying the laser in a 360 degree pattern covering the entire area. The procedure should take a few minutes. You may experience a minor heat sensation during the treatment, but it is very gentle and you should not feel uncomfortable.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR Labiaplasty and Vaginal Rejuvenation SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT US (817) 473-2120 OR EMAIL [email protected] TO SCHEDULE AN  APPOINTMENT.