Retinol is considered the gold standard ingredient in anti-aging products because of it’s proven ability to stimulate and reproduce collagen in the skin. But knowing when and how to use retinol can be confusing.

Why You Need a Daytime Retinol Now

The latest crop of retinol products don’t fight wrinkles and discoloration while you sleep — they do it during the day. Find out how to use retinol, and why you should

Things we love about retinols: They get rid of wrinkles, lighten dark spots, and zap zits better than just about any other skin care ingredient in existence.
Things we hate about retinols: the red, lizard-like skin you get for the first six to eight weeks when you’re using one; having to be maniacal about sunscreen; and only being able to use them at night.
We were downright giddy when we found out there are now daytime retinols (yes, you read correctly) on the market. And dermatologists are calling them a game changer. Throw out everything you thought you knew about how to use retinols. With these new products, you can get all of the benefits of every dermatologist’s favorite skin care ingredient, morning and night, without your skin peeling off your face.

The old:

Let’s talk about retinol. You’ve probably heard of it — in fact, you’re probably stocking some skincare products containing this potent ingredient in your medicine cabinet. So why isn’t everyone using it? And even more importantly, why does a product that promises and actually delivers smoother, brighter and younger looking skin while fighting acne have a semi-bad rap? Long before over-the-counter products were available, you had to purchase retinol in its strongest form: prescription strength Retin-A, a powerful and sometimes harsh treatment. But that was then, and unbelievable skin-changing OTC progress is now.

The new:

Unlike their predecessors, the new generation of retinol products can be used during the day, as their effects kick in gradually and aren’t as harsh on skin. You still get cell turnover, but it’s in a more controlled way. In addition, new retinols also come mixed with antioxidants, sunscreen and even moisturizers — making them much less irritating than they used to be. (Make sure you continue to be very cautious and diligent about applying SPF, even if you purchase a retinol cream with UV protection, as your skin will be more senstive as it becomes acclimated to the new product.)
Please contact our office for more information on why Retinol is very important: (817) 473-2120.
This information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa