As long as there have been tattoos in Dallas, Ft. Worth, Arlington, and Mansfield there has also been the desire to remove tattoos. Nearly 10% of adult Americans have tattoos, and nearly half of them would like to get rid of them.Tattoos have been around for a long time in Dallas, Ft. Worth, Arlington, and
The Paragon Med Spa in Mansfield, Texas has the solution. Unwanted tattoos can now be eliminated. Q-switched lasers remove tattoos safely and effectively. The laser delivers high energy light extremely quickly. The tattoo absorbs the light pulse. This breaks up the pigment into tiny particles and over time the body will remove the particles as waste.
At The Paragon Med Spa we have the ability to treat all types of tattoos with very few side effects or scarring. Professional and homemade, traumatic, colorful and cosmetic tattoos can all be treated effectively. The Q-switched 1064 is designed to remove blue and black tattoos, while the 532 is used for all other colors.
The process of tattoo removal is long and sometimes painful. Tattoo removal can be uncomfortable, but the treatment is very fast and patients do not require anesthesia. Generally 8-12 treatments are recommended and they are spaced 6-8 weeks apart. The pain and wait are well worth it, as tattoo are eliminated and scarring is rare.
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake.
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