One of the most common questions that I receive regarding robotic hair transplantation or even FUE hair transplantation is with the ARTAS procedure what will my hair look like. Surgical hair transplantation provides extremely natural looking results. Most patients experience minimal scarring that is frequently undetectable in the donor area.
Usually at a week, both the donor and transplanted areas are undetectable.
Patients can get a hair cut within a few days of the procedures and the can ultimately wear their hair at any length or style with confidence.
Another question that comes up frequently is., “ How does the ARTAS procedure results look different from strip grafting or the old fashioned hair plugs from the past that Dad got several years ago?”
The unnatural appearance of plugs came from harvesting larger patches of hair and placing them in awkward and unnatural places. The ARTAS robot uses a computer assisted robotic arm and digital mapping to pinpoint the individual follicular units from the donor area before dissection, or harvesting.
This specific advancement in this device allows the surgeon to provide more precision and control with dissection of the hair- no matter what any other hair transplant surgeon says…this is a simple fact. The punch sizes are not 1.65 mm either. This is misinformation and frustrating to dispel what other providers are seemingly and rambunctiously publishing within their patient education materials. The dissecting needle is 1.0 mm and we have smaller devices available in Q1 of 2013.
Because the ARTAS robotic hair transplant system offers reproducibility and accurate harvesting, I am consistently able to extract healthy and robust hair for optimal growth.
I am also consistently answering questions about the permanent results of the the procedures that are performed. The simple answer is that when we are taking hair from the back of the head and placing it in the hairline or on the vertex where hair is thinning we are dealing with genetically different types of donor hair follicles. These that come from the so-called universal donor area can often last a lifetime because they do not miniaturize under the effects of DHT- they are indeed resistant genetically to DHT.
Moreover, many people ask how long the procedure takes. It can range from three hours on up to seven or eight depending on the number of hairs that I need to transplant. During this time you can stand up and take breaks, go to the bathroom, make phone calls, buy and sell stocks, keep office tasks going remotely etc. We also take a short break lunch but for the most part- patients are situated in an ergonomic chair face down for the initial part of the procedure. Then for the last half of the robotic hair transplant patients lay back in a ultra comfortable chair and watch TV or read from their smart phone, Ipads, or Kindles. Others chose to sleep.
For more information on the robotic hair transplantation process with ARTAS system please press the button above or below this post and download the Ebook!
Mark Bishara, M.D.
Medical Director

Cosmetic Surgeon Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D., serving Fort Worth, Arlington, and the surrounding area.
Mansfield, TX
1101 Matlock Rd
Mansfield, Texas 76063
Tel: (817) 473-2120
Fax: (817) 887-5233