
What is Kybella?

Kybella or deoxycholic acid is an injection used to minimize the appearance of fat below
the chin, also known as a double chin.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella is known to be similar to what our body makes called deoxycholic acid which is
what helps us absorb fat according to the FDA. When injected Kybella will fat cells and
keep them from accumulating or storing fat.

Is Kybella  one time treatment?

No, when consulting with Dr. Mark Bishara he will determine how many treatments you will
need based on the amount of fat under the chin.

Is Kybella FDA Approved?

Yes, on April 29th 2015 the FDA approved Kybella for the sole purpose of treatment of
moderate to severe fat under the chin.

Can my medications interfere with Kybella?

As with any treatment, we advise that you inform your consulting doctor about any
medications. Inform your doctor if you are taking or have stopped any blood thinners.

What can i expect after the first treatment?

After the first kybella treatment there can be some swelling, but you are able to resume
daily activities. Cold packs or topical anesthetic will be used to help with any

Where can I get Kybella?

Dr. Mark Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa is proud to offer Kybella
treatments at his office.




Finding the Right Hair Dr!

Robotic devices are more commonly used for many different types of surgical procedures. One being Robotic Fue, which just happens to be one of Dr. Mark. A. Bishara’s top procedures at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. Dr. Mark. A. Bishara has done many robotic FUE’s. From Hair transplantations to beards and even eyebrows. As tedious as it sounds Dr. Mark A. Bishara and his staff at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa are very professional and experienced.

The Invention

Restoration robotics is a medical device company who created  a robot called the ARTAS to help assist in hair transplantation. The Artas Robot consists of a chair in which the patient would sit through out the whole hair transplantation. Aside from the chair is the actual Artas Robot which Dr. Mark A. Bishara controls using a computer. The   Artas Robotic device has been FDA cleared.

What it does

The Artas Robot has a robotic arm which is being controlled to dissect hair follicles from the back and sides of the scalp. In order for the robotic arm to detect the patients hair, Dr. Mark A. Bishara staff shaves the back of the patients head. Unlike the traditional strip removal of the patients donor area the Artas Robot is designed to perform a follicular unit extraction using a special 0.7 to 1mm diameter tool. That only means one thing, no linear scar. The cuts using the Artas Robot will leave a scar that is barely visible to the naked eye.



As we know hair transplantation is getting extremely popular. Who wouldn’t want a head full of hair? Baldness in the 21st century is now a choice…. there are many forms of hair transplantation. Dr. Mark A. Bishara has been performing hundreds and hundreds of hair transplants at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa using the best method, ARTAS Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction.

Yes, that means No Linear scarring!

The most common form of hair transplantation has been the FUT (follicular unit transplantation), but who wants ugly scars? Avoid that linear scar by opting to robotic FUE. It is less painful and definitely cuts down on the recovery process. Opting robotic FUE will give you the opportunity to style your hair with out having to worry about a scar showing. Dr. Mark A. Bishara can give you all the scoop on robotic FUE when coming in for your consultation at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa!

FDA Cleared!

Dr. Mark A. Bishara uses the Artas Robot for hair transplantation. I know, i know your thinking a robot? Robotic technology has come a long way changing the way medicine is practiced. Robotics have been used to perform other major surgeries such as heart valve, bypass, and even kidney and prostate. So why not for hair! Artas Robot is a FDA cleared device that offers the most precise method for FUE!

How it is done

During an Artas Robotic hair transplant the staff at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa trims the patients hair down in order for the robot to detect the targeted follicular units that are going to be extracted. The patient is placed in prone position and a skin tensioner is placed on the patients donor area to stabalize the skin for accurate tracking and dissecting of the hair. When completed with the dissection Dr. Mark A. Bishara makes the recepient sites for the new hair. Shortly after The Paragon Plastic surgery and Med Spa staff begin the manual transplantation.

How nice would that be? Hey, one can only dream that one day that will happen. In the mean time i know someone who is not mosquito but does in fact do an awesome job at sucking fat. Dr. Mark Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa is highly recommendable as he has done many liposuction surgeries.  With the scare of the Zika virus being current in 2016, genetically modified mosquitoes have been released in tropical areas that show promise in controlling the virus. That being said, wouldn’t it be nice if mosquitos could suck fat?

How many of us have them….

Ok so between you and I, there is quite a bit a people that have some stubborn fat that we just can not get rid off. Exercising and dieting and and it just doesn’t go anywhere! Well a visit with Dr. Mark A. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa might just do the trick. Liposuction has been around for years and has had many marvelous results, at least that is the case here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. So why not give it a try and get your body to where you’ve always wanted.

Making the decision

Making the decision to have liposuction done is not easy. The first thing you want to do is consult with Dr. Mark A. Bishara and explain exactly what you are aiming to do. As any doctor should Dr. Mark A. Bishara will recommend whats best for you and your health. Dr. Bishara will take before and after photographs making it easier for you to see the big change.

Giving you peace of mind

In the following animations you will be able to have a clearer view on what liposuction is and how its done. You will also be able to see the areas that it can be done on.
Click here to view the Tummy Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Arm Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Buttocks Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Thighs Liposuction procedure animated

Lipo, Liposuction, Lipoplasty
Click here to view the Tummy Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Arm Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Buttocks Liposuction procedure animated »
Click here to view the Thighs Liposuction procedure animated
Liposuction/Lipoplasty or as many refer to as Lipo is a surgical procedure used to slim and reshape certain areas of the body. It is used to remove excessive fat deposits that just don’t respond with dieting or exercise. Liposuction can be done on areas from thighs to hips and buttocks as well as in the abdomen, waist, back and upper arms.
Dr. Giorgio Fischer invented the Liposuction procedure in 1974. Soon after, four years later Dr. Illouz, a french plastic surgeon, made the first cosmetic use of the procedure. The Liposuction invention has now been one of the most popular procedures performed by Dr. Mark A. Bishara here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa.
Who is a Candidate?
Although many people think that liposuction is a great way to get rid of unwanted fat or just a way of not having to deal with dieting or exercise that is not the case. To be a candidate one must have a stable body weight and be in good general health, exercising and have an on going diet. Liposuction is not a weight loss method nor a treatment for obesity. The purpose of the procedure is to help the patient change and enhance the contour of his/her body.
About the Procedure….

When having any procedure there are many things that should be done. The first step  is coming in and consulting with Dr. Mark A. Bishara here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. Coming in will help the surgeon understand what areas to aim for and explain all steps on what takes place on the day of surgery. Once agreed with Dr. Mark A. Bishara on the areas that will be treated the surgery appointment will be set.
On the day of your liposuction procedure, consent forms will be signed. Dr. Mark A. Bishara will mark the areas where the fat will be removed from. Photographs will be taken for use of before and after. The nurse will then start an IV fluid line. Liposuction is usually carried out under general anesthesia, fluids containing medicines that limit blood loss and reduce discomfort are injected into the areas that are to be treated. Throughout the liposuction the nurses at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa will monitor the patients blood pressure, heart rate, and blood oxygen level. During liposuction Dr. Mark A. Bishara removes the fat using a hollow instrument/ cannula that is attached to a high pressure vacuum. The cannula is then inserted under the skin, and the fat suction begins.
On the road Recovery

As with most surgeries, after liposuction patients typically experience bleeding, swelling and bruising. Bruising usually goes away within 3 to 6 weeks. 80% swelling is gone in 2 to 6 weeks and the remainder should be gone in 3 to 12 months. Fever may occur the first few days following surgery as it is is a normal process of the inflammatory response. As far as diet, you may resume your usual diet after surgery. Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic drinks 48 hours after surgery. Make sure to keep hydrated for the first few days. Drainage may occur, within the first 24-72 hours after surgery a large volume of blood-tinged fluid will drain from the small drain ports. Going home the day of surgery you will wear and elastic garment and it should be removed the morning after surgery to shower then put back on and off after showers until your follow up procedure. The Paragon Plastic Surgery Med Spa will provide you with all post op care instructions after your liposuction procedure.