
Hair Loss

With there being many types a hair loss people frequently ask themselves what is best for them to treat their hair loss. When coming in to see Dr. Mark A. Bishara the type of hair loss the patient is experiencing plays a big part in deciding between PRP injections or Hair Transplantation. Male or female pattern baldness is typically on top of the head. The hair on the back and sides its what gets transplanted on the top of the scalp being that it wont be affected by the hormones.
Although PRP can be used during hair transplantation there are patients that rather not go through Hair Transplantation surgery. PRP treatments as same as hair transplantation can be used to treat male and female pattern baldness.

The Difference….

The process of PRP treatments are considerably different from a hair transplantation surgery. At the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa the first step in PRP treatments starts with drawing the patients blood. The Blood Sample is placed in a centrifuge so that the plasma separates from other cells. The Plasma then gets drawn into a syringe and injected to the areas in the scalp that Dr. Mark A Bishara has recommended to the patient.
Hair Transplantation it takes more involvement from Dr. Mark A. Bishara and his surgical techs. The hairs that will be transplanted are taken from the back and sides of the head using the ARTAS Robotic system which is the preferred method by Dr. Mark A. Bishara. The follicular units removed are check for quality as Dr. Mark A. Bishara makes the new home for the new hair. The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa techs then take the follicular units are then carefully transplanted on to the sites made, making sure they are positioned in the same direction Dr. Mark A. Bishara has made the sites.

The Results

It normally takes the same time to see results for both PRP treatments and Hair Transplantation. As far as Hair transplantation the transplanted hair will shed days after surgery. Patients usually see results of new hair growing within 6 to 7 months after their hair transplantation surgery. As for PRP treatments new growth can be expected with in a few months after treatment since the plasma needs to work itself in the follicles and stimulate growth. Results vary from patient to patient but in both cases the majority of patient see results of fuller hair with in 8 months!



954a88e886b5cca026da792d721e8e52 e1392054203519Body Hair Transplantation is essentially taking hair from other areas of the body rather than the most common, the back or sides of the head, and then planting those hairs to the balding area. The other donor areas that hair follicles can be taken from includes: beard, chest, shoulders, stomach, arms and legs. Below are 6 Frequently asked questions concerning Body Hair Transplantation.


Typical Candidate

In cases where the head hair has depleted or the type of hair needed to transplant is different than the type of hair on the head.


If someone wants a beard transplantation from their blonde head hair to their patchy red beard, the blonde hair color is not going to change to red once the hairs are transplanted to the beard. However, the mixing of these colors and those alike could potentially create a strawberry blonde look. If mixing different colors of hair is the only option available, the patient has the option to dye the hair all over once it’s completely healed because it is normal hair by then and can be treated that way.


Hair length will grow as it did in the donor site. So if you’re using hair from other parts of the body besides the head you are committing to having shorter hair. Beard and hair from the head are hairs that for most never stop growing at a certain length or amount of time. Hair on the chest, legs and arms essentially stop growing at a certain length usually around 3 to 6 cm.


Hair texture will keep the same texture as it had before it was transplanted to another area. For instance if one was wanting eyebrow restoration, the typical donor site would be arm or leg hair. Arm or leg hair would be used in eyebrow transplantation because this hair is finer and the growth isn’t going to be long.


Body hair can change its structure. In some cases the hairs would become longer and straighter which is adapting to normal hair on the head. In others, the hairs wouldn’t change from their original structure.


c14ccd9a495e7495474c8d73f3b145e4FUE otherwise known as Follicular Unit Extraction using ARTAS is a procedure that extracts the hair follicles with one-millimeter punches. The tiny size of each extraction makes scaring almost out of the question, in most cases leaving only little white dots if anything at all.

Please give us a call at 817-473-1220 – email: [email protected] – or reach us via Skype today!


Beard hair or facial hair is often time desired in people who lack the ability to grow facial hair.  This can be a for a several reasons.  Religious reasons, social status and self esteem all contribute to why men seek out a fuller-thicker beard!

Beard Shapes and Sizes


Beard Anatomy

7 Regions: Cheek Beard, Mustache, Forebeard, Side Beard, Jaw Beard, Under Beard and Neck Hair
Usually, when I am transplanting the beard, I will use advanced harvest techniques at 3000 RPM with a 19G punch using the FUE ARTAS robot and taking hair from back of the head.  If I am taking hair from under the angle of the mandible I like to use a 1.0MM or 0.9MM sharp punch.
Most patients will need around 32 weeks for the beard to become fully developed from the transplant procedure. It usually takes 2 beard transplants to get a desired result however we occasionally will perform up to 4 transplants to achieve the amount of thickening that patients will want.
Average Cost ranges from about $5000.  Average number of Hairs needed to transplant varies dramatically but it is very common to go over 4,000 total hairs over 2,200 to 2,500 grafts.
For a consultation appointment at one of our offices or for a Skype Online consultation please email [email protected]
Dr Mark A Bishara MD and Paragon Plastic Surgery and MedSpa and the Paragon Hair Clinics, LLC offer Beard and Facial Hair Transplants to patients both in North Texas from Dallas, Mansfield, Southlake, , Fort Worth, Austin, Houston, San Antonio, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Miami, New York, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Staten Island, Chicago, Oklahoma City, Little Rock, New Orleans, Tyler, Arlington, Washington D.C., Plano and Boston.

Recently, Restoration Robotics launched  ARTAS Hair Studio.  This state of the art product allows the patient and surgeon plan and produce a simulation of a possible outcome.  Although this product has some limitations to the realistic look of the transplanted hair, it does allow for a formal interaction between the surgeon and the patient that spawns more thought into the over- all operative goal and leads to increased numbers of hairs being transplanted.

The most common cause of dissatisfaction of hair transplant patients in my practice and in patients that come to me from other practices is that they didn’t get the thickness that they wanted.  The ARTAS Hair Studio allows the patient to “Test Drive” their appearance and modify the operative plan under the guidance of the surgeon.  It becomes the surgeon’s ethical and responsible role to provide guidance on safe and age appropriate hairline design, donor capacity, and realistic expectations on social and physiologic downtime.  The ARTAS Hair Studio becomes paramount providing a sneak preview to esthetic results that vary with amount of hair.
Put together with a well informed consult discussing preventative hairless measures backed by randomized double-blinded placebo controlled trials, the ARTAS Hair Studio is quickly becoming the standard of care in hair restoration planning and patient education.
ARTAS Hair Studio also integrates directly with the robot and becomes the operative plan for the patient ensuring that the patient is receiving exactly what he is intending to recieve.
For a consultation please call 817-473-2120 or email [email protected].  Skype and other internet-based consultations are available.
Mark A Bishara M.D., P.A. and Paragon Hair Clinics care for patients world-wide.
Dr. Mak A Bishara, M.D. P.A. performs robotic follicular unit graft selection for residents living around Mansfield, Southlake, Dallas, Arlington, Fort Worth, and surrounding the DFW area in North Texas.