It’s well known that gym membership signups spike on January 1. But there are other ways to kick off the new year with a new look. Cosmetic procedures soar at this time of year, and the “gifting” of plastic surgery is reportedly a rising holiday season trend.

b620b5be1538902ddce3978028b6ca86 e1392053115327Leading into the holiday season, it looked like plastic surgery was shaping up as a hot gift item. According to plastic surgeons cited in an ABC News report, the gifting of cosmetic surgery is up 20% to 35%, depending on the procedure and practice. Sales of gift cards—often for $150 to $200, which cover low-cost procedures like medical-grade peels, injections and med spa services—have undergone a “dramatic increase.”

There’s a rise in pricier gift surgeries as well, with family and friends paying for the nose jobs, breast augmentation, or Botox treatments of loved ones. We’ve really seen it all with holiday gifting. We’ve seen mothers get daughters laser hair removal.
In the Las Vegas area, quick plastic surgery procedures spike before Christmas arrives. Treatments and surgeries are often up 20% to 30% in December, typically with patients who want to look their best for holiday parties and/or the start of the new year. Per the According to the Las Vegas Review-Journal:

“People find themselves with a little more time off for recovery from surgical procedures,” said Dr. Terry Higgins, a partner in Anson and Higgins. “It’s also party season, when everyone’s out and about and being seen more than normal. Or people may be seeing relatives they haven’t seen for a while. They want to look their best, so they get noninvasive quick fixes that can help them look good rapidly.”

The plastic-surgery-around-the-holidays trend has been noted in the past. A year ago, the South Florida SunSentinel reported on the rise of stockings stuffed with cosmetic surgery gift cards. One woman, who happens to be a psychotherapist in Fort Lauderdale, gave her husband “a wrapped box under their tree with a $500 gift certificate for botox injections and laser hair removal.”
The reasons that the holiday period is peak season for plastic surgery are fairly obvious, according to a 2011 Wall Street Journal story:

After many cosmetic procedures patients want to go underground during the days-long recovery period, which might involve swelling, bruising and oozing. The holiday season makes it easier to avoid interacting with others at work or in school car pools.

This Information is Brought to you Courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
Gift Cards Are Available in our office.  Please visit our website at or call us at (817) 473-2120


Surgeons can reshape the appearance of body parts through cosmetic surgery. Some of the most common body parts people want to improve through surgery include:f891a427f03d8bcc9ee63fd037e0f4cf

  • Breasts: Increase or reduce the size of breasts or reshape sagging breasts
  • Ears: Reduce the size of large ears or set protruding ears back closer to the head
  • Eyes: Correct drooping upper eyelids or remove puffy bags below the eyes
  • Face: Remove facial wrinkles, creases or acne scars
  • Hair: Fill in balding areas with one’s own hair
  • Nose: Change the shape of the nose
  • Tummy: Flatten the abdomen

Please call the office of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery to discuss more about your cosmetic surgery options.  Call (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at
En Espanol
Los cirujanos pueden formar de nuevo la aparición de las partes del cuerpo a través de la cirugía estética. Algunas de las partes del cuerpo más comunes que las personas quieren mejorar a través de la cirugía incluyen:
Pechos: Aumentar o reducir el tamaño de los pechos o remodelar los senos caídos
Orejas: Reducir el tamaño de las orejas grandes o conjunto orejas prominentes más cerca de la cabeza
Ojos: párpados superiores caídos correctas o eliminar las bolsas debajo de los ojos
Cara: Retire facial arrugas, pliegues o cicatrices de acné
Cabello: Rellena calvo áreas con el propio pelo
Nariz: Cambiar la forma de la nariz
Barriga: aplanar el abdomenPor favor, llame a la oficina del
Dr. Mark Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica Paragon para discutir más sobre sus opciones de cirugía estética. Llame (817) 473-2120 o visite nuestro sitio web en

Top 10 countries for cosmetic surgery revealed as figures show rising demand for penis enlargements and other procedures

Cosmetic surgery is booming worldwide as people flock to have millions of operations including breast augmentation, liposuction and Botox.
More than 23 million cosmetic and non-surgical procedures were performed in 2013, according to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS).
The United States topped the international chart, with almost 4 million people going under the knife or needle, followed by Brazil with more than 2 million procedures.
Britain did not feature in the top 10 but was ranked 14 in the world by the number of plastic surgeons, with an estimated 865 in business.
Figures released by the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (BAAPS) earlier this year showed 17 per cent more operations were performed in the UK in 2013 but the count of 50,122 did not include non-surgical procedures reflected in the ISAPS figures.
A spokesman for BAAPS said little information on the treatments can be collected in Britain because dermal fillers and laser treatments are unregulated.
Botox is the most popular cosmetic procedure in the world. The toxin is injected to paralyse facial muscles to slow down the ageing process.
Other popular non-surgical treatments included fillers, laser hair removal and chemical peels.
More than 1.7 million breast operations were performed last year, making it the most popular cosmetic surgery worldwide, followed by liposuction, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty.
Women were by far the biggest consumers in the cosmetic surgery market, making up almost 90 per cent of all procedures in the world – more than 20 million.
Men underwent more than 3 million procedures, mostly rhinoplasty, breast reduction and eyelid surgery.
Penis enlargements were most popular in Germany, where almost 3,000 men had the operation, followed be Venezuela, Spain and Mexico.
According to BAAPS, “boob jobs”, eyelid surgery and facelifts are most popular among women in the UK, while men prefer nose and eyelid surgery, as well as breast reductions.
The number of procedures has rocketed as the economy recovers.

LOS 10 PAÍSES PARA CIRUGÍA ESTÉTICA revela como cifras muestran la creciente demanda de las ampliaciones del pene y otros procedimientos
La cirugía estética está en auge en todo el mundo como la gente en masa a tener millones de operaciones, incluyendo aumento de senos, liposucción y Botox.
Más de 23 millones de procedimientos cosméticos y no quirúrgicos se realizaron en 2013, según la Sociedad Internacional de Cirugía Plástica Estética (ISAPS).
Los Estados Unidos encabezó la lista internacional, con casi 4 millones de personas pasar por el quirófano o aguja, seguido de Brasil con más de 2 millones de procedimientos.
Gran Bretaña no figuró en el top 10, pero fue puesto 14 en el mundo por el número de cirujanos plásticos, con un estimado de 865 en los negocios.
Las cifras publicadas por la Asociación Británica de Cirujanos Plásticos Estéticos (BAAPS) a principios de este año mostraron 17 por ciento más de las operaciones se llevaron a cabo en el Reino Unido en 2013, pero el recuento de 50.122 no incluyeron procedimientos no quirúrgicos reflejan en las cifras ISAPS.
Un portavoz de BAAPS dijo poca información sobre los tratamientos se pueden recoger en Gran Bretaña porque los rellenos dérmicos y los tratamientos con láser no están regulados.
Botox es el procedimiento cosmético más popular en el mundo. La toxina se inyecta para paralizar los músculos faciales para ralentizar el proceso de envejecimiento.
Otros tratamientos no quirúrgicos más populares incluyen materiales de carga, la depilación láser y peelings químicos.
Más de 1,7 millones de operaciones de mama se realizaron el año pasado, por lo que es la cirugía estética más popular en todo el mundo, seguido por la liposucción, cirugía de párpados, y la rinoplastia.
Las mujeres eran con mucho los mayores consumidores en el mercado de la cirugía estética, lo que representa casi el 90 por ciento de todos los procedimientos en el mundo – más de 20 millones.
Los hombres se sometieron a más de 3 millones de procedimientos, en su mayoría de la rinoplastia, reducción de senos y cirugía de párpados.
Las ampliaciones del pene fueron más popular en Alemania, donde casi 3.000 hombres tenían la operación, seguidos ser Venezuela, España y México.
Según BAAPS, “trabajos del boob”, la cirugía de párpados y estiramientos faciales son más populares entre las mujeres en el Reino Unido, mientras que los hombres prefieren la nariz y la cirugía de párpados, así como reducciones de mama.
El número de procedimientos se ha disparado ya que la economía se recupere.

Last Tuesday, in a strange moment of network television-pop culture syzygy, the new ABC comedy “Selfie” included a scene in which two colleagues, Eliza and Charmonique, were discussing the movie star Renée Zellweger.

Photographs of a radically different looking Ms. Zellweger have flooded news outlets. At Elle magazine’s annual Women in Hollywood celebration last Monday night, Ms. Zellweger’s forehead was as smooth as a packed ski slope, and her eyes as crystal-blue as ever, but they appeared, in some images, wide and round as pennies. In 24 hours, it seemed, every possible news media outlet had a story or a tweet or a blog post decrying the Oscar-winning actress’s new face. Another day passed, and every possible media outlet featured a chat or post or news report defending Ms. Zellweger and her new-looking face. By Friday, we were all ashamed to still be thinking private thoughts about Ms. Zellweger, but we were.

In the case of Ms. Zellweger, her new appearance set off a battery of intensifying debates. What is new — and plainly shocking to some — is that Ms. Zellweger now looks like someone not even related to the quirkily pretty, Kewpie-doll star who had us at hello. However the method, she has changed herself into someone who looks like the manicured socialite, the moderately successful commercial actress, the benign political wife. Ms. Zellweger looks beautiful .

Ms. Zellweger had probably elected to have a blepharoplasty, or upper eyelid lift, and possibly also a forehead lift, with the addition of injectable fillers that may have widened the planes of her face. She has also likely benefited from laser or ultrasound procedures that tighten the skin.

Nancy Etcoff, an evolutionary psychologist at Harvard and author of “Survival of the Prettiest: The Science of Beauty,” said: “We have gotten used to seeing bad plastic surgery. Two big basketballs on the chest, fish lips, blown-up cheeks. But this is a little different. This is about a lot of subtle changes that add up to a person who no longer looks like our memory of them. She looks like a different person.” Instead of aging along with us, she jumped off the path directly into another identity.

Faces are tightly packed with important biological information, Dr. Etcoff said. “They tell people who we are, who our relatives are, how we feel,” she said. “We are face virtuosos. We can discern one face from thousands, even millions, of other faces. When someone does something to their face that renders them unrecognizable, when that impacts our ability to read their face, it really is a jolt.”
“It’s a terrible double bind,” Dr. Spar said, noting the sense of hypocrisy around the situation. “On the one hand, we’re being told don’t worry about how you look, embrace inner goodness and stop judging on external appearance, and yet as a community we have all done nothing but talk about poor Renée Zellweger’s face all week.”
This Information is Brought to You Courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa