It’s estimated that over 80 million Americans struggle with hair loss, so you can see why there are so many rumors out there about what causes it. That’s why, in honor of National Hair Loss Awareness Month, we’ve compiled some of the biggest myths surrounding hair loss and uncovered the truth behind them. Have you heard any of these?
Myth: The mother passes down the baldness gene to her child.
Truth: The inherited form of thinning hair is passed down by both sides of the family, like pieces of a puzzle, that fit together and form the gene. How that puzzle assembles will dictate if your hair will stay or go.
Myth: Only men suffer from hair loss.
Truth: Women are also at risk for female patterned hair loss, typically called androgenetic alopecia. It most common begins in a woman’s 50s, but can also start as early as the teens. Female pattern hair loss is a hereditary condition that affects approximately 30 million women. When a hair is shed, it typically grows back by a hair that is equal in size. However, for women with female pattern hair loss the new hair is finer and eventually quits growing altogether.
Myth: Washing your hair too much will cause thinning.
Truth: It’s typical to shed about 100 hairs per day—new ones will replace these hairs during the growth cycle. However, if you notice more hairs come out, it’s most likely caused by something like Alopecia, stress or genetics—not your shampoo. See your board-certified dermatologist for advice to find out the real cause, but don’t cut back on washing your hair. If you cut back on shampooing it may cause buildup on the scalp, resulting in even more hair in the drain the next time you shower.
Myth: Pulling a gray hair out will make more grow.
Truth: While this isn’t true, you should avoid doing it. It’s good to keep as many hairs intact as possible, gray or not. Accept it or color it, but don’t pluck it.
Myth: Wearing a hat can cause hair loss.
Truth: There’s no truth in this one either. In fact, wearing a hat is recommended to protect your often-neglected scalp from the sun. Sun damage won’t necessarily cause hair loss unless there is a scar caused from a severe sunburn.
If you’re dealing with fine and thinning hair, try an at-home system like Low Level Laser Technology. For those looking to treat hair loss, talk to your doctor about the best hair-loss treatments available for your specific symptoms.
This Information is Brought to you Courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
En Espanol
Se estima que más de 80 millones de estadounidenses luchan con la pérdida del cabello, por lo que se puede ver por qué hay tantos rumores por ahí acerca de qué lo causa. Es por eso que, en honor al Mes Nacional de Concientización sobre la pérdida de cabello, hemos recopilado algunos de los mayores mitos que rodean a la pérdida de cabello y descubrimos la verdad detrás de ellos. ¿Has escuchado alguno de estos?
Mito: La madre pasa por el gen de la calvicie a su hijo.Verdad: La forma hereditaria de adelgazamiento del cabello se transmite por ambos lados de la familia, como las piezas de un rompecabezas, que encajan entre sí y forman el gen. ¿Cómo que ensambla rompecabezas dictarán si su pelo se mantenga o vaya.
Mito: Sólo los hombres sufren de pérdida de cabello.Verdad: Las mujeres también corren el riesgo de pérdida de cabello femenino estampado, normalmente llamada alopecia androgenética. Comienza más común en los años 50 de una mujer, pero también puede comenzar tan temprano como a los adolescentes. Mujer pérdida de cabello es una condición hereditaria que afecta a aproximadamente 30 millones de mujeres. Cuando se elimina un pelo, normalmente crece de nuevo por un pelo que es igual en tamaño. Sin embargo, para las mujeres con pérdida de cabello de patrón femenino el nuevo pelo es más fino y con el tiempo deja de crecer en conjunto.
Mito: Lavarse el pelo demasiado causará adelgazamiento.Verdad: Es típico de arrojar unos 100 pelos por los días de nuevo reemplazará estos pelos durante el ciclo de crecimiento. Sin embargo, si se observa más pelos salen, es más probable que sea causado por algo como la alopecia, el estrés o la genética, no su champú. Consulte a su dermatólogo certificado por el consejo de asesoramiento para encontrar la causa real, pero no recortar en lavarse el pelo. Si se corta de nuevo en el champú que puede causar la acumulación en el cuero cabelludo, lo que resulta en más pelo en el desagüe la próxima vez que te duchas.
Mito: Tracción de un cabo canas hará que más crecen.Verdad: Si bien esto no es así, se debe evitar hacerlo. Es bueno tener tantos pelos intacta posible, gris o no. Acéptalo o colorearlo, pero no arrancarlo.
Mito: Usar un sombrero puede causar pérdida de cabello.Verdad: No hay ninguna verdad en éste tampoco. De hecho, se recomienda el uso de un sombrero para proteger su cuero cabelludo a menudo descuidado del sol. El daño solar no necesariamente causa la pérdida del cabello a menos que haya una cicatriz causada por una quemadura grave.
Si usted está tratando con fino y adelgazamiento del cabello, trate de un sistema en el hogar como la tecnología láser de baja intensidad. Para aquellos que buscan para tratar la pérdida de cabello, hable con su médico acerca de los mejores tratamientos de pérdida de cabello para los síntomas específicos.
Esta información se ponga a usted Cortesía del Dr. Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa

In an article in the Prime Dermatology journal, authored by Dr. Chang Jun Huhen, titled “Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and the Future of Hair Transplantation”, Dr. Huh reviews the evolution of hair restoration surgical options and contrasts that to technological advancements and unique benefits offered by the ARTAS Robotic Procedure.

Over the past 10 years, robotic procedures have enhanced surgical care that doctors give their patients.  Robotic systems help surgeons improve the outcome for patients and help reduce manual and repetitive movements, which ensures more accuracy and precision.  The use of robots has paved the future for surgeries and will help patients have better experiences. The advantages of minimally robotic procedures appeals to doctors and patients, because of decreased pain and increased recovery time.
Restoration Robotics was founded by physicians and engineers to help develop a solution for hair restoration patients.  Robotic technology plays a role in Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) because it gives patients consistent and safe results, with no visible scarring or long recovery time.  The ARTAS Robotic System enables surgeons to give their patients natural-looking outcomes with fast recovery time.
In the past, hair restoration involved Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT), where a strip of scalp is surgically removed and individual hair grafts are generated by manual dissection.  This has been common practice FUT method since the early 90’s.  Soon after, manual FUE started, by using small dermal punches to remove single hair grafts directly from donor sites and implant them in the balding scalp area.  This was the beginning of a less invasive technique with faster healing time.
The ARTAS Robotic System is a FDA approved, physician controlled, interactive computer-assisted system that enables harvesting of hair follicles during hair restoration.  It is the first and only technology that allows physician-controlled, image-guided, robotic assisted FUE.  The robot is programmed to be able to do with great precision what physicians can do only with extensive experience.  The robot can harvest follicular units in a random pattern, or as a percentage of the total number of follicular units in a designated area.  The physician can make changes to dissection depths and angles during the process.  Because the robot is making the repetitive actions, it makes the process go much faster.
Benefits of ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplants:

  • Robotically precise and consistent
  • Reduced treatment time
  • Decreased discomfort
  • Faster recovery time
  • No linear scar
  • Undetectable donor area

The robotic system dissect grafts accurately and consistently, thousands of times with acceptably low transection rates of between 4.9%-8%.  The ARTAS system will also soon be able to use sophisticated 3D patient modeling and design to help create recipient sites at the rate of 2,000 per hour.  The addition of the ARTAS system attracts many patients that would be hesitant to try traditional transplant procedure, and allows physicians to take hair restoration to the next level and produce high patient satisfaction.
Please see the attached article for a more in-depth view of the ARTAS System.

For many people with thinning scalp hair, proven medical therapies and hair restoration surgical procedures are widely available and good options to restore hair loss and slow future hair loss. We receive many calls to our office, asking if we do eyebrow transplants, and we do.  Eyebrows are an important part of our appearance and is important to our facial symmetry. Thanks to great strides in hair restoration surgery, we are now able to restore all or part of the eyebrow.

Eyebrow Transplant

The most important aspect of transplanting eyebrows is to follow the natural hair direction very closely. Aangle changes are important to recreate the fan-like splay of hair at the medial aspect of the brow and the converging hair direction as one moves laterally along the brow. The recipient sites for the hairs are be made with a very fine-gauge needle that literally slides along the surface of the skin as the sites are being made, as this will insure that the hair will lie as flat as possible on the surface of the skin as it grows.
Single hair micrografts, placed into recipient sites that have been created at very acute angles to the skin surface, require a considerable about of skill and experience. In addition, when the patient’s hair is waved or curly, it is particularly important to rotate the hair so that curve of the hair shaft follows the natural curve of the eyebrow.

Please call our office at (817) 473-2120 for more information or visit our website at

Download our Free Guide on Hair Restoration


How Long Does it Take to Heal from a hair transplant?

There is some redness and dryness after the procedure. Some patients experience swelling during the first week after surgery. Hair transplants are usually undetectable after 10 days. Follicular unit grafts are permanent in the scalp after 10 days.
Recovery time with the ARTAS Robot Assisted FUE System Procedure is much less and much more comfortable as compared to a traditional linear strip method of hair restoration.  As there is no linear incision required with an ARTAS Procedure, healing time is short, and you can usually go back to your daily activities after a day or two.  It takes approximately three days for the transplanted hair to “take” and for growth cells to be transferred from the follicles to the scalp.  You will be using the medical-grade saline salt solution that we provide on your procedure day along with a spray bottle to keep the newly implanted hair moist with the saline solution.  Don’t worry, all the post-procedure instructions are provided to you in writing and by email if you choose.  Also, our staff is always available to answer questions about your post-procedure care.  By about Days 7-10, the crusting will largely have subsided, leaving little evidence that any procedure has taken place at all.
Please visit the website of Dr. Bishara, who specializes in Hair RestorationRobotic Hair Transplants and Plastic Surgery at or call our office at (817) 473-2120.

The best way to find out if you are a candidate for a hair restoration procedure is to go to a dermatologist or plastic surgeon specializing in hair restoration. The answer will depend on the cause of your hair loss, your age, the stability of your donor supply, how extensive you hair loss is, your expectations and a number of other important factors that will be taken into account.
For the right candidate hair restoration surgery can significantly improve your appearance and general sense well being, however, not everyone is a good candidate for the surgery and those who are must have realistic expectations before undergoing a hair transplant procedure.
Remember there is a finite amount of donor hair that can be moved to the thinning areas of the scalp. If that hair isn’t used in an efficient manner the outcome of the procedure might not meet your expectations.  Every patient is examined on a case-by-case basis, but here are some general types of patients that are great candidates for hair transplants:
The best candidates for hair restoration surgery are:

  • Men who have been losing their hair due to Male Pattern Baldness for more than five years or who have progressed to a Norwood class 3 or above.
  • Men with realistic expectations and who understand that their hair loss might continue to progress even if they are taking prescription medication to stop the progression.
  • Men who have been balding for many years and who’s pattern has stabilized and are interested in just adding some hair to provide a more youthful appearance.
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to trauma or burns
  • Men and women who have lost hair due to other cosmetic procedures such as face-lifts.

Some women are candidates for hair restoration surgery. They are:

  • Women who have suffered hair loss due to mechanical or traction alopecia (non-hormonal).
  • Women who have had previous cosmetic or plastic surgery and are concerned about hair loss around the incision sites.
  • Women who have a distinct pattern of baldness, similar to that of male pattern baldness. This includes hairline recession, vertex thinning (on the crown or top of the scalp), and a donor area that is not affected by androgenetic alopecia.
  • Women who suffer hair loss due to trauma, including burn victims, scarring from accidents, and chemical burns.
  • Women with alopecia marginalis, a condition that looks very similar to traction alopecia.

Please visit the website of Dr. Bishara, who specializes in Hair Restoration, Robotic Hair Transplants and Plastic Surgery at or call our office at (817) 473-2120.