Weight Loss Surgery, How Do I Get Started?
In North Texas, True Results has teamed up with Baylor Health Care System to provide innovative weight loss solutions for life.
True Results provides a comprehensive program and an expert medical team that’s with you every step of the way. They have specialized bariatric centers in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Phoenix, Tucson and St. Louis.
True Results opened the nation’s first state-of-the-art outpatient surgery center to be recognized by the American College of Surgeons as an Accredited Outpatient Bariatric Center.
Losing weight is about more than just looking good. It’s about being healthy. Bariatric patients who lose a significant amount of weight typically improve or resolve weight-related co-morbidities including Type-II diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure), sleep apnea, joint pain and asthma.
Quick Weight Loss with Bariatric Surgery
If you are overweight and are looking for quick weight loss, then a surgical weight loss procedure may be the right approach for you. True Results has excellent quick weight loss centers in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Phoenix Tucson and St. Louis. Their centers are specially designed for outpatient bariatric procedures. True Results specializes in the Lap Band and Sleeve Gastrectomy surgeries, and both can be performed in outpatient centers. Lap Band procedures and the Sleeve Gastrectomy are available in all Texas and St. Louis markets.
To help you understand the differences in the Lap Band Procedure, Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery and Gastric Bypass Surgery, this page provides a brief overview of each procedure.
Lap Band Procedure
Gastric banding, commonly known as a Lap Band procedure, was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for safe and effective weight loss. It is a silicone band – like a ring or belt – that is placed around the upper part of your stomach.
It is designed to place a precise level of pressure on the nerves around the upper part of your stomach so they send signals to your brain that you are not hungry. Because the band also constricts the upper portion of your stomach, you will eat less food at one time and still feel satisfied.
The Lap Band system includes a small access port that is safely placed under your skin. The port is not visible and it is unlikely that anyone will know you have the Lap Band system, unless you tell them.
The band is adjusted by adding or removing saline through this access port with a small needle to ensure it continues providing optimum weight loss results. True Results has the most experienced team of weight loss surgeons in America and pioneered performing this procedure in an outpatient setting.
True Results offers the Lap Band procedure at all of its specialty weight loss centers in Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, San Antonio, Austin, Phoenix, Tucson and St. Louis.
Sleeve Gastrectomy (Gastric Sleeve)
Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical weight-loss procedure in which the stomach is reduced to about 20% of its original size.
Gastric sleeve is a restrictive procedure where approximately 80% of the stomach is removed, creating a small vertical sleeve about the size of a small banana. This procedure is not reversible.
This procedure limits the amount of food you can eat and helps you feel full sooner. It allows for normal digestion and absorption. Food consumed passes through the digestive tract in the usual order, allowing it to be fully absorbed in the body.
The majority of sleeve gastrectomy procedures are performed using a laparoscopic technique, which is considered minimally invasive. This procedure can be done in an outpatient, same-day surgery center or an inpatient hospital setting.
True Results offers the Sleeve Gastrectomy throughout Texas and in St. Louis.
Plastic Surgery Procedures After Weight Loss- Body Contouring
Most patients who undergo gastric bypass, or some form of gastric banding procedure, do lose weight and many lose a lot of weight. But this massive weight loss brings problems of its own. Sometimes the need for plastic surgery or body contouring procedures are needed to get rid of excess fat, loose muscle and fat tissue. The office of Dr. Mark Bishara offers many body contouring procedures that help patients look and feel their best after their weight loss. These procedures are designed to improve the appearance of the body and provide highly effective results. Many of these body contouring procedures can be combined in order to achieve your desired appearance. Please call our office at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at www.MarkBisharaMD.com for more information.