Tummy tuck or breast augmentation is what most people think; for Mitchell Hunter, it was full face transplant. Only a handful of individuals in the world have ever experienced what its like to get a whole new face.
It all started in 2001 when Mitchell did the unthinkable, saved a woman from being terribly injured by a live wire following a car accident and in turn suffered the strike, losing his face and leg. Before the transplant in 2011 at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Hunter couldn’t avoid awkward stares and time with his son without attracting a lot of unwanted attention.
Five years later he is speaking out for the first time. “I would like to tell people just not to worry about the small things, live life,” says Hunter. “Tell the people you love you love them because you never know when that can be taken away.”
Life is a lot different for Mitchell today and thanks to a donor and over 30 doctors, nurses and anesthesiologists, Hunter has a new lease on life, a new job and plans to attend Indy 500.


Ever debate whether to do a cosmetic procedure but nervous on what the result will be like? Let me introduce you to VECTRA 3D! VECTRA 3D was designed to help not only doctors but also the patients when discussing expecting results on their cosmetic procedure.

What is VECTRA 3D?

The VECTRA 3D simulator was developed by Canfield Imaging Systems with the purpose of giving the patient and doctors a better visualization on expected results of the procedure the patient has in mind of doing.

How exactly does the Vectra 3D work?

What the VECTRA 3D does is capture 3D photographs of the patient when coming in to the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. The three dimensional photographs are taken at different points of views in order to create a virtual model of the patient.

How are the VECTRA 3d photos used?

Using the 6 still shot photographs the VECTRA 3D has taken a 3D model is automatically created.  It will be used as “before” photos. The VECTRA 3D will then display the patients own virtual model on the monitor. The model can be maneuvered on the screen giving Dr. Mark A. Bishara the ability to virtually enhance  the area in the body the patient desires. Dr. Mark A. Bishara can easily enhance the breast changing the size and shape, as well as facial features. He can show an image of the face being tightened, smoothed and resized! Fascinating huh?


Unfortunately no, the purpose of the VECTRA 3D is to help the patients determine and express the results they anticipate. During consultation and reviewing your medical history Dr. Mark A. Bishara will then determine if you are indeed a good candidate.

How accurate are VECTRA 3D images to actual results?

Results may be very similar to the simualtions. Vectra 3D simulations are based on the surgical techniques Dr. Mark A. Bishara uses during the surgical procedure.

Where to get more information on VECTRA 3D imaging?



About forty-five million Americans diet each year and Americans spend approximately one to $2 billion a year on weight loss programs. It is believed that consumers spend about $30 billion per year trying to lose weight or prevent weight gain, and 55% of Americans are actively trying to maintain or lose weight. In the last five years weight loss surgery has experienced a tremendous resurgence. Over fifty thousand patients in the United States will undergo some form of gastric bypass surgery during the year, and the positive effects of this surgery are immeasurable. The health benefits of massive weight loss are numerous and profound.

However, after a patient experiences massive weight loss, the body skin is not able to retract to the smaller size of the body underneath. This results in large pendulous hanging breasts, significant excess underarm skin (sometimes known as bat wings), and significant lower abdominal skin and laxity that causes rashes, impairs the ability to wear normal clothes and sometimes even daily activity. In the face, this excess skin often leads to significant signs of aging when the skin is no longer able to retrace following massive weight loss.
Body Contouring is a safe and effective group of procedures that can help a patient drastically improve their appearance!  Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa offer body contouring surgery designed specifically for patients who have achieved significant weight loss. Procedures that remove skin or fat, tighten and lift can be used as a complement to help your clothes fit better and allow you to participate more comfortably in your favorite activities.


Not everyone who loses a lot of weight needs body-contouring surgery. Moreover, experts say, not everyone needs it for the entire body.
A lot depends on your age, your genetics, level of sun exposure, how evenly the weight was distributed, and, more importantly, how you feel when you look in the mirror. If you’re not unhappy about the way you look, you shouldn’t be made to feel you need body- contouring surgery.
What can also make a difference, however, is where you lose the weight. While a loss of 50 pounds that was concentrated in your midsection might leave you with a lot of loose skin in that area, a 100-pound loss that was more evenly distributed on your body may have less of an effect on skin.
If you do end up with droopy, sagging skin and think there’s some other way around it, experts say, forget it. Short of surgery, there is really nothing that can help. Exercise won’t tighten it, and skin creams and lotions won’t do a thing to help.
Interested in what body contouring can do for you? Contact Dr. Mark Bishara’s Office in Mansfield and Southlake, today to learn more about the transformative treatments we offer. Call us at (817) 473-2120 to find out more information.


While the new year will see many attempt to turn over a new leaf, it seems certain old habits die much harder than others – especially when it comes to beauty.
According to Transform, cosmetic and non-surgical cosmetic procedures will still be very much en trend in the UK in 2014.
“There is a growing awareness of the different types of surgery available to people, coupled with the increasing desire to look and feel at your best,” says Shami Thomas from Transform. “Patients come to us as they want to feel good about their bodies and surgery can help them, and ultimately improve their self-confidence.
“Whilst surgical procedures are still very popular, it’s the non-surgical procedures that are proving to be a key theme and this trend is set to continue into 2014 and beyond.”
Here are Transform’s predictions for the hottest cosmetic surgery trends for 2014:
Breast Surgery
Responsible for over 80,000 breast augmentations, Transform shines the spotlight firmly on society’s fascination with women’s twin peaks and suggests that the allure of boobs – whether to have them bigger, smaller or more pert – will continue to be one of the most popular cosmetic procedures in the UK. Welcome news for a country that is united in its love for all things boobilicous.
Chin Implants
Women will continue to aspire to capture Hollywood glamour and opt to have chin implants – a procedure revealed in 2013 to have been undertaken by movie starlet, Marilyn Monroe. The procedure adds definition and balances facial features, producing instant and significant changes in the profile of patients – serving to inject a new bout of confidence into those with a weak or receding chin.
Enquiries for chin implants have doubled since 2010, with 60% of queries coming from women wishing to alter the silhouette of their faces and Transform expects the desire for a striking and defined chin to continue far into 2014.
Tummy Tucks
For those who’ve been left with excess skin after losing weight or following having a baby, a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is fast becoming the solution for many unconfident Brits. For those left hanging with stretched skin, and weakened muscles, this is fast becoming one of the most popular procedures as it takes away loose skin and tightens up the muscles. And 2014 is sure to see a continued rise in people wanting to fold up their saggy skin and opt for a slimmer, more toned tummy.
Brachioplasty or ‘Bingo Wing’ Surgery
Brachioplasty is the removal of excess, aging skin from the upper arms – often referred to as ‘bingo wings’ and gives tighter, more toned and youthful arms. An ever increasingly popular treatment among mature ladies who feel self-conscious about their ‘flappy’ upper arms or for those who have lost significant amounts of weight and want to tighten up the skin.
The quest for a ‘designer vagina’ has intensified, with labiaplasty and vaginoplasty amongst the UK’s fastest growing cosmetic surgery procedures.
Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce the size of, or reshape, the labia minora – either for medical or aesthetic reasons – while vaginoplasty ‘tightens’ the vagina, a procedure that is particularly popular among women who have given birth.
Transform reports that enquiries for the procedures have grown from 2,400 in 2010 to over 3,500 in 2013. Such results suggest that more and more women will feel empowered to undergo a vaginoplasty procedure in the coming year – and this is certainly set to be the surgery on everyone’s lips in 2014.
2013 saw a whole host of celebrities under the spotlight as having undergone non-surgical treatments from Kim Kardashian to Coleen Rooney and Sharon Osbourne. With non-surgical procedures accounting for 75% of the cosmetic industry*, these treatments are the ones to watch.
The Non-Surgical Face-Lift
Anti-ageing treatments such as dermal fillers, Botox and chemical facial peels are fast becoming a must on beauty-lovers’ lists.
And combined, they provide the ideal ‘face-lift’ that is seen to be taking over the surgical face-lift; they restore the contour of the face without the need for any surgery.
A combination of wrinkle and line smoothing treatments, and dermal fillers result in a more refreshed, and line-free look that plumps up skin, minimises marionette lines and gives a rejuvenated look that is proving ideal for today’s youth-seekers. An increasing number of women want to stop the signs of ageing without surgery – and with such glowing results and minimal recovery time after these procedures, we’ll see the trend for non-surgical facelifts continue for years to come.
Laser Hair Removal
A treatment used for the removal of excess or unwanted hair, laser hair removal works by destroying the base of the hair follicle that is the source of new hair growth. Used on a variety of skin types, with minimum fuss and maintenance, it’s becoming the number one choice for those on the go wanting smooth, hair-free body zones.
This News is Brought to you Courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake, TX
Please visit our Facebook page at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa

Plastic Surgery Procedures (Body Contouring) After Weight Loss

Most patients who undergo gastric bypass, or some form of gastric banding procedure, do lose weight. Many lose a lot of weight. But this massive weight loss brings problems of its own.
Typically patients are left with large folds of excess skin, along with loose muscles and sometimes localized pockets of unsightly fat tissue. In such cases, bariatric plastic surgery procedures, body contouring procedures and lipoplasty (liposuction), can help to reshape the normal structures of the body in order to improve appearance and self-esteem.
Plastic surgery is not an easy option. Mostly, it involves exchanging one cosmetic problem (eg. loose skin) for another (scars).
Plastic Surgery Procedures to Remove Loose Skin and Fat
For patients suffering from morbid or malignant obesity, choosing bariatric surgery to reduce calorie intake may offer them a passport to a healthy life. But even if such surgery causes them to lose substantial amounts of weight, they may face new problems which may necessitate further operations.
Plastic Surgery to Remove Loose Skin
When bariatric surgery (eg. gastric bypass) leads to dramatic weight loss, excessive amounts of skin can accumulate and hang in various areas, including face, neck, breasts, upper and lower abdomen, flanks, armpit, back, buttocks, arms, forearms, thighs, legs, and calves. This surplus skin can cause considerable hygienic problems, skin irritation, skin breakdown, pain and infection.
Plastic Surgery Procedures to Remove Excess Residual Fat
In addition, even though the patient might have experienced massive weight reduction, this weight loss may not be evenly spread around the body. This also depends on the patient’s type of obesity condition (whether gynoid or android). Body Contouring procedures can help to reduce these fat deposits, either by surgical excision or lipoplasty.
Cost of Plastic Surgery Procedures
The price of bariatric-related plastic surgery procedures can vary significantly, depending on several factors.

  • Patient’s condition
  • Complicating factors
  • The plastic surgeon
  • The hospital chosen
  • The type of anesthesia
  • Complications arising

Patient’s Needs
The full cost of your plastic surgery procedure is unlikely to become clear until after you have been examined by your surgeon, and your individual requirements and needs ascertained. Even then, you may need follow-up procedures after your plastic surgery.

Body Contouring Surgery Options

  • Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)
  • Arm Lift (brachioplasty)
  • Body lift (Circumferential Panniculectomy)
  • Breast Lift (Mastopexy)
  • Breast Reduction (Women)
  • Buttock Lift
  • Face Lift
  • Forehead Lift
  • Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia)
  • Liposuction (Lipoplasty)
  • Thigh lift (Thighplasty)

Dr. Bishara will discuss these and other treatment options with you during your consultation to determine which procedures are right for you. Our  treatment plan is specifically designed for patients who have recently undergone bariatric surgery and are left with loose, sagging skin as a result of the extreme weight loss. Please call our office at (817) 473-2120 for more information or to schedule a consultation or visit our website at www.MarkBisharaMD.com for more pictures of body contouring patients.