Q. Why is retinol used in cellulite minimizing creams?
A. Many of the new cellulite minimizing creams contain retinol as the ingredient that is called out on the front packaging. Remember that when an ingredient is called out on the packaging, this is not a claim and implies no efficacy. It is only restating what is already disclosed on the ingredient listing. Review of several retinol-containing cellulite creams reveals that the ingredient is toward the end of the list indicating a lower concentration. Most retinol cellulite products also contain caffeine, which is a beta-adrenergic stimulator. Remember that beta-adrenergic stimulation is thought to increase lipolysis.
Several articles appear in the dermatologic literature advocating the use of tretinoin to treat cellulite. It may be that this literature is being used to support the use of retinol, a distant retinoid relative of tretinoin. Remember that the retinol and caffeine in these products is placed in a carefully formulated moisturizing vehicle. It may be that much of the consumer-perceived improved tactile properties is vehicle derived. Clinical testing is required to provide more insight.
Several articles appear in the dermatologic literature advocating the use of tretinoin to treat cellulite. It may be that this literature is being used to support the use of retinol, a distant retinoid relative of tretinoin. Remember that the retinol and caffeine in these products is placed in a carefully formulated moisturizing vehicle. It may be that much of the consumer-perceived improved tactile properties is vehicle derived. Clinical testing is required to provide more insight.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa