The first official day of summer is only eight weeks away, which means you have just enough time to whip your skin-and the rest of your body-into shape. Whether you need to tighten up, nourish or just get your good habits back on track, here are four excellent ways to treat your skin now so you’ll be ready to glow this summer:
Add antioxidants
Consuming and applying certain antioxidants, especially vitamin C, will actually boost your skin’s strength against the sun’s damaging rays. Grab a high-quality vitamin C serum to add to your daily skin-care regimen, and eat plenty of berries, beans, nuts, citrus and green veggies to add protection from the inside out.
Nourish dry skin
If you naturally have dry skin, the hot summer months can make it even worse. A great way to boost your hydration levels is with an oxygen-based facial that deeply delivers moisture to the lower layers of skin. You’ll notice a difference right away in the way your skin looks and feels. Day-to-day, use a toner to activate your skin’s natural oils, which will improve dry skin over time.
Tighten up your skin
You have just enough time to schedule a series of skin-tightening procedures that use near infrared, which is used to tighten the stomach, love handles and arms. You’ll need four to six once-a-week sessions to see results.
Start good habits
Eight weeks is plenty of time to see a real difference in your body through good diet and exercise, especially when paired with good sleep and a stringently followed skin-care plan. Cut back on simple carbs, especially sugar, and fit in five cardio sessions a week, plus two strength-training workouts.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
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What are Free Radicals?
Antioxidants are the only defense you have against free radical damage. What are free radicals? A free radical is a molecule in your body which is missing one electron. In an attempt to regain that lost electron, the molecule steals electrons from other molecules, which causes a ton of problems. These free radicals are so highly reactive and unstable, that they cause immense damage to the cells they come in contact with. Sometimes the damage is so severe, that it can even harm your DNA!
You may be asking yourself: what does this have to do with skincare? Well, everything! The harm caused from free radicals doesn’t just affect you on the inside, it affects your skin as well. If your skin has been in particularly bad shape lately, or you’re noticing wrinkles have been forming easier, you may be exposing yourself to too many free radicals. If that is the case, you should examine your surroundings to determine the sources of the radicals.
Smoking, UV ray exposure, and poor diet are very common free radical producers. As you age, and the ability to produce collagen decreases, free radicals penetrate much further, causing much more damage. They will also speed the decline of collagen in the body, allowing wrinkles, dark-spots, and sagging skin to form much quicker.
Antioxidants & Anti-Aging
Luckily for us, there is a way to prevent free radicals from causing damage in the body. Antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, Omega-3, and many others have proven to minimize free radical damage by donating a spare electron of theirs to end the harmful electron-seeking chain reaction. Taken orally or absorbed topically, antioxidants are the answer to becoming healthier overall, both inside and out.
With your body becoming healthier, your skin will reflect the newfound protection. In the anti-aging skincare world, antioxidants are no secret. The positive benefits antioxidants produce for the skin have been utilized for generations, however they are now harvested synthetically as well as naturally and are incorporated in many skincare & supplement products.
Look for anti-aging products that feature antioxidants, such as Vitamin E and hyaluronic acid, as well as a range of hydrating & firming agents. Please call our office at (817) 473-2120, to find out how we can help you to maintain a healthy face for years to come.