
Plastic surgeons all over the country are offering a shall we say “very interactive” approach to medicine.
Dr. Miami also know as Dr. Michael Salzhauer is taking the camera phone into the operating room. Want to know how a brazilian butt lift is done? Watch it via his snapchat. With 130,000 followers on Instagram and 12,000+ on Twitter, nothing about his procedures is left to the imagination.
Think its crazy? Well maybe not. More and more clients are open to bringing you in on the experience. This platform allows the next patient to get an idea of what to expect. “ This allows people to actually see what the process is like. It demystifies it so it’s a lot easier for them to take the plunge, so to speak, “ he said.
Makes sense right? One patient even said she was happy to share her story and thought how cool is it, stating I can watch my surgery later…
Want to know what your favorite plastic surgeon is doing in the O.R.? Prop your feet up and check it out from the comfort of your couch. Dr. Matthew Schulman has “several hundred thousand” followers and 450,000 views daily. That’s a lot of people interested in watching you go under the knife.
Platforms like snapchat and twitter allow the surgeon a truly interactive relationship, with not only their existing clientele, but new patients as well. Its an educational platform, in real time. What more could you ask for? Does this violate privacy and HIPAA? You bet it does, but physicians simply ask for consent and have an open dialogue on what will and will not be shared.

I hate my selfie! New survey finds that 1 in 3 plastic surgeons have patients under 30 asking for facial procedures ‘so they can look better online’

  • Doctors reported seeing a 10 per cent rise in nose jobs, a 7 per cent rise in hair transplants, and a 6 per cent rise in eyelid surgery in young people wanting to look better online
  • Fifty-eight per cent of doctors surveyed said that they saw the increase in desire for plastic surgery in much younger patients due to social media
  • Women are more likely to ask for face and eye lifts whereas men want to keep their hair and fight wrinkles

Plastic surgeons claim that more and more young clients are coming to them for plastic surgery because they want to look good in selfies on their various social media accounts. In a world where people sign into their Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat as routinely as they brush their teeth, there comes a growing concern for the way they appear online.
A survey conducted by the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery found that one in three plastic surgeons saw an increase in people wanting facial procedures so they could look better online. ‘Social platforms like Instagram, Snapchat and the iPhone app, which are solely image based, force patients to hold a microscope up to their own image and often look at it with more self-critical eye than ever before,’ said Dr. Edward Farrior, President of the academy.
‘These images are often the first impressions young people put out there to prospective friends, romantic interests and employers, and our patients want to put their best face forward.
CBS writes that doctors reported seeing a 10 per cent rise in nose jobs, a 7 per cent rise in hair transplants, and a 6 per cent rise in eyelid surgery.
Fifty-eight per cent of doctors surveyed said that they saw the increase in desire for plastic surgery earlier in life do to social media. Of the young plastic surgery seeking crowd, mostly young females sought out plastic surgery or injections so they could have better selfies or photos for various dating profiles. Women account for 81 per cent of all cosmetic procedures although some men are also looking to go under the knife.
CBS reports that women ask for face and eye lifts whereas men want to keep their hair and fight wrinkles.
In the under 35 group of plastic surgery patients, the nose job was is still the most popular procedure and accounts for 90 per cent of procedures for women and 86 per cent in men.

Some young people believe that selfies are empowering whereas a growing number of youths are dissatisfied with their appearance online and are willing to pay out the nose to change it.

This information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake, TX.  Dr. Bishara provides a wide range of cosmetic procedures to help patients look and feel their best. These procedures are designed to improve the appearance of the face and body through minimally invasive techniques that provide highly effective results. Many of these procedures can be combined in order to achieve your desired appearance. Please call our office for more information at (817) 473-2120.