
Get your hair growing!!

Too scared to under go surgery but you need to stop your hair loss? No worries, sometimes just the word surgery can be terrifying for some of us. That is why here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa and Dr. Mark A. Bishara give you options!

Laser Therapy

Sometimes we think laser? What are a couple lights going to do? Well let me tell you, you’d be quite surprised! Here at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we offer laser therapy for hair loss using the Capillus 272! The Capillus 272 is equipped with 272 laser diodes to help wake up those dormant hair follicles and give you a fuller look! The best thing about it is that all it takes is fast and easy 30 minutes and it is absolutely pain free! We offer the treatments in office or you can purchase one for in home use!

Growth Factors to get your hair growing!

We have heard many ways Platelet Rich Plasma has helped with. From injured joints, tendons and other musculoskeletal problems and now HAIR!! Did you know that our very own blood (PRP) contains growth factors? Yes! Here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we perform multiple PRP treatments on a daily basis. It is and hour process, as we draw your blood, spin it on our centrifuge for about 15 minutes, The PRP will then be injected on to the areas that will need to be treated. Don’t worry we use local anesthetic to numb the area and make sure you are nice and comfortable and of course pain free.



Are you tired of constantly having to cover up the damage on your skin from the sun? We may have another alternative for you to get the results you are looking for Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa wants you to try a fotofacial. Located in Mansfield and Southlake, TX, we are dedicated to make sure you are satisfied with your appearance. If you are interested in boosting collagen, treating brown spots from the sun, and diminishing broken capillaries, a fotofacial would be the perfect way to give you a fresh, younger look.

Importance of collagen in your skin

Your body is made up of many different proteins. Collagen is the most important because it holds the skin together, keeping your skin looking younger and giving it a firm look. Boosting collagen with the 4-6 treatments that come with a fotofacial will help your skin have a healthy look  will leave you feeling more confident in your complexion.


It’s only natural for women to try to defeat the effects of the sun and the wrinkles that come with age. Fotofacials are known to reduce the appearance of age spots, remove wrinkles and acne scars, and enhance skin tone to help even out darker patches of your skin. Although many facials are said to help with rejuvenation, the fotofacials here at Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa are performed on patients for this specific purpose.


Have you ever thought about how being stressed can cause your pigmentation to fluctuate? Without realizing it, you could doing damage to your skin by rubbing your oily hands onto your face or not take your makeup off every night. If you’re stressed and are constantly rubbing your hands on your chin/any other area on your face, your skin will have a increase in color, also known as hyperpigmentation.
Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa aestheticians and staff want you to feel confident about your skin and the way you care for it.


Allure Magazine may not be the most scientific of publications, but when it comes to beauty, it knows its stuff. That’s why its recent survey about aging and good looks is getting quite a bit of attention. The magazine polled 2,000 people from across the U.S. on the topic. Let’s take a look at some of findings.
What a woman wants
Not surprisingly, the study found that aging is harder for women than men. This was demonstrated in two different ways – first, when respondents were asked what words they associated with gray hair, the No. 1 answer was “old” when talking about women. When the same question was asked about men with gray hair, the top answer was “distinguished.”
Furthermore, when asked which sex had more pressure to look young, 91 percent of female respondents and 84 percent of male respondents agreed women had it harder. Additionally, while only 34 percent of men indicated they’re concerned about the physical signs of aging, a full 56 percent of female participants said they were worried about wrinkles and graying hair.
Doing something about it
The study also found that women are more likely to seek out the help of a board-certified plastic surgeon to deal with their aging woes. Around 42 percent of female respondents said they’d consider plastic surgery or anti-aging injections like Botox soft tissue fillers. Only 18 percent of men said the same.
The good news
Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Med Spa offer many of the following spa services that help fight the signs of aging:

Laser Fotofacials
Targets and treats unwanted discolorations, pigmentation, broken capillaries, age spots and sun damage. Also lessens the appearance of rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles. A series of 4-6 is recommended.  This treatment is good for full face, face and neck, decollete, hands and arms.
Laser Skin Tightening
Near infrared technology is used to penetrate deep heat to the deepest layers of tissue. This stimulates collagen production and tightens lax skin. Nearly any patient seeking fuller, tighter skin can benefit from laser skin tightening as a safe, noninvasive and effective procedure. The laser skin tightening procedure can be fully customized to help each patient receive the best possible results, depending on the skin condition, size and location of the targeted area and the strength of the laser exposure. Treatments should be performed once every two weeks for a total of 6, followed by quarterly maintenance.
Laser Skin Resurfacing
One of the most popular anti-aging procedures that improves the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, scars and various other texture concerns. Minimal downtime is expected.
Laser 360
Laser360™ is a skin treatment for anyone who would like to revitalize their look without invasive procedures or injections. You no longer have to accept fine lines and wrinkles or skin discoloration as an inevitable part of the aging process.
Laser Skin Tightning – What You Can Expect
Using 3 cutting-edge technologies, Laser360 is a non-invasive, comfortable procedure that provides lasting results in just 60 days through a series of office visits. These skin tightening treatments are safe, comfortable and effective without surgery or down time. It can be used on any skin type, and you are free to return to normal activities immediately after each session. The treated area will gradually rejuvenate over the course of your customized treatment plan.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Bishara & The Paragon Med Spa, please contact our office directly. For more information about our services, or any other questions or comments, please call (817) 473-2120.

Schedule a Skype consult or in person with Dr Bishara
Facial rejuvenation results can be optimized by combining two or more effective laser modalities. With the new Laser 360 we combine three technologies within 3 treatments over 60 days. This one of the most popular treatments for patients looking to improve skin color, texture, tone and laxity.
The first technology will help to address skin discolorations. We use the photofacial to target melanin and hemoglobin within the skin. This allows us to effectively remove unwanted pigmentation and telangectasicas.
The second technology we use in the Laser 360 is the skin tightening modality. This device uses deep dermal heat to cause microscopic thermal injury that results in collagen remodeling. Skin tightening will improve the tone and laxity of the skin. Finally, the Laser 360 is completed with pixel laser resurfacing. Pixel will effectively smooth skin texture and replace photo damaged skin by gradually stimulating new cells. With Laser 360, skin is completely treated at every depth, therefore the results are better than any single modality. For more information about Laser 360 please contact the aesthetician at [email protected].
Mark A Bishara, M.D., P.A. Medical Director
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake.
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