

What to expect after a Hair Transplant

Making the decision to get a Hair Transplant was a huge step. Now its done and now comes the waiting game for your new hair to grow in. As with any surgical procedure come post operative instructions. Here at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, Dr. Mark A. Bishara has made sure to have a list with step by step instructions to follow after your Hair Transplant surgery.

All done….

After your Hair transplantation you will be tired as you will be sitting all day and still have sedative in the your body (at least most patients). At the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we make sure we answer all questions about your Hair Transplantation surgery, as well as Dr. Mark A. Bishara. Patients are also advised to feel free to contact us here at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa with any questions after leaving the office.

What to do and what not to do..

1. DO NOT lean over to tie your shoes or pick-up objects for the first 48 hours, as this may provoke bleeding.
2. DO NOT drink any alcoholic beverages for 2 days following the transplant procedure, to avoid excessive bleeding. Also avoid the use of marijuana or other chemical substances not prescribed, for one week following surgery.
3. If bleeding occurs in the donor area, apply firm, steady pressure for 20-30 minutes.Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, locate the exact bleeding point and apply pressure directly to the area with an ice pack. If bleeding continues, contact us or your family physician. If you are out of town, go to the nearest emergency department. If he/she has any questions, they should call Dr. Bishara at 877-70- NEW LOOK any time day or night.
4. Take your medication for pain at the first signs of discomfort. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE PAIN. Take one tablet approximately 20 minutes before retiring for the evening. Take this medication with food.
5. Sleep with your head elevated on two or three pillows for 2 days. We have provided you with disposable pillowcases for use on your top pillow.
6. Crusts (scabs) will form over the transplant sites and solidify the first few days.These crusts will naturally fall off within 1week. DO NOT pick at these crusts at anytime.
7. You may develop some post-operative edema (swelling) of the forehead and eyes for up to 2-3 days post-op. Ice packs can be applied to the forehead area. Do not apply ice to the grafts. This is not serious and resolves itself spontaneously. We have applied tape across your forehead to reduce swelling. If in the unlikely event you have fever, redness or pain call the doctor immediately.

Hair Loss

With there being many types a hair loss people frequently ask themselves what is best for them to treat their hair loss. When coming in to see Dr. Mark A. Bishara the type of hair loss the patient is experiencing plays a big part in deciding between PRP injections or Hair Transplantation. Male or female pattern baldness is typically on top of the head. The hair on the back and sides its what gets transplanted on the top of the scalp being that it wont be affected by the hormones.
Although PRP can be used during hair transplantation there are patients that rather not go through Hair Transplantation surgery. PRP treatments as same as hair transplantation can be used to treat male and female pattern baldness.

The Difference….

The process of PRP treatments are considerably different from a hair transplantation surgery. At the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa the first step in PRP treatments starts with drawing the patients blood. The Blood Sample is placed in a centrifuge so that the plasma separates from other cells. The Plasma then gets drawn into a syringe and injected to the areas in the scalp that Dr. Mark A Bishara has recommended to the patient.

Hair Transplantation it takes more involvement from Dr. Mark A. Bishara and his surgical techs. The hairs that will be transplanted are taken from the back and sides of the head using the ARTAS Robotic system which is the preferred method by Dr. Mark A. Bishara. The follicular units removed are check for quality as Dr. Mark A. Bishara makes the new home for the new hair. The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa techs then take the follicular units are then carefully transplanted on to the sites made, making sure they are positioned in the same direction Dr. Mark A. Bishara has made the sites.

The Results

It normally takes the same time to see results for both PRP treatments and Hair Transplantation. As far as Hair transplantation the transplanted hair will shed days after surgery. Patients usually see results of new hair growing within 6 to 7 months after their hair transplantation surgery. As for PRP treatments new growth can be expected with in a few months after treatment since the plasma needs to work itself in the follicles and stimulate growth. Results vary from patient to patient but in both cases the majority of patient see results of fuller hair with in 8 months!


Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

As we may all know there are many ways to help with hair loss. Have you heard of PRP? or Platelet Rich Plasma? You may have heard of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) used to promote the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, joints and most musculoskeletal problems. Well now you can get a PRP treatment to help with hair loss and hair thinning! How cool is that! Whats more exciting is that you can get it done at Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s office, The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa.

What exactly is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

So what exactly is PRP? PRP is a very natural, non surgical alternative for the treatment of hair loss or hair thinning. PRP is an injectable treatment which uses the patients own blood. Our own blood (PRP) contains active growth factors which can promote hair growth. PRP can be used as a treatment itself or it can be injected during a hair transplant/restoration surgery. PRP needs to be done 2-3 times a year to maintain any benefit, it is well worth it. Because who wouldn’t want their hair looking fuller and healthier? Dr. Mark A. Bishara and  the staff at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa highly recommend it!


Lets Get It Done

The first thing to do is come in to The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa and have a  consultation with Dr. Mark A. Bishara. If a candidate you can get your PRP done as soon as the day of your consultation. So how exactly does it work? The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, staff draws a couple of tubes of the patients own blood. After the collection the staff sets into the centrifuge for ten minutes as the centrifuge creates your PRP. Once PRP is ready the staff at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa uses a very thin needle to inject your very own PRP into your scalp. The PRP is injected all over. I know, I know, you?re thinking Ouch! Needles in my head? Don’t freak out! Local anesthetic is used to help with any discomfort. The PRP treatment itself can take anywhere from 60 to 90 minutes. There is nothing to worry about, the treatment is simple, safe and has reliable results. Recovery time is fairly quick and in no time you will have beautiful results!




No Stitches, No Linear Scar

As popular as hair transplants are getting, nobody likes stitches or the scars that are left after the hair transplant. When it comes to hair transplant surgery ARTAS is the way to go. Who ever thought, a robot performing hair surgery. With the ARTAS you don’t have to worry about stitches, and better yet NO linear SCAR!!
ARTAS Robotic System


The ARTAS Robotic System was created by Restoration Robotics in 2002 for the treatment of hair loss. Great news, the ARTAS Robotic System is FDA cleared! It only gets better, Dr. Mark A. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa has performed hundreds of hair restoration surgeries using the ARTAS Robotic System. The ARTAS Robotic System utilizes follicular unit extraction (FUE). Not only dissection, The ARTAS has the ability to make recipient sites. The ARTAS Robotic System has the ability of identifying and selecting your best hair for harvesting. With digital mapping it has the ability to provide a consistent graft dissection. Scarring is very minimal, unnoticeable at that. The recovery period with ARTAS Robotic System is fast making it easier for you to get back to your normal activities quicker.

ARTAS Animation

Behind the scenes of The ARTAS Robotic System

The day of surgery here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we bring the patient in and start off with consents and paperwork.  The day prior to surgery Dr. Mark A. Bishara will have some medications called and the patient will bring them along the morning of surgery. Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s staff will then begin to prep the patient beginning with trimming the patient hair so that it is easier for the ARTAS Robotic System to identify and extract. The patient’s donor  area is numbed using local anesthesia. The patient will then be seated in prone positon as we prepare the ARTAS Robotic System. A tensioner is placed on the patient scalp to help with dissection and depth. Dr. Mark A. Bishara then begins to maneuver the ARTAS Robotic System. The ARTAS Robotic System will start capturing images of the patient’s donor area in order to identify the different angles and density of the patient’s hair. The dissection begins, as the ARTAS Robotic System is dissection Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s tech will go behind and manually extract the the follicular units as the ARTAS Robotic System disects. Once all follicular units are dissected and extracted, Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s techs will begin to manually transplant the new hair in to the patient’s recipient area. Before you know it, you’ll be walking out with a new hair set!
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR ARTAS Robotic Services SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT US (817) 473-2120 OR EMAIL [email protected]


How many hairs come out of a graft area?

The number of hair ranges from one hair to four hair for each graft. We have an advantage by using a robot to select only two hair grafts if we need to provide more density. On the other hand single hair grafts are very important for the front of the hairline to get a feathered natural look.  We also have the ability to program the robot to only take single hair follicular units.

What % of hairs actually take?

90% of transplanted grafts or better will survive in the recipient site. Much of this is determined by the use of PRP, the use of high potassium based  holding solutions, and decreasing the time to transplantation. Limiting our hair transplant sizes the 800 g per session Minimizes the time of out of body and oxidative stress on the follicle.

What is the long term aftercare?

After transplant you may begin to use minoxidil at one week or once the scabs fall out. In the immediate postoperative period, there is a shampoo, conditioner, spray, and copper impregnated guaze pads. These are very important for healing and specifically Helps decrease the downtime from the procedure. I highly recommend the graft site kit and it is available at our office. After the hair transplant several months later you will begin to see your new hair growing. PRP injections would be advisable in your case at 4 weeks and 8 weeks. We would look at your overall hair Results of 10 months and recommend additional transplants in that area if it looks beneficial. You can of course transplant another area after two months allowing the donor site to heal appropriately.  There is no long-term of you care needed the transplanted hair. It is your hair and you don’t need to do anything to it to the transplants.

Will I need prp with the transplant?

This is answered above, PRP treatments will provide you with more hair mass. The recommendation is to do this might not only help your transplanted here but more importantly to prevent your natural hair from falling out.   As discussed in our consult, there has been no large multi institutional randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials that have been peer-reviewed to support a statistical significance of hair mass to date.  Existing here should go from the flimsy hair to thicker more robust hair and will give Is the appearance of more hair in some individuals.

Should I stop rogaine so you can really see the troubled area in its entirety before transplant?

No, you should not stop rogaine use.
Will I lose the transplanted hair over time since I am diagnosed with hereditary hair loss?

Most likely yes but by using hair laser you will slow your hair loss down.

Is it harder to transplant African American hair?  Does it take to the new site as well?  Does it take longer?  Have you performed any transplants on African Americans?

It is not technically harder to transplant African American hair.  The success of hair restoration at the receipt site is acceptable. It does take a little bit longer and yes we have conducted African American hair transplants. AA have acceptable results usually require multiple procedures.
What should I expect during procedure, and what should I expect at home after procedure?

You can expect to come to our office early in the morning take before pictures, have blood drawn, sign consent forms, and be placed in the chair where the nerve block will be performed. You’ll be given antibiotics and a sedative by mouth, next PRP will be injected into the recipient bed followed by recipient site creation. You will then be placed into the robot where we will dissect out a number of grafts that correspond to the number of recipients sites that we created. Then we will place you back into the chair to implant you.

You will rest for two days without increasing your blood pressure and we will follow up with you 2 weeks later on the phone call. Most of the scabs and existing hair connected to the follicle with fall out by seven days. You’ll have some existing scabs. Social downtime is about a week.

We look forward to helping you through your hair restoration journey!

Please give us a call 817-473-2120 or email us at [email protected]