Mothers everywhere are feeling the pressure to look like a supermodel weeks after welcoming their child to the world and turn to Mommy Makeovers. Many believe this mind set is due to our pop-culture. For example, Kim Kardashian, someone who is always in the spotlight bounced right back after her first child and was rumored to look even better than before her pregnancy. Dr. Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families, describes this as “the trickledown effect”: “The most beautiful women are getting Mommy Makeovers to look even more beautiful, then having their photographs computer-enhanced, and the rest of us are left saying, ‘Why don’t I look that good?’” We say this with the intent to educate those that aren’t aware of the editing that goes on to make those in the public eye look picture perfect 24/7. It is best for mothers, and all patients, to go into cosmetic surgery with the end goal of increased confidence, self esteem and love for their body, not with the intent to look perfect. To find out the psychology behind women who choose cosmetic surgery after the baby please refer to the information below. Real Self surveyed mothers of all age ranges: 99.5% of them had work done after they had a child (or children) and 85% of them have had more than two kids.
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American Society of Plastic Surgeons released 2014 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Statistics. These numbers are both intriguing and beneficial because they provide numerical concrete figures of cosmetic surgeries as well as minimally invasive procedures performed within the United States. Even more importantly, these numbers give us the inside scoop on what is of importance to our society at this point in time. Below are the most popular surgical procedures and minimally invasive procedures.
Most Popular Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in 2014:
Most Popular Minimally Invasive Procedures in 2014:
- Botox : 6,673,608
- Chemical Peel : 1,250,059
- Laser Hair Removal : 1,112,046
- Microdermabrasion : 881,905
- Soft Tissue Fillers : 2,301,673
- Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus : 1,802,247
Total Cosmetic Surgical Procedures : 1,677,478
Total Cosmetic Minimally Invasive Procedures : 1,802,247
Total Cosmetic Procedures in 2014 Total : 15,622,866
There are seasons for everything, but one thing you wouldn’t expect to be seasonal is cosmetic surgery. Any plastic surgeon, however, will tell you that the spring is the season for breast augmentations and liposuction, and the season for facelifts is right after Christmas. And many other procedures are more common during certain times of the year.
When it comes to facial surgery, like face or eyelid lifts, fall or winter surgery is most common. While you should be able to face the public two weeks after a facelift, you might not really want to. You’ll have residual swelling and even a little bruising up to a month after the lift, and there’s always a chance of some odd lumps and bumps. It’s a lot easier to wear scarves or heavier makeup when it’s cold outside. When planning for cosmetic surgery, you might be pleasantly surprised at how fast you recover, but 5-10% of people have one thing or another that slows down their recovery. When planning out your schedule, you really have to plan for the worst-case scenario.
Recovery from larger procedures takes longer than recovery from smaller procedures. And older women take longer to bounce back than younger ones. And, of course, if you have significant medical problems, you have a much higher chance of a complication after surgery; you and your surgeon may decide to forgo surgery and improve your appearance with less invasive procedures that are less demanding on your body.
While some office procedures like Botox, Xeomin and Fillers, are easier to do and really don’t have seasonality, not all types of procedures are suited for the summer. Chemical peels and some laser treatments require strict avoidance of sun, so unless you live in a cave or are a vampire, you might consider having these treatments during the fall-winter months.
This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa in Mansfield and Southlake, TX
Please visit us on our Facebook page at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa
Still, doctors recommend patients should not rely on cosmetic surgery solely because they’re dissatisfied with life. Anyone experiencing major life changes or other stress in their lives should avoid drastic changes in their appearance until the stress subsides.
2. Cosmetic surgery can improve your self-image. Whether you’re getting a chemical peel or liposuction, enhancing your appearance can give you a boost of confidence. Although improving your self-image from the inside will still be more important than any outward fix.
3. Cosmetic surgery can help you take charge of your appearance. Maintaining a youthful appearance requires a lot of hard work, and sometimes your diet, exercise and commitment to a healthy lifestyle just aren’t enough. Cosmetic surgery procedures can help you take charge of your appearance so you enjoy a youthful look at any age.
4. Cosmetic surgery can add years to your life and boost your self-esteem. When you feel good on a regular basis, you may be lowering your risk of depression because maintaining a high level of self esteem will make you feel happier overall. A study on high self-esteem and interpersonal success found in the Psychological Science in the Public Interest suggests that, “Self-esteem has a strong relation to happiness”. The domino effect of boosting your self-esteem so that it touches every area of your life can make it easier to connect with others and enjoy stable relationships for the long-term.
5. Cosmetic surgery can improve your relationships. Healthy relationships can improve your self-esteem and may make it easier to enjoy a thriving social life. Feeling confident about your appearance can help you enjoy social situations and build lasting relationships so you won’t be held back because of a poor body image or low self-esteem.
Other reasons for plastic surgury:
Health Reasons: Some people may have gone through rough times caused by sickness or massive weight loss, so it’s only natural for people to correct the damage caused by their illness. People may want to fix a problem that maybe causing health issues and surgery is the only option available, some people need surgery to survive.
Accidents: Another reason why people get cosmetic surgery is because they have been in a accident. Minor car crashes, sports, work accident anything you can think of. Because of accidents people can become severely deformed and cosmetic/plastic surgery is the only option to help fix peoples injuries.
Self Esteem: Some people choose to get cosmetic surgery to boost their self esteem. They need a boost and they think cosmetic surgery will give them that. In my opinion it does, people are extremely grateful to see the new changes to there bodies that they have always wanted.
Reconstructive Surgery: Re constructive procedures correct deformities on the face or body. These include physical birth defects like cleft lips and palates and ear deformities, traumatic injuries like those from dog bites or burns, or the aftermath of disease treatments like rebuilding a females breast after they have undergone surgery for breast cancer.
To look like someone you admire: Some people opt for cosmetic surgery out of a desire to look like a certain person that they admire. These people will alter the shape of their face with rhinoplasties, facelifts, liposuction and Botox to resemble like their favorite celebrities. This has become such a common trend with the youth, that MTV even released show called “I Want Famous Face” where people underwent plastic surgery to resemble their favorite celebrities.
Breast enhancement: One of the most commonly practiced forms of plastic surgery. Women with small breasts get plastic surgery and add implants to go from an A cup to a C or D cup.
en Español
1. Los investigadores dicen que es un antidepresivo. Los resultados presentados en la Sociedad Americana de Cirugía Plástica conferencia de cirujanos plásticos muestran el vínculo entre los pacientes de cirugía estética y una menor dependencia de los fármacos antidepresivos. Algunos médicos sugieren que algunas pacientes que habían sometido a cirugía dejaron de tomar los antidepresivos poco después de su procedimiento; esto podría significar que simplemente se sentían mejor y ya no necesitan prescripción de medicamentos para hacerle frente.
Aún así, los médicos recomiendan que los pacientes no deben confiar en la cirugía estética únicamente porque están insatisfechos con la vida. Cualquier persona que experimente grandes cambios en la vida u otro estrés en sus vidas deben evitar cambios drásticos en su aspecto hasta que el estrés disminuye.
2. La cirugía estética puede mejorar su propia imagen. Ya sea que usted está recibiendo un peeling químico o liposucción, mejorando su apariencia puede darle un impulso de confianza. Aunque la mejora de su imagen de sí mismo desde el interior será todavía más importante que cualquier solución externa.
3. La cirugía cosmética puede ayudarle a tomar las riendas de su apariencia. El mantenimiento de una apariencia juvenil requiere un montón de trabajo duro, ya veces su dieta, el ejercicio y el compromiso con un estilo de vida saludable simplemente no son suficientes. Procedimientos de cirugía cosmética pueden ayudarle a tomar las riendas de su apariencia para que disfrute de una mirada joven a cualquier edad.
4. La cirugía estética puede agregar años a su vida y aumentar su autoestima. Cuando te sientes bien sobre una base regular, se le puede reducir su riesgo de depresión porque se mantiene un alto nivel de autoestima le hará sentirse más felices en general. Un estudio sobre una alta autoestima y el éxito interpersonal que se encuentra en la Ciencia Psicológica en el Interés Público sugiere que, “La autoestima tiene una fuerte relación con la felicidad”. El efecto dominó de aumentar su autoestima para que toque todas las áreas de su vida puede hacer que sea más fácil conectar con los demás y disfrutar de relaciones estables en el largo plazo.
5. La cirugía estética puede mejorar sus relaciones. Las relaciones saludables pueden mejorar su autoestima y pueden hacer que sea más fácil disfrutar de una vida social próspera. Sentirse seguro acerca de su apariencia puede ayudarle a disfrutar de las situaciones sociales y construir relaciones duraderas, de manera que no se llevará a cabo de nuevo a causa de una mala imagen corporal o baja autoestima.
Otras razones para surgury plástico:
Razones de salud: Algunas personas pueden haber pasado por momentos difíciles causadas por la enfermedad o la pérdida masiva de peso, así que es natural que la gente para corregir los daños causados por su enfermedad. La gente puede querer solucionar un problema que tal vez causan problemas de salud y la cirugía es la única opción disponible, algunas personas necesitan cirugía para sobrevivir.
Accidentes: Otra de las razones por qué la gente la cirugía estética es porque han estado en un accidente. Accidentes automovilísticos menores, deportes, trabajan todo accidente que se pueda imaginar. A causa de los accidentes de la gente puede llegar a ser severamente deformado y cosméticos / cirugía plástica es la única opción para ayudar a reparar las lesiones de los pueblos.
Autoestima: Algunas personas optan por tomar la cirugía estética para aumentar su autoestima. Ellos necesitan un impulso y piensan cirugía estética que les dará. En mi opinión lo hace, la gente está muy agradecida de ver los nuevos cambios a Existen organismos que siempre han querido.
Cirugía reconstructiva: Re procedimientos constructivos corregir deformidades en la cara o el cuerpo. Estos incluyen defectos de nacimiento físicos como labio leporino y paladar y malformaciones del oído, lesiones traumáticas, como los de las mordeduras de perro o quemaduras, o las secuelas de los tratamientos de enfermedades como la reconstrucción de una mama las mujeres después de que hayan sido sometidos a cirugía para el cáncer de mama.
Para parecerse a alguien que admiras: Algunas personas optan por la cirugía estética de un deseo de parecerse a una determinada persona que admiran. Estas personas serán alterar la forma de su cara con rinoplastias, estiramientos faciales, liposucción y Botox para asemejarse al igual que sus celebridades favoritas. Esto se ha convertido en una tendencia común con los jóvenes, que MTV espectáculo aún lanzado llamado “I Want cara famosa” donde las personas se sometieron a la cirugía plástica para parecerse a sus celebridades favoritas.
El aumento de senos: Una de las formas más comúnmente practicados de la cirugía plástica. Las mujeres con senos pequeños obtienen cirugía plástica y añaden implantes para ir de una copa A a una C o copa D.
Lots of people are availing and undergoing cosmetic surgery nowadays. It is much more widely available nowadays and its cost is also very affordable. Hence, this is no longer a thing of the rich people. Aside from that, it is also really popular because of the advantages of the procedures.
There are at least three (3) common and most popular advantages of undergoing cosmetic surgery. These are related to the physical enhancement, fast procedure as well as long-lasting effects and results.
Cosmetic surgery Enhances Physical Looks
On the one hand, the primary advantage and benefit of cosmetic surgery is that it is being done in order to enhance the physical appearance of your body parts. Unlike the plastic surgery procedures, different cosmetic surgical procedures are commonly intended for vanity and improving physical looks more than functional reasons. According to different reviews and success stories, this is actually considered as the most effective way to get rid of some unwanted marks and scars on your body. For example, if you notice some wrinkles on your forehead already, you can choose to undergo cosmetic surgery in order to resolve it.
Fast Procedures of Cosmetic surgery
On the other hand, another advantage of the cosmetic surgery is that this is actually regarded, not only the best, but also the fastest way to resolve your physical problems. This is because it will only take you several hours in order to complete the procedure and you will enjoy its results already immediately afterwards. This is unlike ordinary beauty products that will take you several weeks and even month in order to notice the results. There are even time when those ordinary products will only let you enjoy the results for couple of day and not permanently.
Long-lasting Effects and Results
Last, but I think not the least important and popular advantage of cosmetic surgery procedures, has something to do with its effects. Well, I am specifically referring to the long-lasting effects of results that you will be able to enjoy with this kind of cosmetic procedure. Unlike the other ordinary products for cosmetic and labeled to enhance the physical looks of your body, this one will let you enjoy almost permanently the effects and results of undergoing it. I have said this because its effects, last a very long period of time, if not permanently. Some procedures are even for a life time.