What are the benefits of this treatment?
MonaLisa Touch® allows for a functional restoration of the vagina (Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation), which helps fighting and attenuating symptoms related to vaginal atrophy, a widespread problem among pre and postmenopausal women.
Thanks to its action on factors that determine dryness, fragility and loss of mucosal elasticity, this treatment can eliminate troublesome itching, irritation and pain, which become particularly acute during intercourse. The interaction with laser is, in fact, the ideal method to stimulate the collagen contained in the vaginal walls for the rehydration and functional tissue restoration. Its beneficial action can contribute to improve self-confidence and sexual pleasure.
For which women is MonaLisa Touch® laser treatment most suitable?
For any woman who want prevent or treat the vaginal symptoms due to estrogenic decrease (in menopause, after a childbirth, after a cancer treatment, or after an eating disturb –anorexia) . Most common symptoms vaginal dryness, laxity, burning, pain during sexual intercourse and mild urinary incontinence.
MonaLisa Touch® is the ideal treatment for those who are looking for a less invasive procedure, compared to traditional surgical or pharmaceutical treatments. Remember, no one can advise you better about MonaLisa Touch® and what is best for you to achieve best results than your doctor.
What type of results can I expect?
Most treated patients report a reduction in dryness, burning sensation, pain during intercourse, and urinary symptoms which contributes to a sumbstantial improvement in the quality of life. These results are possible, thanks to the stimulation of the mucosa, which regenerates and “rejuvenates”
How many treatments are needed?
It depends on how serious the symptoms are. We usually recommended 1 to 3 treatments, 40-60 days apart, followed by an annual maintenance treatment. In any case, it will be up to your gynecologist, after careful examination, to evaluate and recommend the best treatment plan for you.
Are there any contraindications?
There is no exclusion criteria for MonaLisa Touch ®, other than those related to serious local or systemic diseases. In general, all women who have vaginal disorders like dryness, laxity, burning and itching can benefit from this treatment; however, your doctor must determine whether you are compatible.  Patients with vaginal mesh should be avoided.
TO LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR Vaginal Rejuvenation and Labiaplasty SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT US (817) 473-2120 OR EMAIL [email protected] TO SCHEDULE AN  APPOINTMENT.



Having children is one’s biggest blessings. Along with your blessing come along changes in your body, especially in the breast and abdomen area. Sagging breast or loose skin doesn’t always look great. That is why Dr. Mark A. Bishara offers what are known as Mommy Makeovers. In the following are some frequently asked questions that might help you decide towards coming in and consulting with Dr. Mark A. Bishara about your Mommy Makeover.

What is a mommy makeover?

The rejuvenation  of the breast and the abdomen is what a mommy makeover refers to. The purpose of a mommy makeover is to transform changes in the breast and abdomen that occur after pregnancies.

Can i have more kids after my mommy makeover?

If you are planning on having more children it is best to wait. Pregnancies are possible after an abdominoplasty but with the skin getting stretched again the results after pregnancy may not be the best.

Is a mommy makeover all done at once?

Majority of the time the mommy makeover is done all at once. Depending on the areas needing to be addressed it can also be done in two different stages.

Are there different options for a Mommy Makeover?

Mommy makeover consist of a breast lift with no augmentation or breast reduction; and abdominoplasty or as many refer to as a tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck and liposuction.

Who are good candidates for a mommy makeover?

In order to be a good candidate for a mommy makeover the patient should be in over all good health. The patient should also would have completed their child bearing stage.

What can i do to prepare myself for my mommy makeover?

The best thing one can do to prepare for their mommy makeover is to understand why it is being done, what actually is going to get done and have an idea what results will be like.

How soon can i resume normal activities?

For the first week after a mommy makeover you want to have some help with your children or help in general around your home. Recovery generally ranges from 1 to 4 weeks.
Click here to view a Full Tummy Tuck procedure animated »
Click here to view a Mini Tummy Tuck procedure animated »