

Finding the Right Hair Dr!

Robotic devices are more commonly used for many different types of surgical procedures. One being Robotic Fue, which just happens to be one of Dr. Mark. A. Bishara’s top procedures at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. Dr. Mark. A. Bishara has done many robotic FUE’s. From Hair transplantations to beards and even eyebrows. As tedious as it sounds Dr. Mark A. Bishara and his staff at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa are very professional and experienced.

The Invention

Restoration robotics is a medical device company who created  a robot called the ARTAS to help assist in hair transplantation. The Artas Robot consists of a chair in which the patient would sit through out the whole hair transplantation. Aside from the chair is the actual Artas Robot which Dr. Mark A. Bishara controls using a computer. The   Artas Robotic device has been FDA cleared.

What it does

The Artas Robot has a robotic arm which is being controlled to dissect hair follicles from the back and sides of the scalp. In order for the robotic arm to detect the patients hair, Dr. Mark A. Bishara staff shaves the back of the patients head. Unlike the traditional strip removal of the patients donor area the Artas Robot is designed to perform a follicular unit extraction using a special 0.7 to 1mm diameter tool. That only means one thing, no linear scar. The cuts using the Artas Robot will leave a scar that is barely visible to the naked eye.



As we know hair transplantation is getting extremely popular. Who wouldn’t want a head full of hair? Baldness in the 21st century is now a choice…. there are many forms of hair transplantation. Dr. Mark A. Bishara has been performing hundreds and hundreds of hair transplants at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa using the best method, ARTAS Robotic Follicular Unit Extraction.

Yes, that means No Linear scarring!

The most common form of hair transplantation has been the FUT (follicular unit transplantation), but who wants ugly scars? Avoid that linear scar by opting to robotic FUE. It is less painful and definitely cuts down on the recovery process. Opting robotic FUE will give you the opportunity to style your hair with out having to worry about a scar showing. Dr. Mark A. Bishara can give you all the scoop on robotic FUE when coming in for your consultation at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa!

FDA Cleared!

Dr. Mark A. Bishara uses the Artas Robot for hair transplantation. I know, i know your thinking a robot? Robotic technology has come a long way changing the way medicine is practiced. Robotics have been used to perform other major surgeries such as heart valve, bypass, and even kidney and prostate. So why not for hair! Artas Robot is a FDA cleared device that offers the most precise method for FUE!

How it is done

During an Artas Robotic hair transplant the staff at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa trims the patients hair down in order for the robot to detect the targeted follicular units that are going to be extracted. The patient is placed in prone position and a skin tensioner is placed on the patients donor area to stabalize the skin for accurate tracking and dissecting of the hair. When completed with the dissection Dr. Mark A. Bishara makes the recepient sites for the new hair. Shortly after The Paragon Plastic surgery and Med Spa staff begin the manual transplantation.

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What causes hair loss?

There are many causes for hair loss. In most cases it can be heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions and even medications. The most common is hereditary condition also known as male-pattern baldness or female-pattern baldness. Hereditary also takes affect in the age in which you begin to lose hair.  This can be very disheartening.

What is DHT?

Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT  is a natural but powerful metabolite of the human body and the main cause of hair loss in both men and women.

How does DHT cause hair loss?

DHT plays a huge roll in hair loss. What it does is it restricts the follicles the ability to produce hair growth.

Does stress cause hair loss?

In some cases stress can play a roll in hair loss. Generally stress induced loss regrows with in a year, however, some stress responses simple speed up the genetic predisposition to losing hair. Extreme emotional tension for prolonged periods of time can have an effect as well.

Is there a cure for hair loss?

There are many treatments to help with hair loss. Consulting with a hair loss specialist can help determine what treatment will benefit you. There are treatments such as:

  • -Propecia
  • -Laser Therapy
  • -Minoxidil
  • -Finasteride
  • -Hair restoration surgery
  • PRP injections
How can i know what treatment i should do?

Being that there are many treatments for hair loss the best way to go is consulting with a hair specialist like Dr. Mark A. Bishara. Depending on the type and amount of hair loss Dr. Mark A. Bishara will be able to recommend the best treatment.  The best results of regrowth in hairless patients ALWAYS are using multiple different measures to combat hair loss. For example, patients willing to take finasteride (Propecia), use the Capillus Laser 272 30 minutes every other day for 6 months, undergo post procedural PRP injections and use Minoxidil compounded for best results.

Can home remedies cure baldness?

When hair loss is genetic home remedies or more likely to fail. To have effective results the best way to go is medication, laser therapy or hair transplantation.  Delaying the treatment of hairless prevention can severely limit the options and decrees the lifetime presence of hair mass.

Does the use of helmets or hats contribute with hair loss?

The answer is NO! Wearing a hat or helmet has no effect whatsoever in the amount or type of hair loss in a person.

Can someone donate their hair to get transplanted?

Using another persons hair is not possible due to the way foreign tissue is rejected.  If you have a monozygotic twin or genetically identical twin you can successfully transplant.  If not, you would be required to take anti rejection drugs that haves risks that outweigh the benefits.

How long does a hair transplant last?

Transplanted hair is known to be permanent and last a life time, although in some cases a small perecantage of transplanted hair can be lost due to age.  This concept is known as follicular senescence.


What to expect after a Hair Transplant

Making the decision to get a Hair Transplant was a huge step. Now its done and now comes the waiting game for your new hair to grow in. As with any surgical procedure come post operative instructions. Here at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, Dr. Mark A. Bishara has made sure to have a list with step by step instructions to follow after your Hair Transplant surgery.

All done….

After your Hair transplantation you will be tired as you will be sitting all day and still have sedative in the your body (at least most patients). At the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we make sure we answer all questions about your Hair Transplantation surgery, as well as Dr. Mark A. Bishara. Patients are also advised to feel free to contact us here at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa with any questions after leaving the office.

What to do and what not to do..

1. DO NOT lean over to tie your shoes or pick-up objects for the first 48 hours, as this may provoke bleeding.
2. DO NOT drink any alcoholic beverages for 2 days following the transplant procedure, to avoid excessive bleeding. Also avoid the use of marijuana or other chemical substances not prescribed, for one week following surgery.
3. If bleeding occurs in the donor area, apply firm, steady pressure for 20-30 minutes.Repeat if necessary. If bleeding persists, locate the exact bleeding point and apply pressure directly to the area with an ice pack. If bleeding continues, contact us or your family physician. If you are out of town, go to the nearest emergency department. If he/she has any questions, they should call Dr. Bishara at 877-70- NEW LOOK any time day or night.
4. Take your medication for pain at the first signs of discomfort. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE PAIN. Take one tablet approximately 20 minutes before retiring for the evening. Take this medication with food.
5. Sleep with your head elevated on two or three pillows for 2 days. We have provided you with disposable pillowcases for use on your top pillow.
6. Crusts (scabs) will form over the transplant sites and solidify the first few days.These crusts will naturally fall off within 1week. DO NOT pick at these crusts at anytime.
7. You may develop some post-operative edema (swelling) of the forehead and eyes for up to 2-3 days post-op. Ice packs can be applied to the forehead area. Do not apply ice to the grafts. This is not serious and resolves itself spontaneously. We have applied tape across your forehead to reduce swelling. If in the unlikely event you have fever, redness or pain call the doctor immediately.

Finding hair on your pillow, covering the shower drain and filling your hairbrush can be daunting, but don’t panic yet. Yes, you are losing hair, but how much is normal?
Most of us are born with about 100,000 hairs and 90% of those hairs are in a constant growth mode. Some follicles will go into a resting or dormant phase and shedding hair simply allows new hair to take its place, so its fair to say losing 50 to 100 hairs is considered normal.
Folic acid, one of the vitamin B complexes has been shown to play a role in keeping skin and hair healthy and thanks to a veterinary study, noted that folic acid was instrumental in improvement of the calf with significant hair loss. A three week old Charolais calf presented with hair loss was given a daily oral dose of 1mg/kg. The results were substantial, starting with a gradual decrease in tiny crusts that had formed on the skin. And his hair back to a normal state within 8 weeks of treatment.
Deficiency in folic acid has the potential of causing hair loss and/or slow regrowth due to lack of oxygen and blood flow to the cells responsible for growth. We can derive that taking folic acid may eliminate the deficiency of hair loss, although it has not been demonstrated in humans, we have Mr. Calf to thank.
Studies show that folic acid in the B vitamin family is essential for the generation of new cells and the recommended dose for humans is 400 micrograms per day. Prefer to get your vitamins via food groups, try dark leafy vegetables, spinach and greens. Asparagus and broccoli are also rich in folic acid and citrus fruits, especially oranges, papaya, grapefruit, bananas and strawberries are rich in this needed acid.
Since hair growth relies on frequent cell regeneration as well as a consistent supply of folic acid, a supplement and or food sources are excellent options. A physician may prescribe folic acid in addition to your diet, however, if you choose a route like a vitamin shop or herbal store, do your research on the purity of the product as all products are not created equal.