
Investing In A Hair Transplant Is A Major Decision.
First, it is important to determine if you are a candidate.

Before deciding if a hair transplant is worth it, you should consider several factors.  Among the things to evaluate, you should decide and/or evaluate with your physician some of the following

1. Your current state of hair loss

2. Your potential future hair loss
3. Your current and potential future hair restoration needs

4. Approximate cost of a hair transplant.

Overall, many patients have a slow down in hair loss after the age of 40, but this does not mean the balding has stopped.  In fact, some hair loss can continue well into the 50s and 60s (though not as aggressively). 
A Hair transplant can help you rejuvenate.  You can start to look like you feel.  This is a great goal for most people.  However, it is important to realize that you may not be able to look like you did when you where 15 years old.
The good news is you can now get quality hair transplants that are affordable.  A hair transplant does not sacrifice quality if you do your proper research.  Some places cut corners in critical steps, some places just do so much hair restoration and control overhead that you simply benefit from the volume and experience.  Overall, when considering the cost of a hair transplant, you should evaluate all factors as best as possible.  The pros and cons of a hair transplant can be tricky to determine and should be done in consultation with your physician.  The Artas hair transplant cost can be very affordable.
Is a hair transplant worth it? The investment in an FUE restoration procedure produces permanent and natural results.  This reverses a lifetime of hair loss and balding that affects the way look at us.  If you have a goal like this, then you may want to consider a consult with our team to discuss this further.
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara
En Espanol
Invertir en un trasplante de cabello es una decisión importante.Primero, es importante determinar si usted es un candidato.
Antes de decidir si un trasplante de cabello vale la pena, debe tener en cuenta varios factores. Entre las cosas que evaluar, debe decidir y / o evaluar con su médico algunos de los siguientes
1. Su estado actual de pérdida de cabello
2. Su futuro potencial pérdida de cabello
3. Sus necesidades futuras de restauración de cabello actuales y potenciales
4. El costo aproximado de un trasplante de cabello.
En general, muchos pacientes tienen una desaceleración en la caída del cabello después de los 40 años, pero esto no significa que la calvicie se ha detenido. De hecho, alguna pérdida de cabello puede continuar hasta bien entrados los años 50 y 60 (aunque no de manera tan agresiva).Un trasplante de cabello puede ayudar a rejuvenecer. Usted puede comenzar a parecer que se siente. Esta es una gran meta para la mayoría de la gente. Sin embargo, es importante darse cuenta de que puede que no sea capaz de mirar como lo hizo cuando en 15 años.
La buena noticia es que ahora usted puede conseguir los trasplantes de pelo de calidad que sean asequibles. Un trasplante de cabello no sacrifica la calidad si usted hace su investigación adecuada. Algunos lugares cortar las esquinas en los pasos críticos, algunos lugares sólo hacen tanto la restauración del cabello y los gastos generales de control que simplemente se beneficia de que el volumen y la experiencia. En general, cuando se considera el costo de un trasplante de cabello, debe evaluar todos los factores de la mejor manera posible. Los pros y los contras de un trasplante de cabello puede ser difícil de determinar y debe hacerse en consulta con su médico. El costo de trasplante de cabello Artas puede ser muy asequible.
Es un trasplante de cabello vale la pena? La inversión en un procedimiento de restauración FUE produce resultados permanentes y naturales. Esto invierte un tiempo de vida de la pérdida del cabello y la calvicie que afecta la manera vistazo a nosotros. Si usted tiene una meta como esta, entonces es posible que desee considerar una consulta con nuestro equipo para discutir más a fondo.
Esta información llega a usted por cortesía de Dr. Mark Bishara


For the very latest technology in hair restoration, Dr. Mark Bishara is using the ARTAS System. This interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. ARTAS is the first hair transplant robot to improve the most challenging aspects of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
There are two common ways to treat balding including strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction (FUE).  Strip harvesting is the most commonly used technique right now, and it is an efficient means of harvesting large quantities of follicles.
However, we have stopped offering it as a primary modality for a number of reasons, including patient recovery time and wound morbidity.
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Benefits of ARTAS System
Robotic technology is used in numerous surgical and diagnostic procedures to improve the efficacy of treatments.  Restoration Robotics has incorporated robotic technology into FUE resulting in the ARTAS system which is the first and only FDA-cleared technology that allows the physician to control the image-guided robot.  I am able to make minor adjustments to dissection depths and angles during the extraction process ensuring my patients receive optimal results.
The ARTAS system also greatly reduces post procedure pain or disomfort as compared to strip-harvesting where patients report a sense of tightness and some degree of numbness for two to three months after a strip harvest.
Before and After Pictures some of our patients:
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How the Procedure Works

The patient’s hair is first trimmed before the ARTAS system digitally scans areas of the scalp to identify hair in natural groupings. The selected hair is then precisely harvested using the robot and then transplanted into the thinning areas. These grafts will then grow just like they did before the areas where they are needed to fight balding.
Results will start to show in 3 months and by the 6th month, patients can expect to see noticeable improvements.  The hair will continue to grow and full results will be achieved a year after the treatment.
The ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplantation procedure is preferred because of its minimally invasive nature and no need for anesthesia or downtime. This procedure is designed to produce effective results with minimal downtime and no damage to surrounding hair follicles. I will help you determine how to achieve the best possible results.  Please contact our office for more information at (817) 473-2120.
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robotic hair transplants


For many women, hair loss can be very difficult to deal with. It is important for women to be evaluated by a doctor, who specializes in hair loss, at the first signs of a problem – whether she notices that her ponytail is smaller than it used to be, she sees more hair in the shower, or if her part is widening. Determining the cause of the hair loss is the first step in treating it and preventing future hair loss.

Female-Pattern Hair Loss
The most common form of hair loss in women is female-pattern hair loss, which is a hereditary condition also referred to as androgenetic alopecia. While pattern hair loss affects both men and women, it is very different in women and does not display the classic receding hairline or bald spot on top of the scalp as it does in men. In women, the frontal hairline is usually maintained, but there is visible thinning over the crown. In both male- and female-pattern hair loss, the hair stays on the head for a shorter time due to a short growth phase, resulting in baby fine hairs that do not reach their full length or diameter.
Fortunately, several treatment options are effective for women with hair loss. Minoxidil 2% is the only topical medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for female-pattern hair loss. Minoxidil 5% is only FDA-approved for male-pattern hair loss, but it has been shown to be very effective in women as well. Both the 2% and 5% solutions are available over-the-counter. While minoxidil does not grow new hair, it works by prolonging the growth phase of hair – providing more time for hair to grow out to its full density.
Although minoxidil is an over-the-counter treatment, women should consult their doctor who is experienced with the product and can explain how it works and off-set any known side effects.
In some cases, other medications may be used off-label to treat female hair loss, including finasteride (which is FDA-approved for male-pattern hair loss) for women of non-childbearing age only, and the anti-androgens spironolactone and flutamide that work by blocking the male hormone testosterone at the cellular level of the hair follicle. These oral medications also may be an option for women who may not want to spend time applying minoxidil every day. Dr. McMichael also noted that hair transplantation is an extremely effective procedure for women who want to fully restore their lost hair and works best in conjunction with topical or oral medications to prevent further hair loss.

Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT)

The low- level laser therapy treatment is also known as “The Cold Laser”. The laser light generated by low-powered (cold) lasers has recently come into use as a non-surgical hair restoration treatment for patten hair loss.
The LLLT lasers are called “cold” because their light is absorbed by targeting tissue but does not heat the target tissue as occurs with lasers used to cut and remodel tissue. Instead the laser has an interaction with the living tissue which is defined as photobiology. This laser therapy has been proven to have the best results when combined with other medical therapies such as minoxidil or finasteride. Treatments must be repeated to maintain hair growth and the only permeant treatment for pattern hair loss is still hair transplantation.
The LaserCap® using Low Level Laser Technology (LLLT) can help men and women of all ages who suffer from hair loss by emitting pulses of laser light energy to the scalp to stimulate the hair follicles and improve blood circulation in the area, encouraging hair growth once again.
Recently, the FDA has announced its approval of Low Level Laser Technology for use in the promotion of hair growth for men, with approval for women anticipated soon as well. Dr. Bishara fully endorses the results of this advanced technology and is proud to offer LLLT in his office through treatment with the LaserCap.
During the LLLT procedure, beams of light are absorbed by the scalp to stimulate blood flow and allow more nutrients to flow to the hair follicles. As a result, hair begins to grow again. Many patients experience significant improvement to the amount and quality of their hair after this procedure, and report benefits such as:

  • Reduction of excessive hair loss
  • Improvement of hair shaft quality
  • Repair of damaged hair follicles
  • Thicker, easier-to-manage hair
  • Reduction of excess oil production in the scalp
  • Relief from itchy scalp symptoms

This treatment is non-invasive and is considered safe for most patients, with no known side effects. The technology used during LLLT ensures that no damage will occur to surrounding living tissues, providing maximum results. LLLT has been used in Europe for over 30 years before its recent approval in the US.
Anyone can use the LaserCap. All you have to do is insert the LaserCap into any hat you desire. The cap can fit into any hat large enought to hold it. Then connect a fully charged battery pack in the cap and turn on the power switch. You will see results within 60 days. LaserCap can be used with other treatments such as Propecia.

Robotic Hair Transplants for Men and Women

For the very latest technology in hair restoration, Dr. Mark Bishara is using the ARTAS System. This interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. ARTAS is the first hair transplant robot to improve the most challenging aspects of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
There are two common ways to treat balding including strip harvesting and follicular unit extraction (FUE).  Strip harvesting is the most commonly used technique right now, and it is an efficient means of harvesting large quantities of follicles.
However, we have stopped offering it as a primary modality for a number of reasons, including patient recovery time and wound morbidity.
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Benefits of ARTAS System
Robotic technology is used in numerous surgical and diagnostic procedures to improve the efficacy of treatments.  Restoration Robotics has incorporated robotic technology into FUE resulting in the ARTAS system which is the first and only FDA-cleared technology that allows the physician to control the image-guided robot.  I am able to make minor adjustments to dissection depths and angles during the extraction process ensuring my patients receive optimal results.
The ARTAS system also greatly reduces post procedure pain or disomfort as compared to strip-harvesting where patients report a sense of tightness and some degree of numbness for two to three months after a strip harvest.
Before and After Pictures some of our patients:
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How the Procedure Works

The patient’s hair is first trimmed before the ARTAS system digitally scans areas of the scalp to identify hair in natural groupings. The selected hair is then precisely harvested using the robot and then transplanted into the thinning areas. These grafts will then grow just like they did before the areas where they are needed to fight balding.
Results will start to show in 3 months and by the 6th month, patients can expect to see noticeable improvements.  The hair will continue to grow and full results will be achieved a year after the treatment.
The ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplantation procedure is preferred because of its minimally invasive nature and no need for anesthesia or downtime. This procedure is designed to produce effective results with minimal downtime and no damage to surrounding hair follicles. I will help you determine how to achieve the best possible results.  Please contact our office for more information at (817) 473-2120.
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The ARTAS System with Dr. Bishara

The ARTAS System
By the age of 50, approximately 50 percent of all men experience some degree of hair loss. Prescription remedies can offer some benefits to existing hair, but hair restoration is the only permanent solution for hair loss and often achieves a natural, undetectable result. For the very latest technology in hair restoration, Dr. Mark Bishara is now using the ARTAS System. This interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. ARTAS is the first hair transplant robot to improve the most challenging aspects of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE).
This physician-controlled, state-of-the-art system enables the harvesting of hair follicles during hair restoration procedures. It offers numerous beneficial features, including an image-guided robotic arm, special imaging technologies, small dermal punches and a computer interface. The ARTAS System is capable of identifying and harvesting individual follicular units to implement the FUE technique. The device, guided by cameras and 3-D imaging software, can perform the dissection of hair follicles individually at a rate of up to 1,000 per hour.
Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) offers less discomfort and a faster return to normal daily activities than traditional, more invasive methods of hair restoration. Performed in Dr. Bishara’s Mansfield or Southlake office, FUE with ARTAS moves healthy, functioning follicles to the areas of the patient’s scalp most impacted by baldness for more dramatic results. The implanted hairs develop their own blood supply, begin to grow and new hairs are seen a few months after the procedure has taken place. New hair continues to grow over the course of a full year, making the change in the patient’s appearance gradually noticeable to others. Healing time is short, and there is no resultant linear scar as happens with other methods of hair restoration. The only evidence is tiny, white scars left in the donor area, which are the same as those produced by manual FUE.
Robotic FUE with ARTAS increases the accuracy of harvesting grafts to minimize damage to the follicles. It also reduces harvesting time and improves the chances of graft survival. The FUE procedure involves removing hair directly from the donor region of the scalp in individual, naturally-occurring groups of one to four hairs. Dr. Bishara begins the procedure by separating the follicular units from the surrounding skin. The follicular units are then extracted from the scalp. Once a recipient site has been created, Dr. Bishara will implant the follicular unit grafts into the area to take root.
The use of the ARTAS System has significantly increased the accuracy and usefulness of the FUE procedure, and Bishara Cosmetic Surgery is the first hair restoration center in Texas to use the new robotic device for FUE.
Before and After Pictures of Dr. Bishara’s Patients:

Benefits of the ARTAS System- Technology Makes a Difference

The ARTAS System for FUE employs an image-guided robotic arm to separate follicular units from the surrounding tissue for subsequent extraction. The image-guided system allows this step to be accomplished with great precision. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia which makes it painless.
From the efficiency of the ARTAS System in extracting follicular unit grafts to the quality of the grafts to patient safety, the benefits are many. You can receive a high quality hair transplant with a less intensive time commitment, less anesthesia needed to numb the area, improved hair growth rates and a better overall FUE hair transplant experience.
If you have any questions or would like to speak to a member of our team about the ARTAS® Robotic System, please call us at (817) 473-2120 or click on the button below:
robotic hair transplants

Male or female, we all take pride in our hair. It is probably the second most sexually appealing segment of the human anatomy. So what happens when our hair starts falling out? While balding can happen to both men and women, it usually affects males more than females. Up to 50 percent of men suffer from this debilitating disease and this can cause low self-esteem and loss of quality of life. People with severe hair loss, or those that do not respond to more conservative treatments, may require surgery to restore hair loss and promote new hair growth.
Male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia is usually caused by the dihydrotesterone (DHT) hormone. DHT is commonly synthesised in the adrenal glands, testes, prostate and, of course, the hair follicles. Androgenic alopecia causes hair follicles to be extremely sensitive to the DHT hormone and thus, the hair follicles begin to shrink, resulting in an abnormal production of hair. While androgenic alopecia accounts for over 90 percent of male pattern baldness, other causes can include, stress, traction alopecia (in people who aggressively pull their hair back to form ponytails or cornrows), trichotillo- mania (compulsive pulling of hair), chemotherapy and more.

There have been many treatments claiming to help or even cure male and female pattern bald- ness. While some of them might actually work, some of them don’t. Dr. Mark Bishara is highly experienced in performing all hair restoration procedures, and will help you determine which one is right for you in order to achieve the best possible results. The only treatment that guarantees hair regrowth are hair transplants. There are two types of hair transplant methods. The first is Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) which requires long, thin donor strips of hair not effected by DHT to be transplanted to areas of the scalp that are balding. This procedure is not only lengthy and tedious, it is also extremely painful, requires a decent amount of downtime and leaves a long scar at the back of the scalp.
The other harvesting method is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), this method is much safer and also involves minimal scarring, invisible to the naked eye. How this method works is by extracting individual follicular units and transplanting them to the balding areas. Although the FUE method is preferred, this manual process still means lengthy procedure time. Dr. Bishara is proud to offer a wide range of comprehensive hair restoration procedures, including FUT and FUE methods. Combined with his extensive experience and advanced skills, these procedures are often highly effective. The best treatment option for each patient depends on the location and extent of hair loss.
For the very latest technology in hair restoration, Dr. Bishara is now using the ARTAS System., which Neoasia Sdn Bhd has introduced– a fully robotic system that has the capability to replicate the FUE method with unmatched precision and rapid speed. We spoke to Dr. Mark Bishara, cosmetic surgeon from Texas and Dr. Ko, the first doctor to offer the ARTAS Robotic System in South East Asia.
ARTAS TargetTechnology1ARTAS User Interface Small
According to Dr. Bishara, the ARTAS Robotic System utilises a robotic arm and sophisticated digital imaging to harvest follicular units. It has the amazing capacity to target each hair follicle in random fashion to ensure donor areas retain their natural appearance. The individual hairs are then implanted into the affected area, resulting in natural looking hair re-growth. Dr. Bishara says, “The ARTASTM Robotic System is the most sophisticated automated device in the medical field today.” Dr. Ko adamantly concurs and believes this machine is just so “clever”. Dr. Ko says that be- fore this system was installed in his clinic, he only used the FUT method which was very tedious and would take many hours off his busy schedule. Now with the ARTAS Robotic System, patients suffering from androgenic alopecia can have a full head of hair in just two hours.

Unlike the FUT method which requires patients to run the risk of going through general anaesthesia, the ARTAS Robotic System procedure only requires a local anaesthetic. Not only will patients suffer minimal to zero pain, they can also head back to their daily activities after one or two days. According to Dr. Ko, the procedure is non-invasive and guarantees 100 percent hair regrowth! Along with said benefits, the ARTASTM Robotic System also provides tremendous cost saving. Dr. Ko believes we are very lucky to be the first in South East Asia to have access to this state-of-the-art system. Already installed in America, London and Japan, this system is American FDA approved and is able to operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Men and women who are balding most definitely experience depressed self-esteem and confidence. With the ARTASTM Robotic System, they need not wear ill-fitting wigs any longer. With the ARTASTM Robotic System, they can get a full tuft of hair with a blink of an eye.
Dr. Bishara will take the time to evaluate each patient, discuss his/her individual goals and together develop a personalized treatment plan using one of his many successful hair loss treatment options.  Please contact us for more information: (817) 473-2120

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