
Investing In A Hair Transplant Is A Major Decision.
First, it is important to determine if you are a candidate.

Before deciding if a hair transplant is worth it, you should consider several factors.  Among the things to evaluate, you should decide and/or evaluate with your physician some of the following

1. Your current state of hair loss

2. Your potential future hair loss
3. Your current and potential future hair restoration needs

4. Approximate cost of a hair transplant.

Overall, many patients have a slow down in hair loss after the age of 40, but this does not mean the balding has stopped.  In fact, some hair loss can continue well into the 50s and 60s (though not as aggressively). 
A Hair transplant can help you rejuvenate.  You can start to look like you feel.  This is a great goal for most people.  However, it is important to realize that you may not be able to look like you did when you where 15 years old.
The good news is you can now get quality hair transplants that are affordable.  A hair transplant does not sacrifice quality if you do your proper research.  Some places cut corners in critical steps, some places just do so much hair restoration and control overhead that you simply benefit from the volume and experience.  Overall, when considering the cost of a hair transplant, you should evaluate all factors as best as possible.  The pros and cons of a hair transplant can be tricky to determine and should be done in consultation with your physician.  The Artas hair transplant cost can be very affordable.
Is a hair transplant worth it? The investment in an FUE restoration procedure produces permanent and natural results.  This reverses a lifetime of hair loss and balding that affects the way look at us.  If you have a goal like this, then you may want to consider a consult with our team to discuss this further.
This Information is Brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara
En Espanol
Invertir en un trasplante de cabello es una decisión importante.Primero, es importante determinar si usted es un candidato.
Antes de decidir si un trasplante de cabello vale la pena, debe tener en cuenta varios factores. Entre las cosas que evaluar, debe decidir y / o evaluar con su médico algunos de los siguientes
1. Su estado actual de pérdida de cabello
2. Su futuro potencial pérdida de cabello
3. Sus necesidades futuras de restauración de cabello actuales y potenciales
4. El costo aproximado de un trasplante de cabello.
En general, muchos pacientes tienen una desaceleración en la caída del cabello después de los 40 años, pero esto no significa que la calvicie se ha detenido. De hecho, alguna pérdida de cabello puede continuar hasta bien entrados los años 50 y 60 (aunque no de manera tan agresiva).Un trasplante de cabello puede ayudar a rejuvenecer. Usted puede comenzar a parecer que se siente. Esta es una gran meta para la mayoría de la gente. Sin embargo, es importante darse cuenta de que puede que no sea capaz de mirar como lo hizo cuando en 15 años.
La buena noticia es que ahora usted puede conseguir los trasplantes de pelo de calidad que sean asequibles. Un trasplante de cabello no sacrifica la calidad si usted hace su investigación adecuada. Algunos lugares cortar las esquinas en los pasos críticos, algunos lugares sólo hacen tanto la restauración del cabello y los gastos generales de control que simplemente se beneficia de que el volumen y la experiencia. En general, cuando se considera el costo de un trasplante de cabello, debe evaluar todos los factores de la mejor manera posible. Los pros y los contras de un trasplante de cabello puede ser difícil de determinar y debe hacerse en consulta con su médico. El costo de trasplante de cabello Artas puede ser muy asequible.
Es un trasplante de cabello vale la pena? La inversión en un procedimiento de restauración FUE produce resultados permanentes y naturales. Esto invierte un tiempo de vida de la pérdida del cabello y la calvicie que afecta la manera vistazo a nosotros. Si usted tiene una meta como esta, entonces es posible que desee considerar una consulta con nuestro equipo para discutir más a fondo.
Esta información llega a usted por cortesía de Dr. Mark Bishara


The ARTAS Robotic Hair Restoration Procedure

The ARTAS® System enhances manual surgical performance in three key areas where robotics are proven to extend human capability. For the very latest technology in hair restoration, Dr. Bishara is now using the ARTAS System. This interactive, computer assisted equipment employs image guidance to enhance the quality of hair follicle harvesting. ARTAS is the first hair transplant robot to improve the most challenging aspects of Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). It received clearance from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) for use in April 2011.

About the ARTAS® Robotic Procedure:

  • Skin tensioner is placed on the trimmed donor area to keep the area taut
  • High resolution visualization identifies follicular units on the surface of the patient’s skin and targets them for harvesting
  • Image-guided robotic arm maneuvers and deploys the two-needle system, compensating for patient movement
  • Inner needle scores the skin, then the dissecting punch separates the follicular unit from the remaining tissue
  • Gentle suction lifts the dissected graft partially out of the scalp, so technicians can remove using forceps
  • Grafts are manually transplanted in the desired scalp areas

A Better Patient Experience

Nearly 35 million American men are candidates for hair restoration, but only a small fraction choose the procedure. Uncertainty about the procedure results and the long recovery times may be too high a hurdle for many patients. Candidates are demanding a minimally invasive technique that provides consistent, safe results.
With the minimally invasive ARTAS® Robotic System, Dr. Bishara can build patient confidence with reproducible, natural-looking outcomes with fast recovery times. There are many patient benefits including:

  • Robotically precise and consistent
  • Reduced treatment times
  • Less discomfort
  • Faster healing and return to normal activities
  • Nearly undetectable donor area with no linear scar
Before and after pictures of some of our patients:
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A Commitment to Clinical Excellence
The ARTAS® Robotic System is the product of nearly a decade of research and development by Restoration Robotics in collaboration with some of the most respected leaders in hair restoration medicine.  After rigorous testing in clinical trials, the ARTAS Robotic System received clearance from the Food and Drug Administration in 2011.  Restoration Robotics continues to partner with a growing number of hair restoration physicians, such as Dr. Bishara, to apply robotic technology to improve patient outcomes.
Please call our office for more information on this unique and effective robotic hair restoration procedure at (817) 473-2120 or click on one of the buttons below:
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A number of scientific studies have shown that women are more likely than men to suffer psychologically painful effects due to hair loss, and that the psychological effects are likely to be more sever in women than men.
Women have a significant psychological investment in their appearance, and are likely to react negatively to events such as hair loss than men. Women have less of a support system for hair loss than is available to men. Family and friends may commiserate with a man about hair loss and even make the situation humorous.
Hair loss in typical male-pattern alopecia is an event that is accepted as normal in men. Female hair loss is not widely regarded as normal even though it occurs normally in both sexes. The psychological effect of hair loss in women is under-appreciated, perhaps due in large measure of lack of public awareness of hair loss in women.
Men can often cope with hair loss better than women. Women are more likely than men to: try to hide hair loss, discuss hair loss with a hair stylist, try to develop a hair style that disguises hair loss, and spend more time on other aspects of physical appearance to divert attention from hair loss.
Therefore, a woman’s hair loss should never be overlooked, disregarded or underestimated. Hair loss should be recognized for the impact it has on a woman’s self-esteem and psychological well-being.
Respectfully yours,
Mark A Bishara, M.D., P.A. Medical Director
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