
Mothers everywhere are feeling the pressure to look like a supermodel weeks after welcoming their child to the world and turn to Mommy Makeovers. Many believe this mind set is due to our pop-culture. For example, Kim Kardashian, someone who is always in the spotlight bounced right back after her first child and was rumored to look even better than before her pregnancy. Dr. Diana Zuckerman, president of the National Research Center for Women & Families, describes this as “the trickledown effect”: “The most beautiful women are getting Mommy Makeovers to look even more beautiful, then having their photographs computer-enhanced, and the rest of us are left saying, ‘Why don’t I look that good?’” We say this with the intent to educate those that aren’t aware of the editing that goes on to make those in the public eye look picture perfect 24/7. It is best for mothers, and all patients, to go into cosmetic surgery with the end goal of increased confidence, self esteem and love for their body, not with the intent to look perfect. To find out the psychology behind women who choose cosmetic surgery after the baby please refer to the information below. Real Self surveyed mothers of all age ranges: 99.5% of them had work done after they had a child (or children) and 85% of them have had more than two kids.

[calltoaction]To learn more about Mommy Makeover Procedures, please contact usat (817) 473-2120 today or email [email protected][/calltoaction]

American Society of Plastic Surgeons released 2014 Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Statistics. These numbers are both intriguing and beneficial because they provide numerical concrete figures of cosmetic surgeries as well as minimally invasive procedures performed within the United States. Even more importantly, these numbers give us the inside scoop on what is of importance to our society at this point in time. Below are the most popular surgical procedures and minimally invasive procedures.
Most Popular Surgical Cosmetic Procedures in 2014:

  • Breast Augmentation (Augmentation Mammaplasty) : 286,254
  • Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty) : 206,509
  • Facelift (Rhytidectomy) : 128,266
  • Liposuction : 210,552
  • Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty) : 217,124
  • Tummy Tuck : 117,158
    Most Popular Minimally Invasive Procedures in 2014:

    • Botox : 6,673,608
    • Chemical Peel : 1,250,059
    • Laser Hair Removal : 1,112,046
    • Microdermabrasion : 881,905
    • Soft Tissue Fillers : 2,301,673
    • Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus : 1,802,247

    Total Cosmetic Surgical Procedures : 1,677,478
    Total Cosmetic Minimally Invasive Procedures : 1,802,247
    Total Cosmetic Procedures in 2014 Total : 15,622,866