We know how to unlock the body’s capability to help regrow you own hair.  Taking 4 tubes of  your blood and spinning it at 1900 RPM for 10 minutes to harvest platelet rich plasma and reinject it with tiny needles where your hair is thinning can improve density and help thicken hair in 70-90% of patients.  Three-25 minute treatments performed over 60 days in either one of our offices in 1 or 2 areas will improve density over the ensuing 4-6 months or 2 hair cycles.   Shedding can be a result of stimulating new hair growth that pushes old hair out.
PRP treatments are becoming quite popular now in days, especially for us here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa. With androgenic alopecia becoming a concern to many men and women, PRP has also become a solution for them.

What is PRP?

PRP is short Platelet Rich Plasma, it is one of most recent methods out there for the many types of alopecia. PRP contains growth factors. The way a PRP treatment is done at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa, we draw blood from the patient. Place the blood in a centrifuge and let it spin for about 10 minutes. Once ready we only draw the platelet rich plasma leaving the red cells behind. PRP is then injected to scalp or area in which we are treating the patient.

Are PRP treatments painful?

PRP treatments can be a bit discomforting for some patients. Here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we use local anesthetic before we inject PRP into the patients scalp. We make sure the patient is comfortable before we inject the PRP.

Is there any down time for PRP treatments?

The best part of this preventative hair loss method, aside from it being non-surgical is that there is NO DOWNTIME! PRP treatments can take up to an hour to be done but you can resume normal activities right after.

Who can get PRP treatments?

The ideal candidate for PRP treatment are those men and women who have recently discovered hairloss/shedding. Research has shown that PRP can also work for women who have suffered hairloss due to tight braids, and ponytails. PRP is not for people that are completely bald.

Where can i get a PRP treatment done?

The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa currenty has two offices in Mansfield, TX and Southlake, TX to help accomadate all of our patients. Don’t let more time pass.. Get the help you need for your hairloss now! Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon family are waiting to get you started on your journey to full head of hair!



What is Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP)?

Scalp Micropigmentation is one of the latest trends in helping people with different types of hair loss. It is used to mimic the hair follicles. It is not a scalp tattoo, special pigments are made and used for this treatment.
Robot Hair Transplant Video
Who can do SMP?
Anyone can do Scalp Micropigmentation. People suffering from alopecia, anyone with hairloss in the crown or hair. It can also be done on any skin types. SMP can cover up scars including those from past hair transplants surgeries. Last but not least, Yes! SMP is for women as well!

How is Scalp Micropigmentation done?

Scalp Micropigmentation is performed using a 3 dimensional needle to give the appearance of a small well trimmed hair shaft.  Organic ink is placed superficially into the epidermis.  If the ink is placed too deeply the blot smears and expands.  Sessions include at time zero, 2 weeks later, and 6 weeks.  Occasionally redoing some areas where necessary.

Is there any down time?

Shortly after your treatment scabs will begin to form. The scabs will naturally fall off between the 5 and 7th day. You want to avoid any physical activity or anything that will cause sweating for 4 days.
How long will the procedure take?
Typically your first SMP session will take any where from 3 to 4 hours. For the second session it will not take as long but it can be anywere from 2 to 3 hours.

Is the treatment painful?

Pain is different for each person. There are people that can do just fine and sleep through the treatment. There are some that would rate it a 2 or 3 on a pain scale of 1 to 10.



Losing hair can be quite terrifying! On a day to day many people can lose up to 100 hairs a day. One hundred is not as noticeable considering the size of each hair strand especially because hair is continuously growing. There are many causes as to how we lose hair.  Most cases are due to genetic predispositions, hormonal changes and medications.
Im sure you have heard of male and female pattern baldness. These type of hair loss are bound to occur due genetic predispositions! Yes! Family heredity can have a lot to do with it. Not cool, but it happens.
Another source to hair loss is hormonal change! It is known that hair loss due to hormonal imbalances can cause you to lose hair. Pregnancy and child birth are some of the causes of hormonal imbalances as well as thyroid problems.
Medications! Most people may not know but there are some medications that can cause some hair loss. Medications used for depression, cancer, hypertension, and heart problems are some! Vitamin A is another cause to hair loss. Intaking too much Vitamin A puts your hair at risk!  Even low levels of iron, thyroid, and low Vitamin D levels can cause hair loss.

Although these causes for hair loss sound scary, don’t let it be. Know that there are many solutions for hair loss and Dr. Mark A. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa has all of them for you!! Dr. Mark A. Bishara offers many treatments and procedure to help men and women with hair loss. Treatments such as Laser therapy, Platelet Rich Plasma and Hair Transplants to name a few. DO NOT wait for it to be to late. Come see Dr. Mark A. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa in Mansfield or Southlake!


What exactly is a PRP Treatment and how it can effectively treat hair loss!

If your looking for a non-surgical way to gain control of your hair loss then PRP is your answer!  Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) contains essential proteins that stimulate natural hair growth for the inactive or newly planted hair follicles into a active growth phase, also the growth factors assist in healing and tissue regeneration.
Here at the Paragon Plastic Surgery and Medspa, Dr. Mark A.Bishara provides a wonderful experience with our relaxing spa rooms where we perform a series of PRP Treatments. When starting your treatments, we began by drawling your blood for the centrifuge where it spins to separated the PRP from the blood. You will receive a ring block on the scalp to have minimal pain experience. The palette rich plasma is then injected back into the area of hair thinning. To get optimal results schedule your treatments 3-4 weeks apart!
Dr. Mark A. Bishara PRP Treatments are fast and convince with little to no downtime!
The Paragon Plastic Surgery avoids the common incorrect methods of administering PRP such as injecting too deep, not having a ring block provided for pain management, and the use of microneedling where you experience social down time, discomfort and only have temporary improvement.
Get started today to gain control of your hair loss by booking your consultation with Dr. Mark A. Bishara, where he will provide an indepth plan for your hair needs!


No Stitches, No Linear Scar

As popular as hair transplants are getting, nobody likes stitches or the scars that are left after the hair transplant. When it comes to hair transplant surgery ARTAS is the way to go. Who ever thought, a robot performing hair surgery. With the ARTAS you don’t have to worry about stitches, and better yet NO linear SCAR!!
ARTAS Robotic System


The ARTAS Robotic System was created by Restoration Robotics in 2002 for the treatment of hair loss. Great news, the ARTAS Robotic System is FDA cleared! It only gets better, Dr. Mark A. Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa has performed hundreds of hair restoration surgeries using the ARTAS Robotic System. The ARTAS Robotic System utilizes follicular unit extraction (FUE). Not only dissection, The ARTAS has the ability to make recipient sites. The ARTAS Robotic System has the ability of identifying and selecting your best hair for harvesting. With digital mapping it has the ability to provide a consistent graft dissection. Scarring is very minimal, unnoticeable at that. The recovery period with ARTAS Robotic System is fast making it easier for you to get back to your normal activities quicker.

ARTAS Animation

Behind the scenes of The ARTAS Robotic System

The day of surgery here at The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we bring the patient in and start off with consents and paperwork.  The day prior to surgery Dr. Mark A. Bishara will have some medications called and the patient will bring them along the morning of surgery. Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s staff will then begin to prep the patient beginning with trimming the patient hair so that it is easier for the ARTAS Robotic System to identify and extract. The patient’s donor  area is numbed using local anesthesia. The patient will then be seated in prone positon as we prepare the ARTAS Robotic System. A tensioner is placed on the patient scalp to help with dissection and depth. Dr. Mark A. Bishara then begins to maneuver the ARTAS Robotic System. The ARTAS Robotic System will start capturing images of the patient’s donor area in order to identify the different angles and density of the patient’s hair. The dissection begins, as the ARTAS Robotic System is dissection Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s tech will go behind and manually extract the the follicular units as the ARTAS Robotic System disects. Once all follicular units are dissected and extracted, Dr. Mark A. Bishara’s techs will begin to manually transplant the new hair in to the patient’s recipient area. Before you know it, you’ll be walking out with a new hair set!
LEARN MORE ABOUT OUR ARTAS Robotic Services SERVICES, PLEASE CONTACT US (817) 473-2120 OR EMAIL [email protected]