As individuals age, they commonly experience hair loss or even balding. You may be surprised to know that more than fifty percent of women experience noticeable hair loss, and about eighty-five percent of men over the age of fifty are balding.

Most of these individuals are extremely unhappy with their hair loss. As a result, their interpersonal and professional lives may suffer. So what can be done to reverse hair loss?

Although numerous products on the market claim to restore a full head of hair, many of them leave much to be desired. Some treatments and medicines even cause unwanted side effects.

For this reason, many people are turning their attention to the ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant System. It uses the follicular unit excision (FUE) method to provide permanent solutions for hair loss.

What is FUE?

FUE stands for follicular unit excision and involves transplanting healthy hair to the area affected by hair loss. It is one of two standard methods used in hair transplantations.

Hair growth occurs in follicular groups or units. Each follicular unit contains one to four follicles that all come from the same pore. FUE utilizes these units to promote new hair growth.

FUE vs. Strip Surgery

The alternative to FUE is strip surgery, also known as follicular unit transplantation (FUT). The main difference is how surgeons harvest hair in strip surgery. During the procedure, the surgeon cuts a wide strip of scalp with healthy follicles from the back of the patient’s head.

Then, the hairs are harvested from the section of the scalp and transplanted to the recipient area. The downside of strip surgery is that it is painful and requires prescription medicines during the recovery process, which lasts weeks. During this time, you will have to rest and not carry out your routine.

Unlike FUE, which leaves minimal scarring, strip surgery results in a large linear scar. In some rare cases, it causes side effects like numbness, tingling, pain, or tightness. FUE, on the other hand, does not pose these potential risks.

ARTAS Robot vs. Traditional FUE Hair Transplantations

The traditional approach to the FUE hair transplant was labor-intensive. It required surgeons to manually dissect hundreds and thousands of hair follicles from the patient’s donor area.

As a result, doctors were more likely to tire out or lose concentration. Even missing a graft by a few microns can cause damage the hair follicle and harm healthy hair.

ARTAS technology, a physician-assisted robot, has made this process much easier for surgeons. It allows surgeons to harvest each hair graft with precision and consistency throughout the procedure. As a result, ARTAS produces more effective long term hair growth results by eliminating the potential for human errors.

ARTAS- The Best Hair Treatment for Hair Loss

ARTAS offers many advantages to men and women who want to restore thinning hair. Many patients prefer this procedure since it is virtually painless and doesn’t involve scalpels or stitches.

Those who choose ARTAS don’t have to worry about the pain or scarring commonly associated with hair restoration procedures. They are also able to style their hair any way they want since there are no linear scars. Sometimes those who have had strip surgery in the past receive an ARTAS procedure to camouflage the scarred area.

Further, intelligent algorithms and advanced digital imaging allow for a quick, accurate, and consistent procedure. ARTAS detects exactly where each follicular unit should be transplanted. It restores hair in balding areas and helps protect existing hair follicles from thinning or damage.

Of course, the results that ARTAS provides are unmatched and leave the patient with fuller, natural-looking hair. These individuals will generally have a quick recovery as well since the procedure is minimally invasive. That means that they can start enjoying their new head of hair sooner than with other techniques.

Of course, hair growth is gradual with this procedure. That means you don’t have to worry about showing up to work one day with a full head of hair, making it evident that you’ve had a procedure. If you wish to be discreet, ARTAS makes that possible.

ARTAS Hair Transplant Procedure

When you receive a consultation, your physician will help you design a customized hairline with ARTAS Hair Studio. It will make a 3D model using your current photos, which will allow you to envision your results.

During your procedure, you will sit comfortably in a chair attached to the ARTAS system. You will need to cut your hair to 1mm in length. This length allows the robot’s artificial intelligence algorithms to identify healthy follicles that doctors can use as grafts.

After the surgeon harvests the needed hairs from the donor area, they will start with the transplantation process. By transferring your designed hairline model into the ARTAS system, your physician will know exactly where to place each follicular unit of hair. The ARTAS will do this quickly and accurately while your doctor controls each transplantation’s angles and parameters.

Recovering from ARTAS Hair Transplant

Since the procedure is relatively painless, you will not need to take strong painkillers. Most patients just take Tylenol. After a few days, you will be able to resume your routine.

About three months after your procedure, you will start to notice new permanent hairs appearing. The number of hairs growing will increase with time. There will be a visible improvement in six months, and after a year, you will enjoy your desired results.

Restore Your Hair With ARTAS in Dallas TX

Although many individuals suffer hair loss, few choose to take the proper steps to restore their hair. It does not have to be that way for you! With an ARTAS hair transplant, you can restore not only your healthy hair but also your confidence.

If you live in or near Dallas, TX, see us at The Paragon Hair Clinic! We will be happy to answer any questions you have regarding ARTAS and FUE technology.

Are you ready to renew your hair? Book your consultation today!

It’s a fact that no one really wants to see their hairline receding as they age. Unfortunately, your genes may curse you with a receding hairline even in early adulthood. This can easily cut at your self-esteem and leave you wishing there was a real solution.

How can you know when the time is right to consider getting a hair transplant in Dallas?

If you’re worried about your receding hairline, we’ve got you covered. Here’s everything you need to know about how hair restoration works and when you should start considering making an appointment.

What Are the Types of Transplant Procedures?

If you are considering getting a hair transplant, there are some crucial pieces of information that you should know about the process and recovery period. This will help you decide if a hair transplant is the right choice for you.

There are two main types of hair transplants called follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). They are performed differently, though in both cases, the doctor removes hair follicles from the back of the patient’s neck and then placed on to the hairline of the recipient.

With FUT, the doctor removes small sections of skin from the scalp of the patient. The individual follicular units, what is responsible for growing hair, are cut around until they have been properly separated. Once these individual units are secured, small grafts are transplanted in to the scalp.

With FUE, on the other hand, the follicles are taken individually from the scalp of the patient and then grafted to the donor area of the scalp. This method often leaves less scarring in the donor area than FUT, making it more popular with patients.

What Happens During the Transplant?

One thing you should know is that you will be awake during a hair transplant. Your doctor will administer numbing agents to help with pain during the procedure.

In order to improve your hairline, your surgeon is going to have to remove hair from the back of your head to be transplanted onto your scalp. This means that you are going to have quite a few grafts taken from the back of your scalp in order to harvest grafts for the transplant.  Perhaps surprisingly, with FUE and properly administered local anesthetic, patients report minimal pain and discomfort during the graft harvesting process.

While the process can feel tedious as you sit in the chair, and can last anywhere between 4 to 8 hours, we provide a comfortable environment and headphones to enjoy music.  Because of the minimal discomfort, patients have been known to nap during portions of the procedure.  The time taken can also depend on whether you choose an FUT or an FUE procedure.

Aftercare and Recovery

After going through hair restoration, you should expect some swelling and pain where the hair was removed and replanted. You should avoid showering and washing your hair for at least a few days and only use mild shampoos to avoid aggravating the scars. Your doctor may also recommend not to roughly comb your hair, put on pullovers or sweaters, or exercise in order to protect your new hair grafts.

Of course, you should expect some hair to fall out within the first few weeks. It also likely won’t match the rest of your hair seamlessly at first so be patient after your surgery.

Potential Side Effects

There are some side effects that you should look out for after your transplant. This includes extreme swelling, a tight feeling in your scalp, temporary scabbing or scarring, or difficulty sleeping. You may also experience loss of feeling around the surgical site, bleeding, or infections of the surgical site.

If you notice any negative side effects, talk to your doctor right away.

When to Consider Hair Transplant in Dallas

Now that you know about the process to get a hair transplant, you should decide whether or not hair restoration is right for you. Here are some things you should consider before making an appointment.

Are You Really Losing Hair?

Before you jump into surgery, you should figure out whether you are losing hair due to male pattern baldness or simply due to aging. While you can get a hair transplant to fix a receding hairline caused by age, it is more likely that you will continue to lose the hair anyway, and it may not be worth the time or cost of the surgery.

Do You Have Time for the Transplant?

As mentioned above, hair transplants often take a great deal of time. Not only will the surgery itself take hours to complete, but you will need to spend some time healing and some months waiting for the hair to grow before you start seeing the full effects of the surgery.

Consider whether or not you have the time to put into both the surgery itself and the healing process before jumping into hair restoration. If it is something you want to do, make sure you set aside plenty of time to heal and recover once you’re finished.

Enjoy Your Amazing New Locks

When your hairline starts receding, you don’t have to worry about being stuck with a bad hair day. Getting a hair transplant in Dallas may be just what you need to get your confidence back again! Make sure you take the time to consider what type of surgery you’d prefer as well as any potential side effects before making an appointment.

Do you want to restore your thinning hairline but aren’t sure where to go?

We’re here to help. Contact us with any questions you may have about hair transplants in Dallas and continue reading our blog for more helpful information today.

Update 4-8-2020

As we feel the prodrome of the pandemic in North Texas over the next few days please know that we are thinking of you and Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your loved ones. May I suggest that under no circumstances should you go out for the next 3 to 4 days as the effects of the virus are sure to be the most serious yet.

If you have general health questions or if you would like to dispel any myths that you may have heard about coronavirus please feel free to contact us and have one of the staff members bring your question specifically to me.  We will do our best to provide you with answers to your questions surrounding the pandemic and questions surrounding your access to diagnostic and treatment information for Covid 19.

We are available at 817-473-2120 24hours a day.

You can also text 817-873-6511 or email me a [email protected]

This will pass soon and a new definition of normal will be written. Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, stay home!

Dr Bishara
Medical Director


If you were wondering if we are open and still seeing patients or consultation, we are! Indeed this is a difficult time and we are continuing to monitor the daily updates/changes in recommendations from the government.

The environment in which we live and work is changing rapidly every day. As we continue to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak, and the instructions from our State and Federal officials, as well as the advice from medical experts, we have made the decision to take parts of our practice “virtual” in response.

For anyone wanting a consultation, we will be offering phone, FaceTime, Zoom, or Skype as an option now. We will work with you to give you the same experience as you would if you were sitting in one of our offices.

Please keep in mind, that while our offices are kept extremely clean and sanitized, we understand some people are just not comfortable with going out right now. All of our procedures are still being conducted at both of our offices.

Lastly, we understand that this is an extremely stressful time, and that all of you are feeling the impact of this world wide health emergency. We hope and pray that you and your family remain healthy and that this crisis passes with less than predicted adversity.

Respectfully yours,

Mark Bishara M.D.
Chief Medical Officer for Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa
Diplomate of the ABHRS

CoolTone by CoolSculpting, has been cleared by the FDA. This device will add to the competition among body contouring procedures. Here, we will look at the pros and cons of non-invasive and invasive body contouring procedures. Which provides the best results? Which is the better investment?

So, what exactly is CoolTone?

CoolTone is a non-invasive body contouring technique that uses magnetic muscle stimulation to penetrate the muscle layers and induces involuntary muscle contractions. These contractions strengthen the muscle fibers, which results in improved muscle conditioning. While it may sound appealing that you can now build muscle without going to the gym, don’t get too excited just yet. To achieve the best results with CoolTone, it is advised to also receive CoolSculpting treatments. CoolSculpting aids with non-surgical fat reduction, which will help the newly strengthened muscles be more defined. Currently, CoolTone is only to be used for the abdominals, buttocks, and thighs. 

Now let’s look at the invasive competitor for body contouring called BodyTite. If you are looking for permanent, lasting results then this is the procedure for you! BodyTite, FaceTite, and AccuTite are minimally-invasive body contouring procedures that use RFAL (Radio-Frequency Assisted Lipolysis) with 3D tissue remodeling on the inside and outside of your body. These are safe and effective treatments that offer patients more significant aesthetic changes to the body. Dr. Mark Bishara, Medical Director of Paragon Plastic Surgery, performs these BodyTite technology procedures under local anesthesia. Another benefit in addition to being performed under local anesthesia is that patients are not left with scars like many invasive procedures. FaceTite has become the new go-to for face and neck lifts at Paragon Plastic Surgery, which has locations in both Mansfield and Southlake to better serve residents in North Texas. Unlike CoolTone and CoolSculpting, BodyTite, FaceTite, and AccuTite are performed only once. It is recommended that patients receive CoolTone and CoolSculpting treatments once a month for at least 4 months.

Although CoolTone and CoolSculpting may be easier on your wallet initially, the BodyTite procedures have proven to be the best investment due to longevity of the results.

If you’re ready to transform your body and gain back your confidence, call Paragon Plastic Surgery & Medspa at (817) 473-2120 now to schedule your consultation with Dr. Mark Bishara.

If you are looking to tighten the skin on your neck, under your chin, or around the eyebrow, but surgery is too extreme of an option for you, look no further than Ultherapy! This non-invasive procedure is the only one that is FDA-cleared to lift and tighten the skin naturally- without surgery or downtime- in addition to improving the appearance of lines and wrinkles on the décolletage. From your brow to your chest, Ultherapy can help you achieve a fresher, more youthful look!

Harnessing the power of ultrasound energy, Ultherapy transforms problem areas with sagging skin by stimulating collagen production. It does this by delivering focused ultrasound energy to the skin’s foundational layer typically addressed in cosmetic surgery- without cutting or disrupting the surface of the skin. In addition to the ultrasound therapy, which delivers it’s collagen-boosting treatment, Ultherapy incorporates ultrasound imaging, which allows practitioners to see the layers of tissue they are treating, ensuring the treatment energy is delivered to where it will be most beneficial.
Here at Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we are excited to offer this treatment to people who want to see incredible transformations to the elasticity and tightness of their skin but are not ready to do something as extreme as go under the knife. During a consultation with Dr. Mark Bishara at either our office in Mansfield or our office in Southlake, you will discuss your concerns, have your skin assessed, and the two of you will be able to determine if you are a candidate for this treatment. There are no special preparations or skin regimens that are required prior to your treatment and although the length of time for Ultherapy varies, a face and neck procedure usually takes 60-90 minutes, while a chest treatment takes approximately 30 minutes.This quick and easy procedure is done by one of our skilled aestheticians in-office. After cleansing the skin and identifying the specific areas to be treated, your aesthetician will apply the ultrasound gel and place the smooth treatment applicator against your skin. Next, she will use Ultherapy’s ultrasound imaging to first see deep within the skin to determine optimal placement of the treatment energy, and then deliver the focused ultrasound energy beneath the skin’s surface. During the treatment, you will feel tiny amounts of energy being deposited to precise depths, indicating that the collagen-building process has been initiated.
The great thing about Ultherapy is that there is no downtime! You can immediately return to your normal activities after your procedure without any post-treatment restrictions or requirements. Although your skin may appear slightly flushed at first, the redness should disappear within a few hours. You may see some initial effect, but the ultimate results will take place over 2-3 months, as your body naturally regenerates collagen. This incredibly effective treatment is only one consultation away! We’d love to help your skincare dreams come true with Ultherapy so call us now to schedule an appointment!

To request a personal consultation with Dr. Mark Bishara, call us at Paragon Plastic Surgery & Medspa at (817) 473-2120 or complete our online contact form today.