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Most women seek breast augmentation for more than one reason. In fact, most women cite several reasons. The overwhelming majority of women cite the desire to look better both naked and clothed as reasons to undergo breast augmentation, while many simply desire to have larger breasts. Confidence and a desire to have improved self-esteem are also common reasons for breast augmentation. Whatever the reason, it is important that a woman seek out breast augmentation for herself and not as a reaction to the desires of others.


For most women, breast augmentation has a number of benefits. More than 90 percent of women who undergo breast augmentation are pleased with their decision to get implants and would recommend breast augmentation to others. More than 80 percent also report that their self-confidence improved after breast augmentation, even if they already had high self-esteem before surgery. As an added bonus, 70 percent of women report having a more satisfying sex life after breast augmentation, and more than 60 percent report having sex more frequently.
If you have been considering breast augmentation, a great first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Bishara. Call us today at (817) 473-2120 to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

Quick, name three materials other than silicone or saline that have used historically for breast augmentation! On what animal were recent predecessors of modern silicone implants first tested on? Think you know? Breast augmentation is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the United States, and it isn’t surprising when you consider the level of satisfaction most women report after their surgery. However, very few know the history of augmentation and statistics that surround this popular procedure. Read on to learn a brief history of breast augmentation, as well as the reasons why women seek breast augmentation and other fun facts.


Long before modern silicone and saline implants were available, women were subjected to a number of questionable materials when seeking breast enhancement. At one time, surgeons used materials such as glass balls, carved ivory, wood chips, peanut oil, and even ox cartilage to fill out the breasts. The resulting complications are too disturbing to describe.
In the 1880s, an Austrian physician named Robert Gersuny began to offer paraffin injections in the breasts as an augmentation method. However, women suffered from complications such as having unnatural hard masses in the breasts to experiencing life-threatening conditions such as blood clots in the lungs and brain. Later, silicone was injected directly into the breasts without good results, although with significantly fewer complications than Gersuny’s methods and materials. Scarily, these methods of breast augmentation are still in use in some parts of Asia.

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Moving forward to the 1960s, an American surgeon named Thomas Cronin was carrying a bag of blood when he realized that it was similar in consistency to a human breast. Cronin had already developed silicone prosthetics and realized that he could put together the idea of a solid bag with silicone gel to form implants. Cronin and his colleague, Frank Gerow, developed the first true predecessor to modern breast implants. The first prototypes were implanted in a dog named Esmeralda.
After World Wars I and II, mass media such as movies and magazines began to place wider emphasis on appearances, and starlets such as Marilyn Monroe were often cited as the ideal for body shape and breast size. This created a push for proper surgical solutions for women who were unsatisfied with their breasts.
Technology advanced fairly rapidly after Cronin and Gerow’s developments, and now breast implants are safer than ever before with oversight by the Food and Drug Administration (the FDA). Although there are risks with any procedure, cosmetic or otherwise, breast implants have come so far in terms of both materials and surgical approach that breast augmentation is now often considered one of the safest of all surgeries performed in the United States.


In the United States, the FDA currently has approved two types of implants, both of which are encased in silicone shells. The choice of material inside the implants is either silicone or saline. Thirty-one percent of implants used in the United States are saline-filled, and these implants may come either pre-filled or they may be filled after they are placed. Saline implants are FDA-approved for women 18 years of age and older. The remaining 69 percent are filled with a stable, silicone gel. Silicone gel implants are available pre-filled, and are FDA-approved for women over the age of 22.
If you have been considering breast augmentation, a great first step is to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark Bishara at The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa. Call us today at (817) 473-2120 to schedule your consultation. We look forward to meeting you!

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For women who are interested in breast enhancement, one of the biggest questions is, “What’s the best time for breast augmentation?”
To determine that answer, you need to ask yourself why exactly you’re choosing the procedure in the first place. Many women choose breast augmentation because they want to have a beautiful body for the summer and beyond. After all, the summer means more time at the pool and the beach, and more time in a bikini.
Patients should think about the time they’ll spend resting and recovering after the procedure.
Women who have breast augmentation are going to need a few days to begin the recovery process and start to feel like themselves again.
So is there a universally-accepted time that is considered the best time for breast augmentation? Again, it depends on a woman’s goals and needs.


Many women have found that the “best” time for breast augmentation procedures is in the fall or winter months. For starters, the colder weather means heavier, less-revealing clothing. That means you can recover privately. With fewer outdoor activities, it also makes it easier to rest up and focus on recovery.
Many breast augmentation patients agree that getting the procedure done in the fall and winter allows the most time for healing and, when summer comes, they feel great showing off their new curves, whether it’s at the pool, beach, or any vacation spot.
No matter what time of year you decide to schedule cosmetic surgery, there are many other considerations to keep in mind. At the top of your list has to be the skill and experience of your surgeon. Look for a surgeon who has extensive experience performing breast augmentation procedures. Also review your implant options so you can determine which implant style is best for your aesthetic goals. By paying attention to all of the variables that go into making breast enlargement a successful and rewarding experience, you can make the most of your procedure.
If you are considering breast augmentation in the Dallas, TX area, call and schedule a consult now.  At the office of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa, we offer the Vectra 3-d Imaging system , so you can take a 3-dimensional sneak peek at yourself and how you might appear after breast implants.  Please call our office at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at www.MarkBisharaMD.com.

en Español

¿Qué hora es “mejor” para el aumento mamario?
Para las mujeres que están interesadas en la mejora de mama, una de las mayores preguntas es, “¿Cuál es el mejor momento para el aumento mamario?”
Para determinar la respuesta, usted tiene que preguntarse por qué es exactamente lo que está eligiendo el procedimiento en el primer lugar. Muchas mujeres optan por el aumento de senos porque quieren tener un cuerpo hermoso para el verano y más allá. Después de todo, el verano significa más tiempo en la piscina y la playa, y más tiempo en bikini.
Los pacientes deberían pensar en el tiempo que va a pasar en reposo y la recuperación después del procedimiento.
Las mujeres que tienen el aumento de senos van a necesitar unos días para comenzar el proceso de recuperación y empezar a sentirse como ellos de nuevo.
Entonces, ¿hay un tiempo universalmente aceptada que se considera el mejor momento para el aumento mamario? Una vez más, depende de los objetivos y necesidades de la mujer.
INVIERNO Y CAÍDA: El momento óptimo para el aumento mamario?
Muchas mujeres han encontrado que el “mejor” momento para los procedimientos de aumento de senos es en los meses de otoño o invierno. Para empezar, el tiempo más frío significa más pesada ropa, menos reveladora. Esto significa que puede recuperar de forma privada. Con menos actividades al aire libre, sino que también hace que sea más fácil para descansar y centrarse en la recuperación.
Muchos pacientes de aumento de senos están de acuerdo en que obtener el procedimiento realizado en el otoño y el invierno permite más tiempo para la curación y, cuando llega el verano, se sienten gran mostrando sus nuevas curvas, ya sea en la piscina, la playa o cualquier lugar de vacaciones.
No importa en qué época del año usted decide programar la cirugía estética, hay muchas otras consideraciones a tener en cuenta. En la parte superior de su lista tiene que ser la habilidad y experiencia del cirujano. Busque un cirujano con amplia experiencia realizando procedimientos de aumento de senos. También revise sus opciones de implantes para que pueda determinar qué implante estilo es mejor para sus objetivos estéticos. Al prestar atención a todas las variables que van a hacer la ampliación de mama una experiencia exitosa y gratificante, puede hacer que la mayor parte de su procedimiento.
Si usted está considerando el aumento del pecho en el área de Dallas, TX, llamar y programar una consulta ahora. En la oficina del Dr. Mark Bishara y La Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa, ofrecemos el 3-d sistema Imaging Vectra, para que pueda tomar una ojeada en 3 dimensiones a ti mismo y cómo puede aparecer después de los implantes mamarios. Por favor llame a nuestra oficina al (817) 473-2120 o visite nuestro sitio web en www.MarkBisharaMD.com.

What is BRA Day USA?

About BRA Day USA
Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day, or BRA Day, occurs annually in October and is an initiative designed to promote education, awareness and access regarding post-mastectomy breast reconstruction.
The third annual BRA Day will take place on October 15, 2014.
BRA Day USA is a collaborative effort between the American Society of Plastic SurgeonsThe Plastic Surgery Foundation, plastic surgeons, breast centers, nurse navigators, corporate sponsors and breast cancer support groups.
These and other organizations, breast cancer patients, their families and friends coordinate events on BRA Day USA that include gala fundraisers, question and answer sessions, lectures, flash mobs, advertising campaigns and community events.

Many women eligible for breast reconstruction following cancer surgery are not being informed of their options. All women should know their options. It’s time to close the loop on breast cancer.
Studies have revealed:

Visit https://www.bradayusa.org for more information on how you can be a part of this day.

This Information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa