
We have Dieter Manstein, MD and R. Rox Anderson, MD to thank for a study done decades ago who observed children that consumed a lot of popsicles were freezing and removing fat cells within their cheeks creating dimples. Today that same technology has been recreated by Zeltiq the makers of Coolsculpting. We’ve all heard the name, whether on TV, radio or on magazines. But what exactly is Coolsculpting?
Cool sculpting is the ONLY FDA cleared, non invasive, fat eliminating procedure. This means no cutting, no needles, and no down time. The best part, it removes fat cells permanently.
So how does this work and am I candidate? Let’s start who this is not for…
This is not for someone who is looking at this as removing 5 lbs of fat in one session. Or a cure for poor dieting or lack of exercise, rather this is for people who can’t get rid of that stubborn belly fat that diet and exercise fail to reduce. The love handles that crunches won’t cure and the annoying fat on the back of the arms a million push ups just won’t fix. You and your consultant will discuss areas of concern, about the treatment, cost, and number of treatments needed for your desired results. Practitioners note that most patients have 20%-25% percent reduction of fat cells in the treated area after ONE treatment.
Areas of interest from potential patients include the chin, upper and lower abdomen, flanks (sides), love handles, inner and outer thighs and thanks to popsicles in that earlier study we know that fat cells have been proven to not survive extreme cold temperatures.
Treatment time is approximately one hour, you will rest comfortably while a technician drapes a cool membrane barrier against the treatment area. This protects the skin from the coldness. The device is placed over the membrane and the device will pull the area of concern in by a vacuum mechanism. This should pose little discomfort and numbing to be in full effect after approximately 10 mins. Once the device is pulled away from the treated area the skin will have taken on a form, almost like a stick of butter. This is what you should expect! The technician will then massage the area until flat again.
Recovery after CoolSculpting is truly a no downtime process. The treated area will be numb and you may experience a little swelling or discomfort, nothing an Ibuprofen cant handle. However you may resume your day to day activities immediately.
So what happens to those fat cells? Where do they go? The expired fat cells will naturally be metabolized and expelled from the body. Result are seen as in little as 3 weeks, but best by month 2 and 3.
How much is this going to cost me? The price for CoolSculpting varies on a few factors, areas of concern, how many treatments you may need and what is your end goal. With that said, most treatments start at $600 a session.
What is the difference between fat reduction and weight loss?
Fat reduction is permanently reducing the number of fat cells within a given area. Those cells will never come back. Weight loss allows the fat cells to reduce in size however, does not eliminate them permanently from the body.
The traditional method is Liposuction and is a preferred method for those seeking larger amounts of reduction in one session. However, will be performed by a surgeon, under anesthesia with some recovery time. CoolSculpting offers us the same technology for treating a smaller area over one or several sessions. Speaking to your plastic surgeon is the best way to find out which procedure might be better suited for you.
For More information about liposuction please contact Dr Mark Bishara 817-473-2120 or [email protected]


A new study published online recently in the American Journal of Health Promotion suggests that keeping to a consistent sleep routine may help people maintain a healthier weight.

Bruce Bailey, a professor in exercise science at Brigham Young University in Provo, UT, and colleagues found that women who woke at the same time and went to sleep at the same every day had lower body fat.
Prof. Bailey suggests going to bed late and sleeping in may do more harm than good:
“We have these internal clocks and throwing them off and not allowing them to get into a pattern does have an impact on our physiology.”

Lady asleep in bed
Researchers found that women whose sleep routines are more consistent have the least amount of body fat.

While previous studies have looked at sleep patterns and weight, this is the first study to look at the link between consistency of bed and wake time and body fat.
For their study, the researchers examined data on more than 300 young women aged between 17 and 26 attending two major Western US universities.
At the start of the study period, the women were assessed for body composition and were then given activity trackers to record their movements during the day and their sleep patterns at night for 7 consecutive days and nights.
The results showed that:

  • A consistent bed time, but particularly a consistent wake time, were linked to lower body fat.
  • Sleeping less than 6.5 or more than 8.5 hours a night was tied to higher body fat.
  • Sleeping between 8 and 8.5 hours a night was tied to the lowest levels of body fat.
  • Quality of sleep also appears to make a difference to body composition.
  • Participants whose wake and sleep time varied by more than 90 minutes had more body fat than those whose variations were limited to 60 minutes.

The researchers said they found wake time was particularly tied to body fat. The participants who consistently woke at the same time every day had the least body fat.
Prof. Bailey suggests consistent sleep patterns are probably closely tied to good sleep hygiene.
Altering sleep hygiene likely changes patterns of physical activity, which in turn alters hormones involved with digestion, with a knock-on effect on body fat.
Prof. Bailey’s recipe for improving sleep quality is to exercise, keep your bedroom cool, dark and quiet, and only use your bed for sleeping in. He adds that:

“Sleep is often a casualty of trying to do more and be better and it is often sacrificed, especially by college students, who kind of wear it as a badge of honor.”

In 2010, researchers reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine that insufficient sleep can make dieters lose muscle instead of fat.
They found participants on a low-calorie diet lost the same amount of weight whether they slept an average of 8.5 hours or 5.5 hours each night. However, while they lost the same amount of weight, the composition was different.
weight loss
This news is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa


Eating a big breakfast could speed weight loss: Here are some big breakfast benefits. A recent study published in the journal Obesity, found that people who ate their largest, most caloric meal at breakfast were able to lose more weight than those who ate their largest meal later in the day. Obese women in the study were assigned to one of two groups, which were both fed the same 1,400 calorie diet. However, one group ate the majority of their calories in the morning while the other group ate the majority at dinner. Overall, the women who consumed their largest meal at breakfast lost 17.8 pounds and 3 inches off their waistline, while the group that consumed their largest meal at dinner lost only 7.3 pounds on average and 1.4 inches off their waistlines.
Walking, cycling to work may curb diabetes risk: Strap on some sneakers – walking or biking to work may reduce your risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. A new study in the American Journal of Preventative Medicine surveyed 20,000 people in the U.K. and found that people who cycled, walked and used public transportation were less likely to be overweight than those who drove. Even more impressively, cyclists were about 50 percent less likely to have diabetes compared to drivers. People who walked to work were 40 percent less likely to have diabetes and 17 percent less likely to have high blood pressure compared to those who took their cars.
This news is brought to you courtesy for Dr. Mark Bishara and The Paragon Med Spa
(817) 473-2120
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