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Why Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation is done to enlarge breasts that are naturally small, to restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss or breast feeding and to:

  • restore symmetry if the breasts are not asymmetrical
  • restore the breast after the patient underwent breast cancer or some other condition that affected the breast size and shape.

Breast augmentation can benefit you. There are a few decisions one must make with the help Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. to have this procedure done.

Self-Esteem Boost

Typically women experience a significant boost in their overall self-esteem and how they feel about themselves sexually and towards their partners. According to an article published in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 98% of women who underwent breast augmentation surgery said that the results met their expectations. In addition to this women also reported that they had improvement in overall quality of life after the procedure. This research makes all too much sense, when a woman isn’t happy with her body, and is forced to live with it day in and day out, once she gets the issue resolved it is a whole new beginning and chapter in her life. Her loved ones can enjoy her more now than ever as well. The common saying, “happy wife, happy life” rings true.


In one study, 225  women that underwent breast augmentation surgery reported   that they were back to normal within 25 days of their surgery date.

  • 85% said that their new breast size was “just right”
  • 13% said a larger size would have been better
  • Less than 2% would have preferred a smaller size.

These findings support a general tendency to go a little larger …especially if you are going back and forth between two sizes you more than likely will be pleased to have gone up in size than down. We hear this all too often that women wish this would’ve gone bigger and rarely hear it the other way around.

  • 1% were not happy with their scars.
  • 75% thought that their breast firmness was “just right”
  • 98% said their results met with their expectations.

The key words here are “met with their expectations” its just as important if not more to have realistic expectations for your breast augmentation surgery. In our edited and photoshopped society we live in it is important to keep those facts in mind when imaging your end result. It’s perfectly normal to expect great looking breasts just not perfect in every aspect like some pictures would lead us to believe.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, there were  286,000 breast augmentations procedures in the USA in 2014. Breast augmentation was also named One of The Top 5 Cosmetic Surgical Procedures in 2014. There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that women getting breast augmentations are growing rapidly and becoming more and more common.

What are breast implants

A breast implant is placed inside the breast to reshape or reconstruct the physical form of the breast. The implant allows surgeons to create an entirely different breast than the one we are born with and aim for the shape and size that will make the patient and surgeon happy with their end result. The outer layer of the breast implant is made of firm silicone. The inside of the implant is where the different options come from, they can either be filled with salt water (saline solution) or silicone gel. At The Paragon Plastic Surgery and Med Spa we are proud to offer patients the option of silicone gel-filled breast implants, since they are much softer and feel more natural than saline-filled breast implants.The makers of these breast implants say that a standard amount of time that their safe to be in the body is 10 years give or take.

Incision Types

Dr. Mark A. Bishara, M.D. P.A. makes incisions in inconspicuous places on or around the breast to minimize scar visibility. The incisions may be located in three different places. First, in the armpit (transaxillary) this incision is one of the newer ones offered by surgeons and has given great results. Second, the crease on the underside of the breast (inframammary) no one will be able to see this unless they are right underneath you and even then it is hard to notice once the patient is fully recovered and the incisions are completely healed. Lastly, around the areola (periareolar) the dark skin around the nipple.

Placement Options

The first option is having a Submuscular placement of the breast implant, this means that the implant would be underneath the pectoral muscle. The recovery time from this placement may be a little bit longer than above because it is going under a muscle that hasn’t had anything underneath it. If this is your second time getting implants underneath the muscle then it shouldn’t be too much of a difference. Placing the implant underneath the muscle gives the breast a more natural look, reduced risk of capsular contracture (post-operative tightening around the implant) and less interference with mammogram examinations. The other option is a Subglandular placement which is behind the breast tissue but over the pectoral muscle.

Before / After Photo

Please visit our website for more Before / After Photos and information on Breast Augmentation Surgery.


Give us a Call: 817-473-2120 or Email: to schedule a consultation today!

Pregnancy does not affect the breast implants, although the tissue and skin will experience some level of changes.  To minimize its impact, avoid excessive weight gain to limit stretching of the tissue and prevent the saggy appearance.
What Happens to Breast Implants if You Get Pregnant? Can You still Breast Feed?
Implants do not interfere with pregnancy and usually do not affect breast feeding. Becoming pregnant after getting implants on the other hand can change how your breasts look, both short term and long term.
Breasts can change significantly with pregnancy regardless of whether you have implants. Most women become significantly larger breasted with pregnancy and breast feeding. This is known as “engorgement” and does not involve or affect the implants themselves. Once breast feeding stops, the breasts usually change again – women experience loss of volume and sagging. Many women actually end up smaller breasted than before pregnancy and a “touch-up” procedure is sometimes needed to restore a youthful appearance to the breast even if you’ve had breast augmentation before pregnancy.
Will I be able to breastfeed if I get implants?
In most cases, breast augmentation surgery does not interfere with breastfeeding, because milk ducts are generally not disturbed during the procedure. When implants are placed through an incision made around the areola, milk ducts are sometimes disrupted, which may affect breastfeeding. However, not all women are naturally able to breastfeed, whether or not they have cosmetic breast surgery.
Our patients elect to undergo breast augmentation for many different medical and aesthetic reasons, including balancing breast size, compensating for reduced breast mass after pregnancy or surgery, and correcting a congenital breast defect. Under our expert care, patients enjoy great-looking, natural-feeling breasts that are one or more cup sizes larger after the operation.  Please visit our website at for more information on breast implants or call our office at (817) 473-2120.
En Espanol
Embarazo no afecta a los implantes mamarios, aunque el tejido y la piel experimentarán algún nivel de cambios. Para minimizar su impacto, evitar el aumento de peso excesivo para limitar el estiramiento del tejido y prevenir la aparición caídos.
¿Qué sucede con los implantes mamarios, si queda embarazada? ¿Se puede todavía dar el pecho?Los implantes no interfieren con el embarazo y por lo general no afectan la lactancia materna. Quedar embarazada después de recibir los implantes, por otro lado puede cambiar la apariencia de sus pechos, tanto a corto como a largo plazo.
Los senos pueden cambiar significativamente con el embarazo, independientemente de si tiene implantes. La mayoría de las mujeres se convierten en pecho significativamente mayor con el embarazo y la lactancia. Esto se conoce como “congestión” y no implica o afecta a los propios implantes. Una vez que la lactancia materna se detiene, los senos suelen cambiar de nuevo – las mujeres experimentan pérdida de volumen y flacidez. Muchas mujeres en realidad terminan más pequeño pecho que antes del embarazo y un procedimiento de “retoque” a veces es necesaria para restaurar una apariencia juvenil a la mama, incluso si usted ha tenido el aumento del pecho antes del embarazo.
¿Podré amamantar si tengo implantes?
En la mayoría de los casos, la cirugía de aumento de senos no interfiere con la lactancia materna, ya que los conductos de leche generalmente no perturbados durante el procedimiento. Cuando los implantes se colocan a través de una incisión alrededor de la areola, conductos de la leche a veces se rompen, lo que puede afectar la lactancia materna. Sin embargo, no todas las mujeres son naturalmente capaces de amamantar, ya sea que tengan o no la cirugía estética de las mamas.
Nuestros pacientes eligen someterse a aumento de senos para muchas diferentes razones médicas y estéticas, incluyendo equilibrar el tamaño del seno, compensando masa de mama reduce después del embarazo o la cirugía, y corrección de un defecto congénito de mama. Bajo nuestra atención de expertos, los pacientes disfrutan de excelente aspecto, los senos-sentimiento natural que son una o más tallas de copa más grande después de la operación. Por favor, visite nuestro sitio web en para obtener más información sobre los implantes mamarios o llame a nuestra oficina al (817) 473 – 2120.

According to the FDA, breast implants are not considered lifetime devices, but they also don’t necessarily have an expiration date. They need to be replaced only if they break, and they are not that fragile. They can handle hundreds of pounds of pressure, which is why a mammogram – which can apply up to 50 pounds – doesn’t harm them.
Through the years, manufacturers have increased the strength of the implant shell. On average, less than 3 percent of implants rupture or deflate.

If you’ve been considering breast implants, we’re sure you have a lot of questions. Questions like “How often do breast implants need to be replaced?” along with “How often do breast implants leak?”
For all of those questions, the short answer is: It varies. Breast implant longevity depends somewhat on the patient’s body and lifestyle, somewhat on the surgeon and implant type, and somewhat on chance. Here we’ve compiled more detailed answers that may help bring to light any uncertainties faced in the decision-making process of implants.
When Do Breast Implants Need to Be Replaced?
A common misconception is that breast implants need to be replaced or lifted every few years. Breast implants last longer than you may think. Which means: There is no reason to plan on having major surgery every few years for the rest of your life!
The reality of implants is that you should be aware that you may have one or two follow-up surgeries in your lifetime. It’s not a given, but it is better to be prepared for the possibility than to be surprised when you experience a complication or dissatisfaction with your implants.
When it comes to the “average lifespan” of implants, there are no guarantees. On average, the majority of implants last 10-20 years without complications. Recent FDA reports indicate that about 20% of women will have their breast implants repaired or replaced within 10 years of the original surgery.
How Often Do Breast Implants Leak?
As with all types of surgery, complications from breast implants vary widely. A common complication is a leaky or ruptured implant. When this happens, reparative surgery is not medically urgent or even necessary, but is performed for obvious cosmetic reasons.
Whether you are considering saline or silicone implants, the difference for how noticeable a leak is varies. Learn more about the difference between silicone and saline implants.

Please contact our office to find out more about breast implants at (817) 473-2120.  You can also visit our website at
En Espanol
Según la FDA, los implantes mamarios no se consideran dispositivos de por vida, pero también no necesariamente tienen una fecha de caducidad. Ellos necesitan ser reemplazados sólo si se rompen, y que no son tan frágiles. Ellos pueden manejar cientos de libras de presión, por lo que una mamografía – que puede aplicar hasta 50 libras – no perjudicarles.
A través de los años, los fabricantes han aumentado la resistencia de la cubierta del implante. En promedio, menos del 3 por ciento de los implantes se rompen o se desinfle.
Si usted ha estado considerando los implantes mamarios, estamos seguros de que tienes un montón de preguntas. Preguntas como “¿Con qué frecuencia los implantes mamarios deben ser sustituidos?”, Junto con “¿Con qué frecuencia se escapan los implantes mamarios?”
Por todas esas preguntas, la respuesta corta es: Varía. Breast longevidad del implante depende de alguna manera en el cuerpo y estilo de vida del paciente, tanto en el tipo de cirujano y el implante, y algo en el azar. Aquí hemos recopilado respuestas más detalladas que pueden ayudar a sacar a la luz cualquier incertidumbre que enfrentan en el proceso de toma de decisiones de los implantes.
¿Cuándo los implantes mamarios que ser reemplazado?
Un error común es que los implantes mamarios deben ser sustituidos o levantado cada pocos años. Los implantes de senos duran más de lo que piensa. Lo que significa: No hay razón para planear en tener una cirugía mayor cada pocos años para el resto de tu vida!
La realidad de los implantes es que usted debe tener en cuenta que es posible que tenga una o dos cirugías de seguimiento en su vida. No es un hecho, pero es mejor estar preparado para la posibilidad de ser sorprendido cuando usted experimenta una complicación o insatisfacción con sus implantes.
Cuando se trata de la “vida media” de los implantes, no hay garantías. En promedio, la mayoría de los implantes últimos 10-20 años sin complicaciones. Los últimos informes de la FDA indican que alrededor del 20% de las mujeres tendrán sus implantes mamarios reparados o reemplazados dentro de los 10 años de la cirugía original.
¿Con qué frecuencia los implantes mamarios de fugas?
Como con todos los tipos de cirugía, las complicaciones de los implantes mamarios varían ampliamente. Una complicación frecuente es un implante que gotea o roto. Cuando esto sucede, la cirugía reparadora no es médicamente urgente o incluso necesario, pero se realiza por razones estéticas evidentes.
Si usted está considerando salinos o implantes de silicona, la diferencia de cómo perceptible una fuga varía. Obtenga más información sobre la diferencia entre los implantes de silicona y solución salina.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con nuestra oficina para obtener más información sobre los implantes mamarios al (817) 473 a 2120. También puede visitar nuestro sitio web en

What Happens to Breast Implants As You Age?
Many patients choose to replace their implants because of the natural effects of aging. All breasts, whether natural or implanted, are subject to gravity, sun damage, lost tissue connectivity and the physical effects of motherhood.
The natural breast tissue changes and becomes more lax over time in all women, including those who have had breast augmentation. This means that unfortunately, some women will experience sagging of their breasts as they age, even after getting breast implants. Over time changes in the breasts happen, including: breast sagging, hormonal fluctuations size change, as well as visible rippling of the implants. Women who received implants before motherhood may discover that pregnancy and breastfeeding change the original appearance of their breast implants. Many women voluntarily return after they are through having children, wanting to restore their breasts to the look and feel of the original implants.
Some patients will therefore need further surgery in the future, like a breast lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, or a combination of these, to address this sagging and restore a more youthful appearance.
Some women can also experience hardening of the breasts over time known as “capsular contracture”. If this is severe or bothersome, more surgery is typically recommended. Fortunately, this has become much less frequent as implant technology and techniques have improved over the last several years.
As with any other type of surgery, patients can mitigate some of the risk of complications by selecting a surgeon who is well-experienced and has a respected presence in the medical community. Make sure you put your beauty in hands you can trust: Request a consultation with The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa today. You can also call our office at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at
En Espanol
¿Qué sucede con los implantes mamarios a medida que envejece?
Muchos pacientes optan por reemplazar sus implantes debido a los efectos naturales del envejecimiento. Todos los pechos, ya sea natural o implantado, están sujetos a la gravedad, el daño solar, perdieron la conectividad del tejido y los efectos físicos de la maternidad.
Los cambios en el tejido natural del pecho y se vuelve más laxa con el tiempo en todas las mujeres, incluidas las que han tenido aumento de mamas. Esto significa que, por desgracia, algunas mujeres experimentan la flacidez de sus senos a medida que envejecen, incluso después de recibir los implantes mamarios. Con el tiempo los cambios en los senos suceden, incluyendo: flacidez de mama, el cambio fluctuaciones tamaño hormonal, así como ondulación visible de los implantes. Las mujeres que recibieron implantes antes de la maternidad pueden descubrir que el embarazo y la lactancia materna cambian el aspecto original de sus implantes mamarios. Muchas mujeres regresan voluntariamente después de que son a través de tener hijos, con ganas de recuperar sus pechos a la apariencia de los implantes originales.
Por ello, algunos pacientes necesitarán cirugía adicional en el futuro, como un levantamiento de senos, reducción de senos, aumento de senos, o una combinación de éstos, para abordar esta flacidez y restaurar una apariencia más juvenil.
Algunas mujeres también pueden experimentar endurecimiento de los senos en el tiempo conocido como “contractura capsular”. Si esto es grave o molesto, se recomienda por lo general más de la cirugía. Afortunadamente, esto se ha convertido en mucho menos frecuentes a medida que la tecnología de implantes y las técnicas han mejorado en los últimos años.
Al igual que con cualquier otro tipo de cirugía, los pacientes pueden mitigar algunos de los riesgos de complicaciones por la selección de un cirujano que es muy experimentado y tiene una presencia respetable en la comunidad médica. Asegúrese de que usted pone su belleza en las manos que usted puede confiar: Solicite una consulta con la Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa en la actualidad. También puede llamar a nuestra oficina al (817) 473-2120 o visite nuestro sitio web en


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* Offer valid only for new BOTOX® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) and LATISSE® (bimatoprost ophthalmic solution) 0.03% patients. For qualified augmentation patients only; only a doctor can determine who is an appropriate patient candidate for these prescription products. Patients have the ability to choose any physician of their choice. Terms and restrictions apply.
The SkinMedica® product described here is intended to meet the FDA’s definition of a cosmetic product, an article applied to the human body to cleanse, beautify, promote attractiveness, and alter appearances. This cosmetic product is not intended to be a drug product to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.

Description: Natrelle® Gel—Discover the right one for you.
Description: Don’t miss out. Make an appointment today to take advantage of this exclusive offer.

Please see BOTOX® Cosmetic Approved Uses and Important Safety Information below or click here
Also, if you refer a friend—
for a Natrelle® Gel breast augmentation, she is eligible to receive a free
BOTOX® Cosmetic or LATISSE®treatment.
Natrelle® Breast Implants Important Information- Who may get breast implants (INDICATIONS)?
Natrelle® Breast Implants are indicated for women for the following:

Breast augmentation for women at least 22 years old for silicone-filled implants.
Breast augmentation for women at least 18 years old for saline-filled implants.
Breast augmentation includes primary breast augmentation to increase breast size, as well as revision surgery to correct or improve the result of a primary breast augmentation surgery.

Who should NOT get breast implants (CONTRAINDICATIONS)?

Breast implant surgery should not be performed in women with active infection anywhere in their body, with existing cancer or pre-cancer of their breast who have not received adequate treatment for those conditions, and women who are currently pregnant or nursing.
What else should I consider (WARNINGS)?
Breast implants are not lifetime devices or necessarily a one-time surgery. You may experience unacceptable dimpling, puckering, wrinkling, or other cosmetic changes of the breast, which may be permanent. Breast implants may affect your ability to produce milk for breastfeeding. Silicone-filled implants may rupture without symptoms. MRI examinations 3 years after surgery and then 2 years after can detect ruptures. Symptoms of a ruptured implant may be hard knots or lumps surrounding the implant or in the armpit, change or loss of size or shape of the breast or implant, pain, tingling, swelling, numbness, burning or hardening. Talk to your doctor about removing ruptured implants. Inform any other doctor if you have implants.


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