
18th Century

In 1895, surgeon Vincenz Czerny was responsible for the earliest breast implant emplacement. He used the patient’s loose connective tissue from a benign lumbar lipoma, to repair the asymmetry of the breast where he had removed the tumor.

19th Century

Morton I. Berson, in 1945, and Jacques Maliniac, in 1950, each performed flap-based breast augmentations by rotating the patient’s chest wall tissue into the breast to increase its volume.
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In the 1950’s, polyurethane, cartilage, wood and even glass balls, were all tried as breast implants. In addition, doctors started inserting sponge implants into women’s breasts. The sponge technique worked well at first, but did not last – the sponges soon shrank, and became “hard as baseballs” says Biggs.
In 1961, the American plastic surgeons Thomas Cronin and Frank Gerow, and the Dow Corning Corporation, developed the first silicone breast prosthesis, filled with silicone gel. “Frank Gerow squeezed a plastic blood bag and remarked how much it felt like a woman’s breast,” says Teresa Riordan, author of Inventing Beauty: A History of the Innovations that have Made Us Beautiful.”And he had this ‘Aha!’ moment, where he first conceived of the silicone breast implant.”

1st Silicone Breast Implant

It was spring 1962 when Timmie Jean Lindsey, a mother-of-six lay down on the operating table at Jefferson Davis hospital in Houston, Texas. Over the next two hours, she went from a B to a C cup, in an operation that made history. Lindsey went to the hospital that day to get a tattoo removed from her breasts, and it was then that doctors asked if she would consider volunteering for this first-of-its-kind operation. Fifty years later Timmie Jean Lindsey remains delighted with the results, though there is no stopping the passing of time, she says. She is still very happy with the little piece of history she carries inside her body. “It’s kind of awesome to know that I was first,” she says.


In 1964, the French company Laboratoires Arion developed and manufactured the saline breast implant, filled with saline solution, and then introduced for use as a medical device in 1964. The significance began to hit home when Cronin presented the work at the International Society of Plastic Surgeons in Washington DC in 1963. “The plastic surgery world was absolutely set on fire with enthusiasm,” says Biggs. It was the decade in which Playboy magazine and Barbie launched.

Fun Facts

2bb35c41ee0b4f4881e597291c5c6919In the early days, they only had four choices or sizes – large, medium, small and petite. Now we have over 450 choices! It is 54 years since the first breast enlargement using silicone implants. Today breast augmentation rates as one of the most popular form of cosmetic surgery worldwide, undergone by 1,348,197 women in 2014.
[calltoaction]To learn more about Breast Augmentation, please contact us at (817) 473-2120 today or email [email protected] [/calltoaction]

What Happens to Breast Implants As You Age?
Many patients choose to replace their implants because of the natural effects of aging. All breasts, whether natural or implanted, are subject to gravity, sun damage, lost tissue connectivity and the physical effects of motherhood.
The natural breast tissue changes and becomes more lax over time in all women, including those who have had breast augmentation. This means that unfortunately, some women will experience sagging of their breasts as they age, even after getting breast implants. Over time changes in the breasts happen, including: breast sagging, hormonal fluctuations size change, as well as visible rippling of the implants. Women who received implants before motherhood may discover that pregnancy and breastfeeding change the original appearance of their breast implants. Many women voluntarily return after they are through having children, wanting to restore their breasts to the look and feel of the original implants.
Some patients will therefore need further surgery in the future, like a breast lift, breast reduction, breast augmentation, or a combination of these, to address this sagging and restore a more youthful appearance.
Some women can also experience hardening of the breasts over time known as “capsular contracture”. If this is severe or bothersome, more surgery is typically recommended. Fortunately, this has become much less frequent as implant technology and techniques have improved over the last several years.
As with any other type of surgery, patients can mitigate some of the risk of complications by selecting a surgeon who is well-experienced and has a respected presence in the medical community. Make sure you put your beauty in hands you can trust: Request a consultation with The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa today. You can also call our office at (817) 473-2120 or visit our website at
En Espanol
¿Qué sucede con los implantes mamarios a medida que envejece?
Muchos pacientes optan por reemplazar sus implantes debido a los efectos naturales del envejecimiento. Todos los pechos, ya sea natural o implantado, están sujetos a la gravedad, el daño solar, perdieron la conectividad del tejido y los efectos físicos de la maternidad.
Los cambios en el tejido natural del pecho y se vuelve más laxa con el tiempo en todas las mujeres, incluidas las que han tenido aumento de mamas. Esto significa que, por desgracia, algunas mujeres experimentan la flacidez de sus senos a medida que envejecen, incluso después de recibir los implantes mamarios. Con el tiempo los cambios en los senos suceden, incluyendo: flacidez de mama, el cambio fluctuaciones tamaño hormonal, así como ondulación visible de los implantes. Las mujeres que recibieron implantes antes de la maternidad pueden descubrir que el embarazo y la lactancia materna cambian el aspecto original de sus implantes mamarios. Muchas mujeres regresan voluntariamente después de que son a través de tener hijos, con ganas de recuperar sus pechos a la apariencia de los implantes originales.
Por ello, algunos pacientes necesitarán cirugía adicional en el futuro, como un levantamiento de senos, reducción de senos, aumento de senos, o una combinación de éstos, para abordar esta flacidez y restaurar una apariencia más juvenil.
Algunas mujeres también pueden experimentar endurecimiento de los senos en el tiempo conocido como “contractura capsular”. Si esto es grave o molesto, se recomienda por lo general más de la cirugía. Afortunadamente, esto se ha convertido en mucho menos frecuentes a medida que la tecnología de implantes y las técnicas han mejorado en los últimos años.
Al igual que con cualquier otro tipo de cirugía, los pacientes pueden mitigar algunos de los riesgos de complicaciones por la selección de un cirujano que es muy experimentado y tiene una presencia respetable en la comunidad médica. Asegúrese de que usted pone su belleza en las manos que usted puede confiar: Solicite una consulta con la Cirugía Plástica y Paragon Med Spa en la actualidad. También puede llamar a nuestra oficina al (817) 473-2120 o visite nuestro sitio web en

Please also visit our website to learn more about Breast Augmentation at or call our office at (817) 473-2120

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Breast implants are still overwhelming choice for women, but since 2000 breast lifts are up 70 percent

New statistics released by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) show that breast lift procedures are growing at twice the rate of breast implant surgeries. Since 2000, breast lifts have grown by 70 percent, outpacing implants two-to-one. Breast implants are still by far the most performed cosmetic surgery in women, but lifts are steadily gaining. In 2013, more than 90,000 breast lift procedures were performed by ASPS member surgeons.
“Many women are looking for a youthful breast by using the tissue they already have,” said ASPS President Robert X. Murphy, Jr., MD.
According to the new statistics, women between the ages of 30-54 made up nearly 70 percent of the breast lift procedures performed in 2013.
According to the latest statistics from ASPS, fewer than 53,000 breast lifts were performed in 2000. Last year there were 90,006, an increase of 70 percent since 2000.
Breast augmentation remains the most popular plastic surgery procedure for women. In 2013, there were 290,224 breast augmentation surgeries performed by ASPS member surgeons. That represents a growth of 37% since 2000, just under half the rate of breast lifts.

This information is brought to you courtesy of Dr. Bishara and The Paragon Plastic Surgery & Med Spa staff.
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